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I've had a bit of a demo frenzy over the last couple of days.

Dragon's Dogma demo got released for non-Gold folks finally so I had chance to take a look at it. I desperately want to like it. But it's too... it's too Japanese I guess. Unwieldy controls, slightly confused gameplay decisions, odd decisions all over the shop. It feels like a game where lots of ideas were thrown at it, and a lot of them had great potential, but once they were in the game in a roundly workable fashion, nobody bothered to polish it.

It may be that it's a poor demo that fails to explain how all this works but it felt lost in it all. It looks pretty enough and there are cool ideas (the very idea of large scale fantasy game with good third person combat is a simple one but rarely works out, for a start) but just doesn't work for me.

Dirt Showdown looks like something Codemasters knocked up in a teabreak. Didn't blow my socks off.

And the Hitman: Absolution Sniper Challenge. This is available to people who preorder the title through certain avenues. It's the most simple minigame tie in to the Hitman series you could imagine. You are Agent 47, your challenged with taking out a target at a party and as many bodyguards as possible with nothing but a trusty sniper rifle, 50 rounds, and your ingenuity. So what you get is 15 minutes from your snipers nest to get as high a score as possible, with bonuses being awarded for never arousing any suspicion, streaks of kill types (headshots and the like), and then challenges to take out targets in particularly interesting ways. Fail to kill the main target and you lose.

It's great. Absurdly simple concept but it really works. I've only had a couple of cracks it at (and not done fantastically well, it benefits from replays as you spot different... opportunities around the environment) and enjoyed it immensely. Clocking onto the fact that that bodyguard on the lower walkway with good timing can be taken out by dropping that raised platform with barrels on it on his head by shooting out the supporting rope, and that this guard can be made to fall over the railing and thus leave no body if you nail him now is just... well, it's simple fun. As you build up points you unlock perks and the like COD style, reducing breathing sway on the sights and whatnot and it seems you also can unlock things for the full game out later this year.

It's a really basic and simple little thing, and worth a look if you can get hold of a code for it. Having to put down a preorder to get it is a little stingey, and I've heard some retailers have said something like the preorder is entirely binding if you take up the download offer or other such madness so be careful if you just want to have a shot at this and aren't fussed about the game, but I think it's worth a look. Word is that they're thinking about making this into a little extra mode on the full release with extra scenarios and so on, which I think might be a good move.

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Well, I haven't been bowled over by Max Payne 3 yet. I'm three/four hours in and it just seems so bland and repetitive.

The main USP of the game is it's gun-play, and to be fair that's all done well with decent controls and a nice difficulty balance on the enemies. The problem is there is literally no creativity to the combat at all. For all intents and purposes it might as well be an 'on rail' shooter for the amount of variety it contains, and as you spend 90% of the game shooting then that's an issue. It certainly doesn't feel like a game which was made nearly a decade after Max Payne 2 (which i loved), you would have thought they might have come up with some original ideas to the main core of the game in that time.

I also think they've overdone the whole 'noir' look and feel. Some of the cut scenes and voice overs almost veer into comedy it's laid on so thick, and cliches abound around every corner (almost to the point of cringing).

Had a blast on the multiplayer earlier and have to say I enjoyed that more than the single player.

So, it's a decent game which i'm sure many people will enjoy as it's solidly put together but I think I was just expecting a bit more than Max Payne 2.1.

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I've gone from play NA Tera to playing EU Tera. Had my arm twisted by some work colleagues to make the jump. So for any of you lot still playing, feel free to hit me up on the Essenia server. Character name is Faction.

Its kinda supplanted my time playing Diablo!

Also, if any Games and Gaming VT folk want to use it for their Diablo group runs or whatever, I now run a 50 slot mumble server. I'll post up the ip address or something if there's any interest.

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I was just about to post in the Diablo thread that we should pony up for Mumble or Vent or make sure everybody has Skype installed.

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Looks like the perfect zombie game, doesnt it? I have a mate who has played it a fair bit, prefers to go it alone in the woods and perform daring night raids into zombie infested towns for goodies, rather than teaming up with others. Would love to have a go myself, but I'm aware tha Arma is pretty demanding and don't think my PC is up to the task.

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Finished crysis 2 last night, enjoyed it the story is a bit more complicated than it needed to be and it's considerably weaker towards the end when you are against the ceth (felt too haloish IMO)

Still I got it dirt cheap from blockbuster and got my money back at cex

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Very tempted to buy ArmA II: CO just to have a go at DayZ Mod.

There's certainly quite a bit of buzz surrounding this mod at the moment. I bought ARMA II in one of the steam sales last year but have never bothered to download it. I think I might have to now.

Also, FRAPSed some Tera BAM fightin'! This game has got its hooks into me well and proper.

Dragon's Dogma turned up today too. Woo!

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Dragon's Dogma turned up today too. Woo!

Have you played it yet Sie?

If so, thoughts please, as i'm debating trading in Max Payne 3 (boring and repetitive) for it tomorrow.

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Hmmm I forgot Dragon's Dogma was out - think it'll be next on the list as I've just finished Uncharted 3 (very good btw)

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I hope DD has improved since the demo, I found it rather dull and the controls quite awkward. I still have loads of games I've barely touched from months and months ago though that I should now get onto since I've reached my skill limit with Trials Evolution.

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I'm still slogging away on Forza 4. That game desperately needs a track pack or two released, but its never going to get any. Theres a fair few tracks and numerous layouts on them but it don't half get tiresome doing lap after lap on the same 5 tracks for a lot of the later events.

The Porsche Pack is a decent add in though - 30 Porsches added in, a few too many race 911s with differing paintjobs but the series has always suffered with that, but a lot of nice cars from 40 years of Porsches, even stuff like the 914. And, in a nice touch, a few models have options to change bumpers and other trim which, particularly for the 70s/80s 911s, lets you effectively make models that aren't fully featured in the pack, which is nice. Adds in some new Porsche inspired events to the game too, which is nice.

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Enjoying Dragons Dogma so far - It's nice that there are 'big' monster encounters pretty much from the get go. The graphics, look and feel of the game seem pretty decent too and the combat seems solid.

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Did you play the demo? Is the finished game any different to it?

Sorry fella, didn't play the demo as I read that it was quite different from the actual game and I didn't want my judgment to be clouded.

Seems I was right to do so as I'm really enjoying the full version.

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Do us a favour and download the demo and give it a quick play through will you?

Then I want an 800 word essay comparing and contrasting the two due in monday 9am sharp. :winkold:

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I finally got around to picking up The Witcher 2, which I've been meaning to for a few months. Pretty much as a result of http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gFJoP1yL-z4.

Maybe it's a cynical PR ploy, but they seem to be one of the few devs who aren't constantly bending their fans over. EA, ActiBlizz and co, take note. Not being clearings in the woods to your customers makes them more likely to give you cash.

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