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NG+ of Arkham City done.

Such a good game. And probably the last achievement I'll get on that game since I'm nowhere near good enough at the combat to do the challenge rooms to a good enough degree or do the 'all moves in 1 combo' achievement, unless I buy the latest DLC which I've heard mixed things about.

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After the extremely disappointing and boring demo I thought id take a risk and give Dragon's Dogma a purchase on a whim as its not normally the type of game id buy.

Risk. Paid. Off.

Great game, a lot more fun than the demo, seems absolutely massive in scale. Looks nice too although the screen tearing is immersion breaking unless you change down to 720p (a well known problem with a few capcom games).

Great stuff. Glad I bought it so far.

Oh and THE best intro/main menu music ive ever experienced in any game ever. Mental.

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NG+ of Arkham City done.

Such a good game. And probably the last achievement I'll get on that game since I'm nowhere near good enough at the combat to do the challenge rooms to a good enough degree or do the 'all moves in 1 combo' achievement, unless I buy the latest DLC which I've heard mixed things about.

I've been going through the Riddler's Revenge challenge rooms and have gold medals on every combat challenge and all of the stealth maps bar the last one which is really freakin' hard!

I once thought like you though, that I was only average at the combat but then I attempted the achievement where you have to get every combat move into one combo. After practicing that for a while (and getting it) I noticed my combat skills and reaction times vastly improved which helped me do the challenge maps.

Do you know that the achievement to get all of the combat moves doesn't include all of the gadget moves? You only have to include one of the gadget moves in order to get the achievement. The achievement requires 13 separate moves in the combo, those being:

Strike - Square on PS3/X on 360

Counter - Triangle/Y

Evade - Cross/A

Cape Stun - Circle/B

Ultra Stun - Circle x3/B x3

Aerial Attack - Cape Stun, Evade x2

Beat Down - Cape Stun, Strike x8 (I think)

Ground Takedown - R2+Triangle/RT+Y

Instant Takedown - Triangle+Circle/Y+B (with high combo)

Multi Ground Takedown - Circle+Cross/B+A (with high combo)

Bat Swarm - Cross+Square/A+X (with high combo)

Disarm & Destroy - Square+Triangle/X+Y (with high combo)

Gadget Move

With regards to the Gadget Move, personally, I prefer the Batclaw Slam (L1+Triangle/LB+Y) and I do it as the first move as soon as the combat challenge begins. Generally a few guys run towards you at the start, but using the Batclaw Slam seems to aim for a guy further away. It pulls you away from the initial guys who start attacking and you can get it out of the way without getting hit whilst performing it which tends to happen if you try using it at any other time in the challenge it seems.

Also, do the achievement on Survival of the Fittest (Extreme) map, since it has the easiest selection of enemy types. Round 3 is your best bet since it has enough enemies without going crazy. Practice enough and you get into a routine. I generally went, Batclaw Slam, Stun, Beat Down (I usually had to Counter from other guards attacking me during the Beat Down before going back to beating down the first guy) and then I try to Disarm & Destroy anyone with weapons because weapon attacks, stun batons and shields really mess things up.

Doing Beat Downs and countering from other guys during the Beat Downs is a great way of getting your combos up so that you can use the Special Take Down moves, so that's my default go-to move if I'm ever found wondering what move to do next.

I leave the Ground Takedown until the last guy because other enemies have a habit of interrupting the combo since Ground Takedown takes quite some time to perform. It's also good to use the Ultra Stun on the last guard which then puts him on the floor enabling the Ground Takedown, otherwise, as you know, you can always knockout the final enemy just by striking them.

It's just practice, and fortunately it's a hell of a lot of fun to keep practicing. When you do it, you'll find it amazing how fluid you get to be and it feels really cool. I hope that helps!

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just picked up arklam city and will be hopefully starting it soon

hich one is better out of the two?

Arkham City?

I much preferred the setting of Arkham City, It looks stunning! But Arkham Asylum is set in an Asylum so not much competition there. However, I preferred Asylum for "Boss" encounters.

There isn't much between them to be honest, both great games.

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City has better gameplay mechanics, they fiddled with the combat just a little and polished it up, and made encounters have more variety with new enemy types and tactics, and being a more open setting has more interesting traversal systems (gliding about the place mostly), and has more fun with that environment. They also added in lots of extra things to do - the Riddler stuff is almost a campaign in it's own right, and there are a few side stories to pick up on as you explore the City, running into Bane for example. They also expanded massively on the challenge room side of the game.

Arkham Asylum is a tighter game, the entire thing is driven by a tight plot that sees you go from one place to another, and the only diversion is things like the Riddler trophies and puzzles.

Theres not a lot in it. Asylum has a better story (just), and is more cohesive. City is a more accomplished, ambitious and confident game. If you loved Asylum you'll love City once you get used to the slight differences.

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I think that's a very good assessment of things. I can see why players who enjoy story most in games prefer Arkham Asylum since it's more linear and tight-knit. As Chindie says though, Arkham City is more accomplished and has a lot more polish to it and has more going on.

Asylum is a 3rd person adventure game, City is too but is also largely a sandbox. You should play them both because they're both great games but also because City is the sequel so there are parts of the narrative of Arkham City (particularly the Joker storyline) that won't make as much sense without first having played Asylum.

