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Scottish Independence


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It's interesting that both the yes and no side have happily gone through this whole process without ever bothering with independent verifiable facts. Better to start every debate with 'well what I think, is....' than actually inform people of the truth as best it can be established for future events.


For me, the massive hole under the water for the yes campaign has been the money. No clear answer on the basics of what currency to I get paid in leaves me wondering if that was their get out plan all along. They never really really wanted independence, they just wanted an exciting 18 months in the spotlight and a glorious failure. They've let their people (i.e. potential yes voters) down badly on that fundamental flaw. Never mind oil, never mind the EU, they don't have a coherent plan for their own money. I suspect that several years ago when the project was just an exciting idea the plan was to go with the Euro. But they've had that one scuppered by events and didn't have the wit to think up an alternative.

I think you've nailed the problem right there. 5-6 years ago the Scots would have happily switched to the Euro but seeing what has happened since then has thrown a massive spanner in the works for their campaign.

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But the point about EU membership and independence being flawed is slightly looking at it from the wrong perspective. Right now, however Scotland votes they get a Conservative agenda and they get told what to do on all the serious stuff by Westminster.


The north east votes Labour and gets a Conservative government. I voted Conservative and had 13 years of Labour government. Its called democracy.

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But the point about EU membership and independence being flawed is slightly looking at it from the wrong perspective. Right now, however Scotland votes they get a Conservative agenda and they get told what to do on all the serious stuff by Westminster.


The north east votes Labour and gets a Conservative government. I voted Conservative and had 13 years of Labour government. Its called democracy.



Yes, I'm familiar with the term. The difference being Scotland already has a very distinct identity, a relatively recent history as an independent country and it's own limited law making powers. So splitting away from the rest of the union looks and feels superficially more feasible. I've never heard anyone proclaim 'freedom for the north east', though I'm sure it's probably a thing.


The interesting thing being, when the UK doesn't get what it wants in europe, it doesn't shrug, declare ah well that's democracy* and go along with it. It declares it might jolly well go independent. There is a regular contradiction in the Westminster appetite for power and accountability and representation.




* I know we can all argue all day over whether europe is democratic just as we can argue over first past the post being democratic or local MP's having to toe national party lines etc..

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Although, one must realise that getting rid of the English will only open room for Yanks to turn up and buy most of Scotchland. Scotchland will essentially become a big golf course with the all the poor folk slumming it out in crowded cities.


Imagine that...

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If Scotchland leave, does that mean no more Scotchish football updates on Soccer Saturday?

Och Naw, how will we survive, I live for the day its Forfar 5 - East Fife 4, it what makes it worth watching

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I live in the terrible South East where we steal growth from other areas of the UK and prop the rest of you lot up.


Scotland staying or going makes absolutely no difference to my day to day life whatsoever and therefore I couldn't give a monkey's toss either way.

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Who needs facts when you're the lowly Scotch against the Imperialist English Pig Dogs?


I'm all for doing away with the gentry but I don't think buggering off is the best option.


VT's history buffs will surely put me right if I am wrong but wasn't it actually the lowland Scots under a number of King Jameses who subdued the Highlands and Islands, and wasn't the subjugation of the Highlands and Islands used later as the model of future British imperialism, not the other way round.


Banning the plaid and Erse and destroying the Highland economy by banning Highland whisky, were all perpetrated by the Scottish from the central belt.

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Who needs facts when you're the lowly Scotch against the Imperialist English Pig Dogs?


I'm all for doing away with the gentry but I don't think buggering off is the best option.


VT's history buffs will surely put me right if I am wrong but wasn't it actually the lowland Scots under a number of King Jameses who subdued the Highlands and Islands, and wasn't the subjugation of the Highlands and Islands used later as the model of future British imperialism, not the other way round.


Banning the plaid and Erse and destroying the Highland economy by banning Highland whisky, were all perpetrated by the Scottish from the central belt.



If you knew that, from the top of your head, you desperately need help. :lol:

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The subs are where they are because of the unpleasant weather (cloud most days) and close access to the deep waters of the North Atlantic. The Channel and/or North Sea aren't great options for those reasons.

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I hope they vote yes.

Then I would let them keep the £, in exchange for the assassination of that insufferable bell end Salmond

Then, once we have confirmation of his demise - we invade!

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