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Salmond has resigned 

It may not be a popular position (in this thread and elsewhere) to give Salmond credit for anything but I'm not sure that devolution would have been so taken for granted or such a big part of politics in the UK (at least as it is now) were it not for him.

I'm not a fan of his (I even struggled with his appearances on the Morning Line) but he is/has been very much a canny politician and campaigner (weren't the SNP largely written off a few weeks before their last election?).

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Salmond has resigned 

It may not be a popular position (in this thread and elsewhere) to give Salmond credit for anything but I'm not sure that devolution would have been so taken for granted or such a big part of politics in the UK (at least as it is now) were it not for him.

I'm not a fan of his (I even struggled with his appearances on the Morning Line) but he is/has been very much a canny politician and campaigner (weren't the SNP largely written off a few weeks before their last election?).



He must be really disappointed because even if we weren't really invited to discuss it properly, the independence dividend looked substantial, at least in the short-term.


But I wouldn't worry about Salmond personally because he will certainly be handed some sinecure or other.


Losing an election did not make Kinnock unemployable or cost him and his missus financially, did it?

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I wonder will those who voted no still sing Flower of Scotland at sporting events?

Why not? Jerusalem should be England's official anthem.

As I said in another thread, great tune. But no way am I singing those batshit crazy words about Jesus visiting England.

Agree 100%. I Vow To Thee My Country (1st verse anyway) is far far more appropriate.
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I wonder will those who voted no still sing Flower of Scotland at sporting events?

Why not? Jerusalem should be England's official anthem.

As I said in another thread, great tune. But no way am I singing those batshit crazy words about Jesus visiting England.

Agree 100%. I Vow To Thee My Country (1st verse anyway) is far far more appropriate.



Ideally the national anthem should be John Cage's 4'33", or an edited versions of the same.


It would serve as a moment of contemplation where people could think about what their nation means to them personally - good, bad or indifferent.


If we can't have that, then we should have an anthem with no words like Spain or Kosovo, so it avoids being a piece of self indoctrination, which is usually all about one class making sacrifices for the benefit of the dominant political hegemony, whether it be a monarchy, plutocracy or pseudo-democracy, who frame themselves as the greater national good, whose interests, we should be prepared to die for.


And when I say we, I really mean Men.

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you have to laugh at the bitter scots




Scottish Independence Campaign Group 'The 45%' Announce Extensive Boycotting List
Posted:  21/09/2014 20:21 BST Updated:  21/09/2014 22:59 BST
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Scotland’s Referendum tipped in favour of No, but with "only 55%" - that's a majority - in favour of staying in the Union, Scotland's 45% have made it clear they are not happy with the result.

The newly formed campaign group, 'The 45', have released a list of brands, businesses and media organisations that they will be boycotting because they "scared Scotland" in the run up to the referendum.

On Facebook, the campaign group wrote that it is time to "send shivers" down the spines of the businesses that apparently scared more than two million people into voting No.

Following Scotland's rejection of independence, the 1.6 million people that voted Yes will apparently not be buying the products or using the services of the businesses listed below to send a clear message that they "were not fooled by their dirty tricks."

"Never again can we have companies we use everyday and contribute millions of pounds to tell us we're too small too poor and too stupid," the campaign has stated.

"This is our chance to get back at them for what they took from us."

After months of accusations having being thrown at the BBC for biased reporting, many of the 45ers have also revealed they will no longer be paying thcences saying "enough is enough."

So along with not being able to watch The Great British Bake Off or Doctor Who, here are the other things 'The 45' will be avoiding and why. Notably, Harry Potter is not on the list, despite author JK Rowling facing a torrent of abuse for coming out in favour of the union.

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Christ, they've been promised that the UK Gov will maintain a disproportionate level of public spending per head in Scotland, their MP's will still be able to vote in Westminster on laws that only relate to England (a disgrace Cameron is rightly trying to address) and the more sensible of their voters have ensured Scotland won't become the new Haiti without sunshine.

No pleasing some people.

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salmonds saying there are "other routes" they can take to go independent.

they really are making themselves looking like laughing stocks

I thought that c unit had resigned, why's he still gobbing off?

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salmonds saying there are "other routes" they can take to go independent.

they really are making themselves looking like laughing stocks

I thought that c unit had resigned, why's he still gobbing off?

Going in November

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Christ, they've been promised that the UK Gov will maintain a disproportionate level of public spending per head in Scotland, their MP's will still be able to vote in Westminster on laws that only relate to England (a disgrace Cameron is rightly trying to address) and the more sensible of their voters have ensured Scotland won't become the new Haiti without sunshine.

No pleasing some people. 


Starting to think that I wish they voted yes now awol. absolute ungrateful fools (not everyone but a majority of them)

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