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This is utter nonsense. The US and Israel are feeding the opposition because they think it weakens Iran, which is the bigger aim in this game. In doing so they heighten tensions, not reduce them. They arm the closest thing to Al-Quaeda which exists on the ground, thinking they can control them later. They prolong the Israeli aggression which can only end badly, instead of trying to negotiate a lasting peace.


Again, no disrespect meant, but this is so far divorced from reality as to be unanswerable in a sensible fashion. So I'll leave it...

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The media spin stuff as they will

Anyone a bit shocked on the bbc news piece tonight on Mugabe doing a complete u turn and dressing him up as some saint

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I wonder if Tonyh has ticked Syria off his list yet

Yeah been there ... Damascus had a real magical feel about it and it's a real shame to see what's going on ...

The west should intervene in the way it did in Libya with limited air strikes on Assad's forces and give the rebels a chance to end it

Edited by tonyh29
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No intervention. It's ****. The whole area is deeply divided along a sectarian line and has been for centuries. Change can only come from within and when the powerful countries in the region still adhere to barbaric laws and rule with an iron fist, then nothing significant will happen any time soon. So **** it. The west should GTFO and STFO. Pile our money into a sustainable future instead of this tiresome (and not to mention expensive) habit of oil chasing.


Push for peace talks and let them sort it out themselves.

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Its utterly pointless trying to apply Western Democratic principals to what amounts to a Medieval Feudal Society. Don't arm any of them and leave them to it unless they become a threat to Western society. Unfortunately the USA likes to play its games and has a vastly unreal idea of what actually constitutes a threat. That also applies to the allies of the USA inc the UK.

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Riots going on across Turkey now...just to make things more depressing

Secular push back against the creeping Islamisation being introduced by Erdogan and his mates. It's a good thing.


EDIT: Meanwhile.. Ali al-Manasfi from West London has become the first confirmed British Jihadi killed by regime troops in Syria. Another good thing.



Edited by Awol
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Riots going on across Turkey now...just to make things more depressing

Secular push back against the creeping Islamisation being introduced by Erdogan and his mates. It's a good thing.


EDIT: Meanwhile.. Ali al-Manasfi from West London has become the first confirmed British Jihadi killed by regime troops in Syria. Another good thing.





It's a real shame he's dead actually. We could have saved a fortune on arms shipments if Little Willie Hague could've got Ali to carry them over.

Absolute nuts.

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Riots going on across Turkey now...just to make things more depressing

Secular push back against the creeping Islamisation being introduced by Erdogan and his mates. It's a good thing.


EDIT: Meanwhile.. Ali al-Manasfi from West London has become the first confirmed British Jihadi killed by regime troops in Syria. Another good thing.




...Absolute nuts.


Yep. If HMG insist on getting involved then I'd be more inclined to arm Assad to be honest.  If he falls - which he will, eventually - the Salafists will take control of most of the country, and with the regional dynamics set up as they are the whole region will melt down. As UK obviously can't arm a man who has just killed 80,000 of his own people we are 100% better off staying out of this thing completely. Neither HMG nor the British media have really understood the significance of a full meltdown in Syria yet.

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This is utter nonsense. The US and Israel are feeding the opposition because they think it weakens Iran, which is the bigger aim in this game. In doing so they heighten tensions, not reduce them. They arm the closest thing to Al-Quaeda which exists on the ground, thinking they can control them later. They prolong the Israeli aggression which can only end badly, instead of trying to negotiate a lasting peace.


Again, no disrespect meant, but this is so far divorced from reality as to be unanswerable in a sensible fashion. So I'll leave it...



Could you extrapolate and say why this statement is so far divorced from reality? To be honest it seems like quite a reasonable point, and also based upon a fair amount of evidence. I know you have said that you can't answer it in a sensible fashion, but I would like to hear your response. x

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reports of the first clashes between syrian rebels an hezbolla in lebanon now, with the cities tripoli and beirut getting involved. linked to the fighting in qusayr.

I can imagine netanyahu is getting a bit more nervous, something this conflict really doesnt need.

in anycase, they need to set up humanitarian safe passages, atleast let the civilians get out of qusayr, surley no side wins on women and children getting killed?

i think this is a incredibly tricky situation, as always with armed conflicts, assad obviously cant stay in power but i dont really see the rebelforces as a group of people that can take over afterwards either, look at similar situations like iraq where their dictator was overthrown, last month was the bloodiest for the last 5 years, and its my opinion that after a couple of months of the west making an exit from afghanistan its going to revert back to what it was a couple of years ago. Libya is still beeing run by random groups of militias and there has been a uproar in violence and crime, the supreme security councel which was ment to protect the libyan uprising are now responsible for kidnappings, intimidation and other similar activities.

and it feels like the stakes are alot higher in syria due to the other countries and groups involved, one thing is sure, the biggest loser in this fight will always be the civilians.

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Turkey going off now. Surely Greece next in a ripple effect. Greece has unemployment of 65% amongst young people ! Yes 65% !!

Could you wait until the end of August before you 'go Con' about my destination this summer?

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  • 2 months later...

The West is blaming Assad for using sarin gas in Damascus; France, the US and UK are all beating the drums, along with Israel. US warships heading toward the eastern Mediterranean.


Looks like another war!


Weapons manufacturers are licking their lips...must please the shareholders, after all....

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It looks very much like it.  But Russia has a bigger investment in Syria than in most other places, including a naval base, and can't afford to stand by as easily as with Libya.


The Beeb is reporting that



...Even though the US government says it is still not able to say conclusively that chemical weapons were used, Stephen Johnson, a former British Army Chemical weapons expert now attached to Cranfield University's forensics department, said the mounting visual evidence seemed to point to the use of chemical weapons.


"The scale of this, the number of people who seem to be affected from the videos, the consistency of the symptoms, that's a staggering enterprise to fake - not only staggering to fake but also very easily found out once an investigation takes place."


In many quarters, however, the debate seems to be moving away from whether a chemical attack took place to which side might have been responsible. And here Stephen Johnson says an examination of the weapons and delivery systems will be crucial.


"It doesn't seem like the Russians are contesting that a nerve agent has been used, so it is more important that we determine where this has come from and who fired it.


"It's really critical to get onto the ground to see the impact sites as soon as possible. You need to try and find the remnants of theses rockets and see if they are consistent with the pictures we have seen. Outside of 14 days it's going to be really difficult to examine these scenes."


...which gets back to the e-mail in the link I posted above, now taken down, suggesting that a contractor had been asked to "deliver chemical weapons in a soviet design shell similar to those Assad should have".


I've seen no further discussion of this, either to confirm it or demonstrate it to be a hoax, though all the mainstream reporters must have come across it being discussed many times in the last couple of days.


Some mainstream reporters (eg Cockburn in the Independent) are referring to evidence that Assad is responsible for whatever chemical was used, without citing the evidence.  Hague seems to be saying that the "proof" is that Assad has refused access to the UN inspectors, though the Guardian is now carrying something saying he has agreed access, though the story seems to come via Iran.


And of course no discussion at all of the pretty major point that Assad would be utterly mad to do the one thing which would clearly invoke open US intervention; while the opposition, the Saudis and the Israelis all have very strong motives for wanting US intervention.

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