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The thing with City is that it's not really a sandbox - theres something approaching an open world but it doesn't give you the tools to play with that you expect of a sandbox. And while it is an open world, in a way, it's really more of an open hub. I'd expect an open world to be fairly seemless, a large majority of the game taking place in a world without loading into new areas. What Arkham City does is basically take the hub idea of the asylum in the previous game, and expand on it, adding a bit more genuine gameplay to that hub and also making it more open (as opposed to the narrow 'doughnut' of the previous game).

It's a decent trick, it's only when you think about it that the game isn't as open as you might think, it has the same foundations of it's predecessor, a hub, and 'levels' spreading out off it. Games have had the same spine for years, but the Arkham games do it very well and elegantly.

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True enough, the city certainly isn't as large or interactive as true sandbox games such as GTA or Just Cause, for example. It does make it seem like the city is bigger than it is by having different areas of the city with different villain's henchmen and certain buildings you can enter and the sewer areas.

It's a testament to the game itself that it makes the city seem grander than it actually is. Hub is a better term, yet it's certainly quite a large and more interactive hub compared to hubs used in other games such as The Nexus in Demon's Souls.

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I had some vouchers to use up at Game, so I decided to buy a couple of games and I ended up with Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and God Of War 3. I can't decide which to play first :?

Anyone played either and can give me some feedback? Thanks.

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plat gow3 first. you'll be done in 8/10 hours and its really good.

Cheers buddy, I've heard good things about it. Apparently the sheer scale of the game and graphics are amazing? I am a little bit dubious about Ghost Recon after hearing mixed reviews, but we shall see.

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I've finally started on Halo Anniversary, been sat on my shelf since release more or less.

I'm not the biggest fan of the Halo franchise but I did enjoy the first years ago when I played it on the PC. Playing it today, with tarted up visuals... I really don't like it. It's harder than I remember and has levels that go on and on and on... It's not particularly fun, it's tedious.

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I've finally started on Halo Anniversary, been sat on my shelf since release more or less.

I'm not the biggest fan of the Halo franchise but I did enjoy the first years ago when I played it on the PC. Playing it today, with tarted up visuals... I really don't like it. It's harder than I remember and has levels that go on and on and on... It's not particularly fun, it's tedious.

This. I was new to the whole Halo series, so a short while back I decided to give them a try, starting with Anniversary to then move on to Reach. I played both for a few hours and got very bored, very quickly. Most over hyped games ever?

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When it first came out, Halo was a revelation, there weren't shooters like that on consoles, with huge levels and wide open spaces and the vehicle side of things. And it brought loads of things that changed the genre to the fore - regenerating 'health', 2 weapon limit... And then it had a very compelling multiplayer.

The thing is, it's now not really special. I enjoyed the game back then as a novelty really, it was a new experience, and with that gone all the little annoyances reveal themselves. The series as a whole suffers from it because it's a series that hasn't really changed much. They've remained popular because of the initial awe, and because the multiplayer is bizarrely popular.

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When it first came out, Halo was a revelation, there weren't shooters like that on consoles, with huge levels and wide open spaces and the vehicle side of things. And it brought loads of things that changed the genre to the fore - regenerating 'health', 2 weapon limit... And then it had a very compelling multiplayer.

The thing is, it's now not really special. I enjoyed the game back then as a novelty really, it was a new experience, and with that gone all the little annoyances reveal themselves. The series as a whole suffers from it because it's a series that hasn't really changed much. They've remained popular because of the initial awe, and because the multiplayer is bizarrely popular.

I think there is more to Halo's popularity than just the initial awe. I'd wager that a good proportion of the series' current fans never played Halo: Combat Evolved and even Halo 2 the first time around as they were simply too young (or not even born given that Halo is over a decade old... think about that!). They are good games and in my opinion the AI of the enemies in single player, Flood excepted, is still some of the best in the FPS genre. Compared to the respawning drones in the CoD games there is no comparison. I think the core combat mechanics in Combat Evolved still hold up, which is no mean feat for such an old game.

My problem with the series is that it has gone on too long, but I think that could be said of most of the big franchises this generation, and in fact this generation itself. I couldn't give much of a shit about Halo 4, Gears 4 (or whatever the prequel is called), Black Ops 2 and so on.

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I exchanged my ps2 and got an xbox and halo when it 1st come out and really didn't like it, I found the narrative boring, the enemies boring, the level design (go in, go to the bottom, fight the flood, go up again) boring, didn't play multiplayer because no one else got an xbox, I was gutted, don't think I even finished it, didn't finish the 1st level of 2 and didn't play 3, but I strangely enjoyed the one on 360 odst or whatever it was called

And I made the same mistake with the 360, traded a load of stuff for one and gears of war and really didn't like it (2 & 3 I really enjoyed though)

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Currently approaching the end of Tales of Graces f. It's been a wild ride, I'll be pretty sad when the story is over, actually, and I can see it being quite a bittersweet ending. Plenty of replay value in Tales.. games though, but I think I'll put off another playthrough until the PAL version is out.

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Currently doing Lego Batman 2 with our lass. Love the Lego games as they're so much fun to play 2 player.

I'm also half way through the following:

  • Max Payne 3
    Batman Arkham Asylum
    Shadow of the Colossus
    Uncharted 3

As you can tell I have a real problem finishing games. I seem to get to around the 2/3 mark then my eyes begin to wander to my next game.

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