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I always felt that RE4 was a very good game and I enjoyed playing it, but it was a lousy RE game if you get my drift. The storyline sucked and features like the merchant, Ashley and in fact many of the enemies were just awful (again if we're analyzing it as an RE game).

Crapcom sold the franchise upstream from as early as 3. RE3 was a good game but always struck me as an attempt to milk the series for the sake of it, it was also too easy.

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nah the on rails shooters was when i started to doubt the series

3 was ok, veronica IMO was brilliant, REmake and 0 were both good, i actually felt the series needed RE4 but now it feels like they took a step in that direction, it was succesful, so now they've decided to fling themselves as far as they possibly can in that direction and the result is RE6 (strangely enough the same thing has happened with the utterly shit films too) they've killed the golden goose

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What the series needed was this

unfortunately crapcom bottled it and gave us 4.

RE5 sold very well and Capcom project RE6 to sell 7 million copies. I think it's clear that they've once and for all, turned their backs on the fanbase that made RE a success in the first place. They looking to the younger COD generation now. I mean RE with co-op? please, it's just awful.

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Resident Evil doesn't really know what it is any more. RE4 was a revolutionary and ground breaking step for action games generally and more specifically third person shooters - it influenced pretty much ever example of the genre that followed - but it also completely left behind what Resident Evil series had founded itself on. And subsequently the games influenced by RE4 have overtaken the series by miles.

Subsequently they've tried to evolve the hit they had in RE4 by adding in elements from other hit series and it just hasn't worked. RE6 has a fairly clear influence from COD and Gears, for instance, and it's not for the better. It could do with going back to it's roots to develop a truly interesting game again (assuming they did it properly... a fairly big assumption), but games these days are so expensive to do seriously top level stuff that you have to try to appeal to broad demographics and the fact of the matter is a survival horror game these days doesn't have the pull.

RE6 itself, regardless of it's ropey standing these days, isn't helped by the fact that, by all accounts, it's just a bit shit.

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It blows 1 out of the water once you get past the opening few hours.

The PC version any good? Didn't enjoy AC1 on the PC very much.

Never played any of the series on the PC but, besides Ubisofts notorious DRM (that I assume would be present on the game), I can't imagine it being a particularly poor play on the platform. It's a far better game the first one though, it's less regimented and has better characters and more confidence in itself.

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It blows 1 out of the water once you get past the opening few hours.

The PC version any good? Didn't enjoy AC1 on the PC very much.

Never played any of the series on the PC but, besides Ubisofts notorious DRM (that I assume would be present on the game), I can't imagine it being a particularly poor play on the platform. It's a far better game the first one though, it's less regimented and has better characters and more confidence in itself.

I thought the PC version of AC1 was fine. Although I played all the subsequent ones on the PS3. Love this series. Can't wait for AC3, looks like its gonna be awesome.

And the "making of" videos they've recently been releasing are very cool :D

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Forgot I had d/loaded The Orange Box on 360 the other day, it's still amazing how no game since has created such a sense of time, place and being than HL2. Amazing atmosphere. Only just started working my way to Eli's place. Graphics still (only just) hold up now but it still looks inspired.

Not looking forward to the vehicle sections though :P

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It blows 1 out of the water once you get past the opening few hours.

You're right!

The first few hours are very dull (I think they were trying to sneak in a tutorial into the beginning) but the game picks up a lot afterwards. The tombs are utterly brilliant and it's a shame there are only 6 of them.

The only slight criticism is that the side quests (assassinations, courier missions) are a bit pointless.

Ordered the Brotherhood for a fiver.

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It blows 1 out of the water once you get past the opening few hours.


AC1 was a great concept, executed terribly. Repetetive gameplay, crap story and the most boring cutscenes ever seen in a video game. And they were very long and unskippable too.

AC2 on the other hand, was excellent.

IMO of course.

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It blows 1 out of the water once you get past the opening few hours.

You're right!

The first few hours are very dull (I think they were trying to sneak in a tutorial into the beginning) but the game picks up a lot afterwards. The tombs are utterly brilliant and it's a shame there are only 6 of them.

The only slight criticism is that the side quests (assassinations, courier missions) are a bit pointless.

Ordered the Brotherhood for a fiver.

If you enjoy 2 Brotherhood is more of the same. A little smaller in focus but polishes 2's gameplay to a mirror shine and adds in a couple of nice new features. I personally prefer 2 overall (it has more variety) but the Brotherhood mechanic is a really nice addition.

Revelations can probably be skipped unless you really want more Ezio after Brotherhood - it's the weakest of the AC2 'trilogy' by a distance, simply by adding little of note and not really doing a whole lot with the plot (despite the title)

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In true Stevo style, I've just picked up Gears of War 3, so that's what I'll be playign for the next week.

Actually maybe not even a week. With GoW 2 a mate and I blasted through it in one night. Played a few games of Hoarde the next day and I haven't touched it since :D So I'll probably end up doing the same with this.

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Yup, RE6 falls off a cliff about half-way through Leon's campaign. Still, some cheap thrills/laughs to be had occasionally, especially the gloriously ludicrous "execution" manoeuvres. There just aren't enough games where you can explode a zombie's head with a running bulldog. And hey, at least my thumbs are getting some exercise with the '1 QTE per 5 minutes of gameplay'. <_<

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I've been giving Borderlands 1 another go. When I tried it before, I found it to be pretty painful stuff, boring, stodgy, annoying, tedious, and so on. I came to this conclusion having played it for not all that long, think I got to only level 12 or something, and pretty much just gave up as I simply wasn't having any fun with it.

Having now advanced a bit further than that, I can see some of the appeal, and am starting to actaully enjoy it - but it doesnt make me want to run out and buy Borderlands 2, which is why I've gone back to it in the first place really, to see if i really was missing out on anything. I can say that I've been having more fun with Borderlands 1 the further I've progressed though, so maybe giving it some more time will lead me to enjoy it even more.

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