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The thing is, though - when you've got a country that's fighting a bitter civil war, between a brutal regime and various Al' Qaida and other disparate groups - the types who will eat the hearts of people they've killed, impose sharia law, brutalise the uninvolved and so on -  really the only way to improve the situation is for a bunch of countries who have no business in that part of the world, and who its got nothing to do with, but who fancy themselves as a little bit tasty, to come along and start dropping bombs on the place. It always calms everybody down and works for the best, dunnit? what could possibly go wrong?

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Reuters poll today showing 91% of Americans are against military action in Syria...the people have no leverage at all, we are at the mercy of a runaway Military Industrial Complex whose appetite for war is insatiable. 

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I think we need to set our morals aside and realise we can't be the world police and our involvement is not for the 'good'. Bad things are going to happen and if we get involved every time we'll end up penniless and friendless. 


I'd rather we cruise missiled somewhere worthy of it, like Banbury or Small Heath. 

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It sort of worked out in Libya, but that country is rather different to this one. The freedom fighters there were not extremists, and wanted elections. In Syria there's Al-Quaida against a crazy dictator - no one can win. Stay out of it, let them kill each other - most of the sane people have left for Turkey and other neighboring countries anyhow. I'd rather we aided in getting civilians out than bomb the place.

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It sort of worked out in Libya, but that country is rather different to this one. The freedom fighters there were not extremists, and wanted elections. In Syria there's Al-Quaida against a crazy dictator - no one can win. Stay out of it, let them kill each other - most of the sane people have left for Turkey and other neighboring countries anyhow. I'd rather we aided in getting civilians out than bomb the place.


Libya crippled by jihad & oil brawl 2 yrs after Gaddafi ouster


Edited by AVFCforever1991
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Looks like strikes are imminent based on noises out of London & Washington . Dear oh dear, do we have a say in this ??? Where is the democracy ???


My MP has emailed, asking for views before Thursday.  I gave him some views.  They will be broadly sorted into for and against, the detail of the argument not read, the links not clicked.


That will translate itself into a general sense of "how many people are bothered enough to reply, is there a clear consensus?".  The calculation then will be, "Does the majority view of those who have replied to my e-mail accord with the directions given to me by my Chief Whip?  If not, is there a large enough and strong enough majority against what I am being told to do by the Chief Whip, that I should be concerned?  Will these people, if I don't do as they ask, be angry enough in two years time to vote against me?  Would they have done so anyway?  Does that outweigh the loss of possible preferment to a job handed out by the Chief Whip to people who do what they are told?"


Such is democracy.


It's simpler in the US, of course.  Corporations control the whole thing more overtly than here, and buy virtually indistinguishable representatives from both of the two virtually indistinguishable parties.  This is the "freedom" in pursuit of which the US rains down napalm, Agent Orange, and white phosphorous on unarmed peasants, and supplies chemical weapons to friendly dictators to use on whole tribes.


When Putin says the West is acting in the Muslim world "like a monkey with a grenade", he understates the position.

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It sort of worked out in Libya, but that country is rather different to this one. The freedom fighters there were not extremists, and wanted elections. In Syria there's Al-Quaida against a crazy dictator - no one can win. Stay out of it, let them kill each other - most of the sane people have left for Turkey and other neighboring countries anyhow. I'd rather we aided in getting civilians out than bomb the place.

Thats what any sensible country with no vested interests would do, why aren't USA, Uk et al proposing that? I think we all know.

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It sort of worked out in Libya, but that country is rather different to this one. The freedom fighters there were not extremists, and wanted elections. In Syria there's Al-Quaida against a crazy dictator - no one can win. Stay out of it, let them kill each other - most of the sane people have left for Turkey and other neighboring countries anyhow. I'd rather we aided in getting civilians out than bomb the place.


Where did you get the "crazy dictator" idea?  He's perfectly rational.  He finds himself in one of the kingship dilemmas described so eloquently by Shakespeare, not of his making, and he's acting accordingly.


I imagine if he'd pursued his training as an opthamologist, he'd be having dinner with friends in London now, or else visiting the theatre.  He's no more crazed than you or me.  I know that, because the voices told me so.

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Where is the democracy ???

We don't live in one!



Just because the government is doing something the majority don't agree with doesn't mean it isn't a democracy. That isn't how democracy is defined and it baffles me why people constantly bring up this point whenever the government does something they disagree with.

Edited by Mantis
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Where is the democracy ???

We don't live in one!



Just because the government is doing something the majority don't agree with doesn't mean it isn't a democracy. That isn't how democracy is defined and it baffles me why people constantly bring up this point whenever the government does something they disagree with.



Wait, are you talking about Syria or the UK?

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