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Relegation - Merged


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Martinez is just Mcleish with a nicer accent. He would be a sideways move not a forward one.

I hope the Lerner investment rumour is true. Although I have to say the ONLY upside about our current situtaion is we are getting to see our academy play more. They are doing us proud as well.

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Martinez is way better than McLeish.

Not from the games I have seen he isnt. His teams play dour uninspired football. I invite you (if you can bear it) to actually go watch Wigan. dear god the pain.

Martinez like to SAY his teams play attractive possession football. But the reality is he plays the same turgid stuff as most relegation managers. Coyle, Martinez, McArthy, McLeish. All the same dross. We need a real manager not some garbage like Martinez.

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His teams play dour uninspired football.

Far from it.. how can you say McLeish and Martinez play the same type of football? that's just wrong.

Think defensively they are poor but the football intent to pass it around is evident.

Honestly mate. I have been round and round with folks on this. For all his talk his teams just play some half assed version of what possession football should be. Same way we play some half assed version of what fast paced counter attacking football should be.

McLeish has a better win% in the Premier league than Martinez but McLeish has been relegated. You can toss a coin which you think is the more terrible manager.

Whether you think Martinez is slightly better or worse than McLeish he is clearly in the same bracket of B level managers who cannot make their teams play well for any amount of time.

I find it incredibly depressing this pair of clowns were our boards first and second choices. I would hate to see us get rid of McLeish only to go to the next loser manager like Martinez who is in line.

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Both Chelsea goals should not have stood. Wigan should of taken 3 points not 0. They are the team performing the best in the bottom half. Yes it benefits villa but you want to see fair play. I still think Wigan will get out of it.

Martinez doing a good job there would like them to stay up ..providing it's not at our expense

Rubbish!Martinez and Wigan have been in the bottom 3 all year,they finally show some fight the past 4 weeks and youd think Martinez is OUR saviour if he came to the Villa.

Where did I say I wanted him to come to Villa ?

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Yeah great manager. Steve Bruce brought Wigan to 11th and ever since then Martinez has dragged them down into a relegation fight never finishing above 16th always playing his dross football.

Why anyone would want to inflict Martinez on Villa is beyond me. I know Mcleish is a terrible manager but dear god dont start hoping for likeable crap managers like big mick or martinez.

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eh? that Bruce team had plenty of experienced players on big(ish) wages, and benefited from good scouting. after he left the team was systematically taken apart and Whelan tightened the purse strings. they still sell their best players every year and Martinez has done a great job to keep them where they are.

i honestly don't see what you expect Wigan to be doing other than scrapping it out. by rights they should be a mid-table championship team, but they aren't and it's because of Martinez.

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Martinez is way better than McLeish.

Kin hell! How low have we sunk? BOTH OF THEM ARE SHITE!!!! And should never have had or been near the Villa Manager job!

I don't really see the relevance of your "how low have we sunk" comment. Martinez is a better manager than McLeish. Villa's current predicament is irrelevant. I'm sure most other football fans would agree with that statement too.
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To be fair, Martinez hasn't had the talent McLeish has had. Martinez has had a few decent players over the years but not many. He has done well with pretty shitty players. Look at Wigan's team this year; that screams mid level championship talent.

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Yeah great manager. Steve Bruce brought Wigan to 11th and ever since then Martinez has dragged them down into a relegation fight never finishing above 16th always playing his dross football.

Why anyone would want to inflict Martinez on Villa is beyond me. I know Mcleish is a terrible manager but dear god dont start hoping for likeable crap managers like big mick or martinez.

Let me ask you this. Look through the Wigan squad and how many of those players are actually premiership quality.

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Yeah great manager. Steve Bruce brought Wigan to 11th and ever since then Martinez has dragged them down into a relegation fight never finishing above 16th always playing his dross football.

Why anyone would want to inflict Martinez on Villa is beyond me. I know Mcleish is a terrible manager but dear god dont start hoping for likeable crap managers like big mick or martinez.

Let me ask you this. Look through the Wigan squad and how many of those players are actually premiership quality.

And how many of those players did Martinez sign?

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Yeah great manager. Steve Bruce brought Wigan to 11th and ever since then Martinez has dragged them down into a relegation fight never finishing above 16th always playing his dross football.

Why anyone would want to inflict Martinez on Villa is beyond me. I know Mcleish is a terrible manager but dear god dont start hoping for likeable crap managers like big mick or martinez.

Let me ask you this. Look through the Wigan squad and how many of those players are actually premiership quality.

Not many. Because Martinez bought them and he is not Premiership quality.

He has pissed away more money than WestBrom since he took over and yet has consistently failed to improve on Steve Bruce. What Martinez HAS done is deliver Wigans biggest losses on the field in their clubs history while having a worse win record than Alex McLeish. Some record.

I know times are hard and we dont want our current manager. But please dont fall for Martinez's bullshit.

I do think Martinez will be a fine Championship manager, but then again so is McLeish.

I think our club deserves better.

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I personally dont want him as manager of the club. But I do think he did well keeping Wigan up because most of their squad are not championship standard. As for your question about how many of their current squad did he sign, I will be honest and say I dont know the exact number.

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Martinez didn't want the interview with us because it's clear that he didn't want the pressure and responsibility of taking over a club with a large section of the fanbase that expects at the least, what the club can realistically do at best - it's a thankless task and not really a good move, especially for a relatively inexperienced manager.

He's had a season where he's been able to get in his own men and **** it up, in a low expectation, low pressure job. Why the **** anyone would want him is beyond me.

In other news, I think we should be safe from the drop now - a win against Bolton would confirm that.

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