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Things that lift your mood


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There have been a few topics floating around lately which have tackled the issue of depression, anxiety and other troubles of the mind. Because of this, I thought this could be a good time for people to share their experiences of what they do to improve their mood / find themselves again. Hopefully this could serve as a bit of a market place for people to come and get new ideas.

I will start with the following:


Green tea


Citrus Fruits


Building muscle at the gym helps improve confidence

Jogging helps to clear the mind

Other Remedies:

The "Confidence" App for Iphone by Andrew Johnson acts as a really good method for relaxation, if nothing else.

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A very long bath on a sunday evening, we're talking an hour minumum, with a good book. Washes away your woes, allows you to reflect on the week that was, and prepares for the week ahead. Bathing cleans the mind and soul (and body) :nod:

Coupla wanks a day is good too

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Going for a nice meal.

Playing golf. Hand on heart, i can say that when im walking around the golf course, i havnt got a care in the world.

Playing with my son and seeing him laugh and smile. There is no better feeling in the world. One hug from him and any stress with work etc just disappear.

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Definitely outdoor exercise. Running or walking, but preferably somewhere out in the country, away from noise and people.

Conversely, people. Nice ones, that is. Especially your own children (sorry anti-kids people, but unless you experience it, you'll never know).

Books. "I've never known any trouble that an hour's reading didn't assuage" (Montesquieu, "Pensées Diverses") Works for me, anyway.

Laughing and smiling. I've never tried this, but they say that forcing youself to smile/laugh (even when you don't feel like it) on a regular basis actually lifts your mood.

Your favourite music. Unless you happen to be into death metal or the like!

Alcohol works in the short term, but like most drugs, come at the price of a later comedown.

And, of course, sex.

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used to be running for me as well nothing like going out in the rain running 5 or 6 miles and feeling alive

sadly I'm too lazy /busy/ body falling apart to do this any longer , tried various come backs in 2011 but alas it failed but 2012 i'm determined to adjust my life style a bit so never say never

Holidays would be one for me - Work hard play hard is my motto (preferably without the work hard bit ) and i get a buzz from planning my trips and even just talking about other countries lifts my mood (hence the long posts in the travel section of VT) .... currently planing for Romania, Albania, Macedonia , Kosovo, Bosnia trip for later in the year .... and my mate has asked me to come up with something for his Stag Do in Aug ..Belgrade + the Belgrade Beer Festival has possibilities ...

Sex as Mike said also lifts the mood ..just hope the wife doesn't find out ....

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Walking is the main one for me. I suppose I walk about 20-30 miles a week (maybe more as I get the bus now so to bus stop etc). I find it has to be super regular, same time, same place, same wife, same dog. THis has not changed for 6 years and my life has changed because of this alone IMO.

Computer games: FM and things like Drake's fortune really make me happy. I am 40 next week but I am still a child when it comes to games.

Reading: The way forward for forgetting where or who you are for bit, difficult to get the time though.

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Music I like. Though nothing pisses me off more then being forced to listen to music I don't like; when did it become socially acceptable to ram your own mini-disco down people's cochleas? They're even marketing this behaviour, like that **** "WOWee" piece of shit. Gadgets for c*nts.

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As crazy as this sounds, i actually find building flat-pack furniture quite therapeutic.

I get that, actually, but only up to a point. Give me something I can throw together in an hour and half and I feel like a DIY God, anything that takes longer (or is cupboard size up) and **** forget about it.

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As crazy as this sounds, i actually find building flat-pack furniture quite therapeutic.

I reckon I break the world record for most expletives in an hour whenever I attempt anything like that .... I always say never again and then the wife will order something for the kids that invariably comes flat packed ..she has to take the children into protective custody for their own good whilst I finally get around to putting it together

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Computer games: FM and things like Drake's fortune really make me happy. I am 40 next week but I am still a child when it comes to games.

Computer games actually usually leave me feeling quite irritated, particularly Football Manager.

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As crazy as this sounds, i actually find building flat-pack furniture quite therapeutic.

I reckon I break the world record for most expletives in an hour whenever I attempt anything like that .... I always say never again and then the wife will order something for the kids that invariably comes flat packed ..she has to take the children into protective custody for their own good whilst I finally get around to putting it together


I have to do it by myself tho, anyone else tries to get involved and the rage starts to flow.

"no no no, that piece has to go..."

"just **** off and leave me be!!!"

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As crazy as this sounds, i actually find building flat-pack furniture quite therapeutic.

No way, I absolutely love making Ikea stuff also.

No instructions needed any more really either for 90 % of it.

I think this is connected to my models that I build that I forgot to put in the above list.

Yes, little models and stuff. You can lose hours and hours.....

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A couple of suggestions there that don't work for me.

One is the new clothes thing. I hate choosing, buying and wearing new clothes more than almost anything; total hell, would seriously rather go to the dentist. I resent spending the money (that could have gone on books and CDs), I hate the shops, I never know what to buy, I miss my comfy old clothes, and I feel horribly self-conscious in the new ones. Especially if people notice.

And the other one is holidays (away from home, that is). They always make me feel a bit stressed and anxious. I make myself travel because I think it's good for me, and good to look back on. But I'm always massively relieved to get back home (although not back to work).

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