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Borderlands remains one of the most painfully dull gaming experiences of my life.

Myself, I'm working through Saints Row the Third. I don't love it. It's totally decent but, somehow, theres just something that doesn't grab me. I think it's too daft - it feels throwaway, a cheap thrill. Hoping to round it out before Dishonored on Friday, a birthday present to myself :D

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Never really got into Gears of War. I can see why it's a good game, just never got me hooked.

They're not amazing, but they're fun.

And much better as a co-op game than as a single player.

If I didn't know that my mate would come and play through the campaign with me, then I probably wouldn't bother buying it.

But I know he will, and it'll provide 10-15 hours of fun gaming through the campaign, and then however long we decide to play multiplayer/hoarde for.

As I said, I'll probably play it for a week and never touch it again. But it was only £7 so that's more than enough gameplay for me :)

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Having now advanced a bit further than that, I can see some of the appeal, and am starting to actaully enjoy it - but it doesnt make me want to run out and buy Borderlands 2, which is why I've gone back to it in the first place really, to see if i really was missing out on anything. I can say that I've been having more fun with Borderlands 1 the further I've progressed though, so maybe giving it some more time will lead me to enjoy it even more.

I'm level 62 or 63 on playthrough 2.5, just raided the Crimson Armory in the Knoxx DLC for the first time. 110 chests, so it's farming heaven, aside from that whole getting blown up after 2.5 minutes thing. Lotsa new enemies (Mini Steve is the BEST), though some of the side missions can get overly grindy in all the DLCs. Collect 10 brains! Now collect 25 brains! Now collect 50 brains! Now collect 100 brains! Now collect 250 brains!

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I've just beat Sledge, the first proper boss guy. I have enjoyed more as I've gone on, and continue to, to the point were I'm actually quite looking forward to loading it up every evening and having a blast for an hour or 2. Which is something I could not believe i would ever say after my previous experience with it.

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Playing RE6. Only about an hour in on the Leon campaign and for me it's ok. Too arcadey and I don't really like the fact that you have to select what campaign you can do as opposed to having it all link together seamlessly. QTE are a bit much as mentioned and they seem to have focussed more on graphics than story.

However, as i've not fought a boss yet i'm going to give it a chance. Hopefully the boss battles will make this game.

Why they ever decided to move further away from RE4 I will never know. Until RE2 is remade in the style of the RE:make on the Gamecube this series is only going to get worse.

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XCOM on PC. Ruddy brilliant! Even better than the amazing original game. :)

Waiting for my steam pre-load to unlock. Can't wait. I used to love the original.

Played the demo and like the little that I saw of this. I like the idea of a memorial page for all your men who have died and the chance to customise them.

One reviewer changed all medics armour to red so they were easily identifiable on the battlefield, which is a good idea.

Come on midnight ... hurry up. Until then I'm messing about on the original game.

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So, XCOM is pretty good.

Taking a break after playing since about 8am...Best game I've played this year, easily.

I like the idea of a memorial page for all your men who have died

I do not like this. Those who died were at fault and have only themselves to blame, no memorial in my command centre thank you very much.

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My copy of Forza Horizon came early, and a couple of hours of driving around mock Colorado later, it's glorious.

I don't care for the presentation of it, the whole conceit of the 'Horizon Festival', but it's just good fun. It's Forza 4 trimmed down and crashed through PGR, by way of Burnout Paradise. Theres enough of the sim there to bring in Forza lovers like myself, it adds in a few bits of the Kudos system from PGR to add some arcade-y shenanigans and the freedom of the Burnout Paradise with none of the annoyances of that game's open city.

It's great. Looks fantastic too. Wrapping the whole thing in this painfully 'down with the kids... right?' setting is a shame but whatever, it's brilliant.

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I just played the Forza Horizon demo and was very impressed. I think I may have to pick it up at some point soon, although I got Dishoored a few days ago and have had no time to play it so maybe I'll hold off a little while.

Horizon is very stylish though, and looks so, so pretty.

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anyone else finding the pre season of madden 2013 infuriating?

gone from winning the super bowl in the 1st year to being utter gash in the 3rd as i cant seem to keep my players, might be because im playing as the texans who have a rubbish team prestige but i lost schaub to the patriots after the 1st year and its gone downhill from there

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In true Stevo style, I've just picked up Gears of War 3, so that's what I'll be playign for the next week.

Actually maybe not even a week. With GoW 2 a mate and I blasted through it in one night. Played a few games of Hoarde the next day and I haven't touched it since :D So I'll probably end up doing the same with this.

Finally playd through this over the weekend.

Bit of a let down to be honest. Felt it fell into the trap that a lot of games seem to these days (in my experience) of ending up like an interactive movie.

Too may bits where it's like "Oh we need to get out of this building before it collapses!"

It'll never collapse with you in it. And the bit where you're fighting aliens is just filling the gap between cut scenes

So yeah. Any of the GoW series aren't classics, but they're good. But this was the worst of the 3 I'd say. Too easy as well, we played on "Hard" (only one setting harder than that) and I'd say we could count the number of times we properly died on one hand.

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