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How is your memory?


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I'm not talking ROM or RAM, but how well able you are to recall something when you need to. Sometimes I surprise myself with my memory let's say if trying to come up with an actor's name or something college related, but then on other occasions I won't be able to remember a friend's name in telling an anecdote. Have you noticed that you were better able to remember things when you were younger? Ever find yourself forgetting something you really should remember and getting annoyed with yourself? For those of you that are students, have you any techniques for committing something to your memory?

Do you think that having the internet at your fingertips means you don't have to remember something because you can just look it up. I reckon that being able to just look something up if I can't remember it has stopped me from using my brain and therefore it's not as sharp as it might be if my recourse for finding something out was to concentrate on digging it out of my head

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My memory is a lot better since I cut back on the drinking. I was never a heavy drinker as such but a session on a Friday or Saturday night now and again could affect my long term memory for a few days afterwards. I've only managed to drink two bottles of Hobgoblin in the last seven days, so I'm pretty good at the moment.

My problem is patience with incompetence. It doesn't matter where or what the situation, but and form of dawdling is right a the top of the agenda. There's a lot of hills round this part of Devon and it shocks me how many people are not even competent enough behind the wheel to change down a gear or two when driving up a big hill. And I'm not talking a hundred yards, dropping 10mph, I'm talking over about 400 yards, dropping from 60mph to 15mph. How the **** did these people ever pass their tests?

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I have an odd memory, I can remember obscure things from mid 90s TV yet I can hardly remember anything about last week.

But I suppose that's because my job is so dull each day blurs into the next.

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mine is pretty good for absolutely rubbish stuff, I can spew up completely random facts about animals (i'm a bit of a geek when it comes to animals and fish for some reason)

other things though it is awfull, I will watch the boxing and it will be two (albeit relatively unknown) fighters who I have seen a fair few times before and within minutes I have forgotten both of their names even though I can picture them and can even tell you what their records are the names completely allude me

I used to be really good at memorising lyrics to songs after just one listen but these days not so much

ask me what a villa result was from earlier in the season and I wont have a clue

ask me anything that happens on any friday or saturday and I wont have a clue...even though thats more to do with alcohol intake rather than my actual memory

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It's okay most of the time and very good when it comes to trivia from the 80s and 90s and most exams and tests I've ever taken I've done well in.

It's poor for names and faces though. I've lost count of the number of times someone has started talking about things I did at school or work and all the time I'm thinking - 'have we met before then?!' :|

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mine is pretty good for absolutely rubbish stuff, I can spew up completely random facts about animals (i'm a bit of a geek when it comes to animals and fish for some reason)

other things though it is awfull, I will watch the boxing and it will be two....hang on a minute I have just remembered I have already replied to this post

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With numbers and dates my memory is excellent. When it comes to remembering to buy things like butter when shopping it's fecking useless.

In one day I actually went to the shops twice to buy butter and when i got there, forgot both times. Yet I can remember the serial number of a product that we shipped 3months ago. It's very frustrating.

I also have this really annoying thing when speaking to someone, during a conversation I think of something i'd like to say, then when I come to say it, I cant remember if i've already asked it or not so i have to ask :lol:

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Mine is pretty good .. I come up with names etc when people say whatever happened to thingy from school who went out with thingy with the ponytail... 30 years ago and its quite clear and yet the d aft thing is I'll often forget where Ive parked the car when I go to Tesco

I'm usually handy to have in your pub quiz team as I seem to have stacks of useless information stored away , my brother is the same and so is my lad so I guess there may be some form of gene at play ??...

The boy is now 7 but he will go back to a place he has only been once before and hasn't been to for 5 years and know that they have moved a picture on their mantelpiece and stuff like that

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