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Your Dealings With Police


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Mixed bag as you'd expect, some in the job to have a pop at people whilst being protected by the uniform and any number of colleagues and weapons, others quite genuinely in the job to help and do a good job. Of course you also get those who you just catch on a bad day.

I got backhanded by one at Leicester once when I did nothing more than walk around the corner, quite literally did nothing else. I'd been sat with the home fans and was near the away entrance, walked along and turned a 90 degree corner which the copper was standing on and he just belted me, fortunately catching me around the shoulder and not across the nose! Not like there was any trouble going on or any aggression, just people walking to the station, I'm also about 5ft 7in and was just meandering along on my own not doing a thing.

Another time I was at Notts County v Wrexham, walking back to the railway station from Meadow Lane, nothing exciting happening a steady stream of people walking along in groups........All of a sudden a police van screeched up, ran over a fan walking in the road (well, bumped him pretty hard) and out poured a load of coppers with cosh type truncheon. Next thing they are battering people all over the place, smashing them over the head and dashing around, I was on the edge of it all with two or three others, we all sort of put our hands up and stood with our backs to the wall trying to make it clear we were nothing to do with it all. They dragged a couple of people into the van and cleared off, leaving several people staggering around bleeding, no idea what it was all about or why they dealt with it like that.

Recently we called the police about my partners ex who has threatened us both through her kids and when picking them up/dropping them off has stood on the doorstep mouthing off (including slamming our front door in his own face.......Not the smartest!!!). The female officer who came out was great and spent an hour or so talking to us, I expected someone to turn up with a notepad and write down a few bits, say they couldn't do anything and clear off in 5 minutes. She seemed to genuinely care and was very helpful and supportive.

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ill say the older ones are okey and the young ones are pretty stupid..one of my best female friends started dating this guy who is a member of the Hells Angles.

He was also into body building just like me so we started to work out together at the gym..and for like the first 2 weeks hanging out with him i was stopped by the police 4 or 5 times just to check my id and asking lots of stupid questions..

I remember one time when i was going with him to the gym..the police came up behind us and putting the lights on..like wanting him to pull in to the side but he kept on driving for a while before he stopped..And the police went up to him and asked why he didnt stop and he told the police: Cause you stink..And they gave him a speeding ticket cause of the rude answer.

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Last year I went to a gig, anyway this gig involved the band members painting some red down your face, a tribal gimmick, bit of a laugh. Anyway, they were awesome and I walked away from the venue, one of the first out - got down to near the bus station and a copper stopped me, started questioning my "bloody" face. Wouldn't listen to me that it was paint, used his phone to call for a colleague and then asked me to stand against the wall, I tried explaining three or four times to be told to shut up as I was "making the situation worse" anyway, not long after that some more filtered down with painted faces and he was forced to admit he was a word removed, I swear I was so close to punching him (what he wanted?) cock sucker.

Second time was after getting stung by a bee, I had severe swelling on my face (hot summer evening too) I was making my way to the bus station to grab a bus to Tesco (late night pharmacy) and got stopped by another word removed officer, I couldn't talk properly and he couldn't understand, started getting shitty and asked about the swelling, if I had been fighting, then because I was having trouble talking, said I was taking the mick, he asked for my name and address and when he couldn't understand me started talking down to me. I went to get my phone out to type up what I was trying to say and he went really defensive and told me to put my hands by my side. Proper word removed. In the end he actually asked me to write down on some paper what I was saying...

So very negative. rocket polishers over here. the lot of them.

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First some context:

I'm a nice guy. I rarely drink. I have no points on my license. For my job I have some crb checks and security checks on my side. I look utterly normal. I rarely have attitude.

My limited experience over 47 years is wholly bad.

As a kid in my first few cars I would be routinely stopped and treated to shitty attitude by fucktards with time on their hands that couldn't find anything wrong with the car or me.

As a proud new house owner I phoned the police to report the off license across the road was currrently being raided with people running around filling boxes. An hour later they called me back and said they now had a spare car if they were still in there. I kid you not, they called back and asked if it was still being robbed an hour later.

In my late 20's at a footy game a swansea fucktard in police uniform pushed me from behind with no warning and tried to provoke me into a fight. Luckily I'm soft and wouldn't rise to it.

A few years ago I stopped alongside a police car and told the two occupants some drunks were vandalising cars a couple of blocks away. They asked if it was my car. I said no. The response was 'there you go then'.

I do know that in the grand scheme of things they are necessary and do greatly contribute to keeping the beasts at bay. I would not advocate changing the system greatly. I guess I just had a bad run of luck in my once every 10 years contact with them.

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In my own personal experience, all pigs are words removed.

I mean, everyone tells me there are some good ones out there, but I've never seen it for myself. And it's not like I've ever been arrested, so it's not sour grapes or anything. It's notable that Victorian pigs here in Oz are bigger and more arrogant words removed than the English pigs, but I think that can be attributed to them all carrying guns.

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In my own personal experience, all pigs are words removed.

I mean, everyone tells me there are some good ones out there, but I've never seen it for myself. And it's not like I've ever been arrested, so it's not sour grapes or anything. It's notable that Victorian pigs here in Oz are bigger and more arrogant words removed than the English pigs, but I think that can be attributed to them all carrying guns.

Is that you Bruce Chalmers, you certainly sound like my mate from Victoria when he used to talk about Victoria's police during our many journeys home on the Pakenham line,

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I've had a bit of *Somewhat Negative

and a bit of *Somewhat Positive

It depends on the situation and most importantly, the copper(s) involved.

It has the propensity to vary wildly from incident to incident and experience to experience.

Wot Jon said.
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