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Scottish Independence


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So reading all the comments above, and seeing the opinion polls, and seeing the clear logic of the arguments on debt and money and EU membership.......



...how would you rate the quality of the 'better together' campaign?

It's been nothing short of awful.

Dickhead Dave and his pals didn't think they needed to do anything, let alone actually campaign positively and properly.

It's typical complacency and lack of understanding about anything outside of London that has now led to the panic situation we are seeing now.

It's exactly the same as the immigration issue in the UK. They only wake up to an issue when extremists start gaining popularity and they realise they HAVE to do something.

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Regardless of what the polls say, I don't think they will vote yes in fact I'm confident that they won't.


If anything I think that the polls showing the yes campaign behind slightly ahead at this stage actually might not be a bad thing for those who want the union to remain in place. 


With a vote such as this there is naturally a chance of a stronger turn out from voters on the yes side of the divide than the no, the polls might just help push the no voters out of their houses next week and increase the overall turnout.


The media are spinning things as if their is wide spread panic in Westminster but I doubt that is the case although the recent poll will have been alarming I would have expected the 3 leaders to be heading up in person ahead of the vote in any case.


I think Scotland will vote no, it might be close but I think enough people will put aside nationalism and take a more level headed approach.

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Trouble is.... of the current government none of the "big beasts" are useable since they're all soft southern tory bastards. Had Brown been PM this debate would have been dead in the water months ago ( that is not an endorsement of his government)


Devo Max should have been on the ballot paper.


The question should have been "Should Scotland remain part of the United Kingdon" giving the "Unionists" a positive campaign not a negative one.


The best weapon Better Together have left is Mark Carney and the financial stuff - let him shit the undecideds right up.

Hopefully, whatever the outcome, that it results in at least some movement towards a federal UK.

No chance.

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I think I must be one of the very last people on earth who would seek to defend Blair from anything, up to and including being disembowelled by a horde of drug-crazed unicorns.

That would be a blessing, and not just for collective noun fans.

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So reading all the comments above, and seeing the opinion polls, and seeing the clear logic of the arguments on debt and money and EU membership.......



...how would you rate the quality of the 'better together' campaign?

It's been nothing short of awful.

Dickhead Dave and his pals didn't think they needed to do anything, let alone actually campaign positively and properly.

It's typical complacency and lack of understanding about anything outside of London that has now led to the panic situation we are seeing now.

It's exactly the same as the immigration issue in the UK. They only wake up to an issue when extremists start gaining popularity and they realise they HAVE to do something.



id say the timing of this vote tells you everything you need to know about how seriously they took it...


on the back of a recession and with a government that has 1 MP in Scotland (i think?) im not sure what the capability to push this back was, or obviously the outcome of the next general election and what impact it would have, but id guess labour would be in a much stronger position with scotland still voting and that if they won then the independence vote would almost certainly be no


the thought that the tories wouldnt begrudge seeing an electorate that they struggle to resonate with taken away did cross my mind but surely they can be that mind blowingly stupid

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It's hard to tell if the Tories are that stupid or not to be honest V4E. 
Cretinous, arrogant, elitist, self serving and ignorant are all clearly visible traits, but stupidity I'm not sure on. 
Its not like the good old Republicans in the U S of A who wear their stupidity with pride, this lot are a lot more snidey about it! 
Boris is does his best to look like a simpleton and George, well it just comes naturally to him. 
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funniest one yet is how Scottish mobile phone users could face roaming charges if they come into England and use their phones


don't these people coming out with such bollocks ever learn 

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i thought this was the Jockland Independence thread ... I appear to have wandered into the bash a tory thread instead  .... I'm just waiting for the inevitable " it's all Thatchers fault"  post .......

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i thought this was the Jockland Independence thread ... I appear to have wandered into the bash a tory thread instead  .... I'm just waiting for the inevitable " it's all Thatchers fault"  post .......


well, funny you should say that...


there was some chap on radio 4 yesterday evening with that very theory, well back a little further actually


his theory went:


Heath was minded to compromise with the Miners back in the early 70's but lost the election (by a critically low number whereby Scotland had a direct influence on the outcome).


Heath losing meant Wilson and then Callaghan got in, the mid 1970's happened and as a backlash Thatcher got voted in.


Thatcher then set about her terrible revenge on the workers, gleefully destroying communities across Scotland. As a result, the Scots woke up to the need for devolution to save themselves from the worst excesses of tory spite and self interest.


From there, they realised that just possibly, they were better off with Scottish idiots running Scotland from Scotland, rather than English and Scottish idiots running Scotland from London.


Hey, it's a theory. 

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Sorry Tony I couldn't help it.


Although in fairness it was loosely connected to the possibility of an Independent Republic of Salmond and how the Tories can't really be stupid enough to think it might work out for them in the long run?! 

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