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Ah Lydia... our time together was short-lived, as was she.


In fact I'd only had her a matter of minutes before going to one of the mines that acted as a bandit HQ. We cleared the mine out easily enough, but then upon exiting it appeared someone had sent some bounty hunters after me when I supposedly 'stole' from the inn (what I actually did was store a couple of items in a chest in the inn I was staying at and got spotted doing it, apparently that's stealing).


They appeared just as I left the mine which had a little alcove formed by the rock wall before opening out into the open world, but with me, Lydia and three or four bounty hunters crammed into this tiny space, we were pretty much screwed. I managed to just about survive by consuming all my food and potions, but Lydia was dead in seconds, useless bint.


Ever since then I've used Uthgerd the Unbroken. Now there's a woman who knows how to survive impossible odds. She's carved out of rock is that woman.


"Wanna hear a bit of Nord wisdom? You don't know a woman until you've had a strong drink and a fistfight with her."


You aren't wrong, love.

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HAHA! Didn't know Lydia could die, in my game she kind of just gets down on her knees whenever shes low on health for a few seconds then gets up again and joins in the fighting.


One thing that did annoy me, I didnt have a home yet - somebody mentioned I should speak to someone in Dragonskeep about buying property but never found him, so I got given an unoccupied shack (so I thought) by Astrid(?) the assassin. I thought I owned this property as I was given the key, so started storing everything in a chest there. Eevery few missions id drop all my spells, potions, staffs and alls sorts into this chest. When I went back there to drop some more things everything had gone!

I've since bought a property but blimey I've lost some good stuff.


I couldnt work out how to go up to see the greybeards, walked around the mountain twice but couldnt find a path, then randomly as I was on an assassin mission some bloke aproached me to take some goods up to the greybeards and mentioned something about 7000 steps, this gave me the hint I needed. So I'll be embarking these steps next time I load it up, think this should have been done at the start of the game though not after Ive discovered 90% of the map.

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Ginko... are you having that fantasy again?


What fantasy is that? :ph34r:


And yeah, I didn't think followers could die either but I haven't seen her since she was very still and corpse-like on the ground outside the abandoned cave.


Uthgerd has come close to dying but she does what you said and takes a breather before healing up. I heal her as much as I can too if I can. She's a bit of a pain in the arse though. She always gets too close to the enemies and gets his by my destruction spells. And if I accidentally kill an innocent? She'll rush me until one of us is dead. Then I have to reload my save.

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Got Arkham Origins and GT6 for Christmas today. AO seems nowhere near as polished, clean or smooth as the others. Its very rough, muddy and jagged but is still perfectly playable, atmosphere seems a lot different which I like.


GT6 is sublime. Loads better than gt5. Looking forward to getting stuck into them both.


Going to Redditch tomo so will pick up AC4 I think, looking forward to playing it. Wanted it for Xmas but I did well so not too miffed.

Edited by Ingram85
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From memory I don't think enemies can kill followers but if they get hit by friendly fire whilst in low health you can bump them off.



My destruction mage might have killed Lydia with a rogue fireball too.  I'm kinda glad it happened because she is a rather boring companion compared to some of the others in the game. I was surprised to read how many people just stuck with her the entire time. 

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An assassin game where you don't tail people before moiderin 'em? Crazy talk. Just hire the dancing girls, piece o' piss. It would be nice if there were fewer guards on the rooftops though. I almost think it ruins a bit of the fun by being spotted every five minutes everytime you climb up onto a building.


Wait until you get out onto the open sea though, that's where the game really flourishes.

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I picked up Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist in the Steam Sale. This is my first experience of these games and must say I'm really impressed. The stealth and gadgets are incredibly good fun, some fantastic ideas - sticky bombs/cameras; it really feels like the ultimate stealth experience. A really nice difficulty curve too, some missions require to not be spotted at all by guards and take a lot of planning of multiple routes. 


Nicely put together, good voice acting and performs amazing on pc. Definitely £15 well spent. 

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That's what I'm hoping for.

Once you get the ship the game changes considerably. It still has the usual Assassin's Creed foibles (the chase missions are shite, the traversal system still fails at the worst moments, the eavesdrop missions are rubbish) but the ship stuff is strangely addictive and brilliant.

Until it gives you a follow mission in a ship. No, seriously. I laughed when that mission appeared.

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It is but it runs like dog turd super aids on ps3.



Really? That's a pity.


Looks great on my PS4 though  :P



And my Alienware gaming rig with everything turned up to ultra! :P

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