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It does look great visually and thus far I have really enjoyed The Witcher 2. I'm not far in though and haven't had much chance to play it, despite picking it up on release day.

Good so far though...

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The things I've read about The Witcher 2 are very positive, and a friend of mine told me that as far as the difficulty goes, it's tough to begin with and has a steep difficulty curve, but you learn from your mistakes. He described it as "a less punishing Demon's Souls".

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Add Dragon Age: Origins to my list. Just got the origin story done. It's alright thus far, not overly into the combat system but I guess I may settle into it. It's an excellent way of looking how at far Bioware have come with stuff like UI since this came out, it feels really old school despite only being, what... 3 years old?

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Dragon Age Origins was deliberately old school.

Its silly that I've bought that game twice and still barely progressed in it (yet still clocked about 15 hours). These days I just can't be arsed to download it again through steam.

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Tribes Ascend

Yup, still playing this.

Been hearing great things about this. Worth the download?

I've been playing this the last couple of days. It's brilliant, the skiing is great fun.

Oh, and it's free.

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Been playing 'I am Alive' for 9.99 it's pretty good. Some dark shit going on in it. The gameplay reminds me a bit of the first Manhunt, especially towards the end.
Considering picking it up, really liked the demo. Worth the moolah?
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I've got I Am Alive, but havent progressed too far into it. It is quite punishing of mistakes, to the point that I actually replayed the first hour and a half from scratch as I had lost all my 'retrys' aka lives. The kind of mistakes you'll make in the early running though are ones that appear to allow you to learn from them so I don't think there will be too many more nasty surprises coming up where I don't know what to do. Computer games being what they are though, if someone points a gun at you, then you point your gun at them and blast their brains out, right? Well, actually, no...that adjustment took a little time to get used to.

I'm plodding along very nicely with Tales of Graces f, the story remains free of a world threatening evil which I must say is surprising...pleasantly surprising, that is. The battle system is really, properly, good aswell. Most battles are fast and furious, and the game continually throws challenges at you for even the most mundane of fights, and likewise throws no end of rewards at you for completing them, or just generally for doing, uh, stuff. The item crafting system is decent aswell, it seemed very simple on the surface to me but there seems to be quite some depth to the weapon/armor crafting side of things.

And still playing SARPBC :) Even after over 3 years of near daily play, it still gives me so much pleasure. I scored a quite frankly sick reverse aerial goal the other week which had me literally jumping for joy. I'll have to upload and 'tube it, so you can share my elation ^___^

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I think I'll have to give this SARPBC a go at some point, it does look like a lot of fun. Also, how have you got Tales of Graces f? It's not out over here yet is it?

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No, I think the expected release date is Q3 this year. Got it from a UK seller who had imported it, cost ~£50, but I wasn't prepared to risk getting it cheaper and importing it myself as I've been stung by customs in the past.

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I scored a quite frankly sick reverse aerial goal the other week which had me literally jumping for joy. I'll have to upload and 'tube it, so you can share my elation ^___^

For anyone interested/who cares, here it is :D

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It's more of an interactive movie. I always thought it was a cool idea that needed to be implemented differently, but generally it's rated fairly well. How much of that is because it's just different is open to discussion.

God of War 3 won't let you escape the QTEs though ;)

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It's not even a particularly good movie, at least not so far. Dedicating 10 hours of my life to something that would barely scrape the 11pm slot on Five is just not on I'm afraid.

What's with holding R2 to walk? The resident evil 1 camera? Janky as hell.

I've read a few reviews since I ejected the disk and stuck it back in the box forever more and I'm suprised and disappointed at the sanctimonious bile in the games press surrounding this pile of junk.

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I'm off to trade it is tomorrow for God of War 3 in order to cleanse myself of the QTE hell I lost three hours of my life to.

:lol: Oh the irony!

I know what you mean about Heavy Rain being a tad boring, but you just have to go into it with the mindset that it's not really a game and take it for what it is. I got the story ruined for me by a complete dick at work. Basically, when Heavy Rain first came out I was at work and me and this bell-end were having a talk about a game and it ended up with us talking about game moments from history, I think I compared to a moment in the game to the epic moment from FF7 concerning Aeris, one of the most well-known parts of videogame history. Anyway, turned out this guy had never played FF7 and somehow had managed to avoid hearing about the Aeris thing, so him being a dickface, he called me on it for spoiling it for him, to which he then promptly told me who the killer in Heavy Rain is. I don't think that was a fair trade-off since FF7 has been around since 1997 and it's a very well-known thing!

Anyway, I digress. Heavy Rain was a bit boring, but then the bits where your characters can die are pretty intense. I particularly hate QTE's so I enjoyed it less than most, but yeah God of War is not a good alternative if you hate them too!

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[i don't think that was a fair trade-off since FF7 has been around since 1997 and it's a very well-known thing!

Quite right; in fact all you had to do (in the days of the PS1 when it was first released/still around in games shops) was look at the back of the gamecase - it actually has a picture of Cloud holding a pretty obviously dead Aerith right there. **** knows who thought that was a good idea :lol: The PAL version that is (both the platinum and non-platinum versions), so no there's really no excuse for not knowing that one.

I liked Heavy Rain myself, but did struggle to get through it on a repeat playthrough when doing some stuff differently.

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