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Ever felt like you've missed out on something?


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I do - Resident Evil.

Never played any of them properly on PS1 and never played any of the next gen games either. This week PS+ has Resi 2 & 3 up for free download, so I've grabbed them. Not played them yet, but they're there for me to dip into when the fancy takes me. I remember played Resi 1 on PS1 at a mates years and years ago, and not liking the controls at all, so that put me off them all together I guess. In fact, 'survival horror' as a whole I've never really given a proper go, not any of the Resi games, not Silent Hill, not Alone in the Dark, not Amnesia, not Fatal Frame/Project Zero...in fact, the only ones I've really ever liked were the very recent Dead Space and the pretty old Enemy Zero (on the Saturn!)

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Horror games have always been a genre I hold great affinity for.

I really wish I'd been involved in the early days on MMOs, specifically Ultima Online in the late 90s. In fact, online PC gaming in general from that era was something I wasn't really a part of. I didn't start gaming online on PC until around AvP2 came out.

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I feel like I missed out on the Mario series. I was a Sega fanboy as a kid and the Sonic games held a lot of wonder for me, but then I'd peek into enemy territory and see people playing the Mario games and think 'wow, that looks even better'. Particularly when my cousins first got a SNES and fired up Super Mario World, my jaw dropped. For one reason or another though I never got to play more than a few minutes of any Mario game right up until I played through Mario Sunshine on a communal Gamecube - loved it, even though I later learnt it was much derided by Mario fans. How good must the other games be if the worst was that much fun?? Then there was Mario kart, in its 16 bit incarnation - another one a cruel friend waved under my nose for a few minutes before switching the cartridge. Hell, I just missed out on the SNES and Nintendo in general. Many of my favourite gaming moments have been on Gamecube and N64 even though I never owned either one, and nowadays I continue to miss out on stuff like Mario Galaxy.

Trying to make amends with the aid of a certain Dolphin ;)

I also completely skipped over the noughties craze for browny-grey, gritty FPSes with either cover-based shooting or ironsights, be it of the WW2, 'modern warfare' or spacemarine varieties. I felt like nothing from those categories ever appealed to me, yet the popularity and persistence of a few of the franchises has led to the growing feeling that I'm 'missing out' despite that.

I felt like I was missing out on footie management games too until I took the plunge a year or two ago and haven't looked back :) Similar experience with racing games. As a console kid, PCRPGs like Fallout and Daggerfall were something I felt like I was missing out on until around the turn of the millenium until I got a computer and turned myself into a diehard.

EDIT: um, whoever decided that a word filter swapping G.C for AMcL was a good idea, certainly made it potentially very confusing to talk about the Gamecube :lol: I feel like I'm missing out with the GC, but in a very different way

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Exactly the same for me with Resident Evil and MMO's.

Resi - Awkward controls, cheesy convoluted story and weird gameplay decisions (potions, stopping to shoot, ink ribbons etc...), really put me off the early games and im not a fan of the newer ones really, I played 4 but didnt really enjoy it all that much. I played an hour of 5 then traded it in.

MMO's - time and money

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I 'missed' WoW but tried several free-to-play MMOs as well as Eve Online afterwards. Actually, 'tried' doesn't do it justice - I sank hundreds of hours into games like Eve and Emil Chronicle Online (look that one up if you want to laugh at me). But they didn't feel like enjoyable games at all, more like comforting habits. So, having now ditched all MMOs, I look back on WoW and its ilk and feel like I didn't miss anything at all.

Guild Wars 2 is looking sort of tempting though...

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I haven't played games since the SNES. I look in the Skyrim thread as it seemed like a really interesting game with funny moments throughout. People at work discuss games a lot and play them at home chatting to each other (via headsets?) which I wasn't even aware you could do. I felt like I was missing out. :(

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i'd been a huge fan of the snes, IMO its still my favourite console but i went for a ps1 and when it came out i simply couldnt afford one and would have really struggled to afford the games too, strangely i only knew about 3 people with one too

i got one eventually from gamestation about 5 years ago but it had been and gone, never played goldeneye, zelda oot, mario 64 etc

it was similar when the dreamcast came out, i didnt know anyone that had one but my brother, so as awesome as it was (and it was awesome) i didnt play a single multiplayer game

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I can't think of any games or series that I particularly feel like I've missed out on, most things I've had the inclination to play I have at some point or another.

But perhaps on a slight tangent, I do feel like I've missed out by not being a good fighting game player. I've played loads over the years and always loved them, but I've never been especially good. Or even that decent, really. I kinda feel like if I were a good player, I'd have gotten so much more out of them, got so much more depth from them and maybe just enjoyed them more, especially if I had a group of friends at the same level.

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Call of Duty online. PLayed it as handful of times with my mate, got owned every time. Put me off.

I used to think Final Fantasy, but not anymore. i don't think I've missed much there.

MMOs I guess. I've never played one.

There's quite a few recent games that I've never played. The Fallouts and Mass Effects etc of this world. But there are few games these days that I anticipate, if that makes sense, so I end up missing them. A hadful of titles aside (Zelda, Mario etc) there's few that i look forward to.

I usually wait until a year or two has passed and people are saying "Oh man, Half Life 2 is/was incredible" then I pick it up and play it.

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