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The Republican Presidential Race


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Ha haaah.

Gosh, I really thought Newt Gingrich was a paragon of virtue. The way he quite rightly sought to impeach the disgraceful human being Bill Clinton for copping a blowie of his hot assistant. Now the shocking revelation that he actually fancies a bit on the side himself - and not limited to a mere sucking off, but full on for-nic-ation. It's simply apalling.

Such a shame that the wonderful Rick Perry has dropped out of the race. He's just like the fantastic George W Bush, only slightly less of a genius.

At least there's Ron Paul, who says a few semi-sensible things now and then, and behind it all is also a full on raving Baptist or Penticostalist or something.

[says it all that the leading contender, and probably the pick of the bunch, is not only a capitalist pig (and a smug one), but a **** Mormon.]

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I'm not paying too much attention to this.... its a long drawn out process to see who Obama will batter in the Presidential Election.

The may as well elect a total nutter because they won't win.

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Each time I see these elections, it gets a bit worse, and a bit more pathetic. The absolute clowns put on the podium is mind-boggling. Perry was almost a Mr Bean with the ability to speak.

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Ron Paul makes a lot of sense - google some of the GOP debates and watch his highlights.

He wants to end the foreign involvement that gets so many on here frothing at the chops, deal with a corrupt banking system, end the federal reserve, attack political corruption and actually take America back to it's Constitution.

Paul is the BIAD candidate with a plan and I suspect it's his deep christian beliefs that make him the incorruptable, sworn enemy of the people currently screwing up the western world.

Obama is good speaker with shit for brains, not to mention a stooge of the same people that control Gingrich, Romney et al.

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Ron Paul makes a lot of sense - google some of the GOP debates and watch his highlights.

He wants to end the foreign involvement that gets so many on here frothing at the chops, deal with a corrupt banking system, end the federal reserve, attack political corruption and actually take America back to it's Constitution.

Paul is the BIAD candidate with a plan and I suspect it's his deep christian beliefs that make him the incorruptable, sworn enemy of the people currently screwing up the western world.

Obama is good speaker with shit for brains, not to mention a stooge of the same people that control Gingrich, Romney et al.

I think all you have to do to become a stooge is get elected.

Fair enough about Ron Paul, but politicians who pretend to have religious beliefs are bad enough. Ones who actually DO have those beliefs could be even worse. Then again maybe your optimism is justified after all, but I doubt we'll get to find out: RP's ideas are way too nebulous for the average voter (in any country), and being about 94 ears old won't help his chances either.

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^ ermmm, Tony, ideological blinders or not, that is so far from true I'm almost speechless. I mean, c'mon, surely you have to admit His Chimpness before 'bama must win the prize for sheer idiocy and incompetence??? I mean, Iraq, Katrina and so on have to count for something...

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These people really disgust me. No morals, lack of ethics. And the dumb shit that just keeps spewing out of their mouths, lies for the sheep to feed on!

They are only interested in themselves and the only people they will serve for, is Wall Street and their ilk.

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I generally support the Republicans, as my economic beliefs lean strongly to the right; but as an atheist I have real problems associating myself with these moronic bible bashers.

In addition to this, Republican or not, one must also acknowledge that Bush was deeply stupid, whilst Obama is highly intelligent... most embarrassing.

As for the voter's fascination with sexual peccadillos... what extraordinary things people find interesting.

Were I a Yank, I'm not at all sure how I would vote.

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I generally support the Republicans, as my economic beliefs lean strongly to the right; but as an atheist I have real problems associating myself with these moronic bible bashers.

In addition to this, Republican or not, one must also acknowledge that Bush was deeply stupid, whilst Obama is highly intelligent... most embarrassing.

I couldn't agree more with this. I think I would end up voting for Democrats in America as I find the Republicans far too extreme, or at least at the moment. They have heavily veered far off to the right and I couldn't align myself with these homophobic, racist nut jobs.

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