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not eating


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haha yeah thats me who lives in the freezing cold house so you could be onto something there

mite go for the guiness option actually I fancy a bit of a drink tonight, mite still try and force a sandwich down me for good measure as well though

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I'd force yourself to eat breakfast each day and see if your appetite improve.

Absolutely crucial. Breakfast isn't just something you eat for the sake of it. Breakfast kickstarts your digestive system in the morning. If you don't have a breakfast then it never gets going until your first meal e.g. at lunch. It improves your appetite (by burning what's in your system, ready for more...) and keeps/gets you healthy in many other ways. I used to never have a breakfast. Now I always do, even if it's just a breakfast bar. Something to get the system up and running.

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I'd force yourself to eat breakfast each day and see if your appetite improve.

Absolutely crucial. Breakfast isn't just something you eat for the sake of it. Breakfast kickstarts your digestive system in the morning. If you don't have a breakfast then it never gets going until your first meal e.g. at lunch. It improves your appetite (by burning what's in your system, ready for more...) and keeps/gets you healthy in many other ways. I used to never have a breakfast. Now I always do, even if it's just a breakfast bar. Something to get the system up and running.


Your system is up and running anyway, unless you're a corpse.

All this stuff and nonsense about breakfast is just put about by cereal makers and those doctors in their pay.

I eat first at midday, no dietary reason, that's just what I feel like doing, and have done all my life, despite parents fretting about me not having breakfast.

But I do eat breakfast when staying in hotels, oddly. Perhaps it's the idea that I'm paying for it and so I must eat it.

I also eat breakfast when hungover, or when we have house guests. Now that would ideally be dry cured bacon, black pudding from either the Western Isles or Northumbria, grilled tomatoes, eggs gently fried in sunflower oil, mushrooms quickly fried in what's left from the eggs plus butter plus olive oil, home-made soda bread or brown bread, and of course HP sauce. And fresh ground coffee.

Sausages are a moot point. Never (hardly ever) eat them myself, and would only serve them to someone if I'd seen them made or it was a wholly reputable brand. And probably a local one as well. The filth you see in the supermarkets, no thanks.

Of course if I eat breakfast in a hotel it will be the basest example of battery-farmed eggs, cruelly-kept and ignorantly-slaughtered pig, GM veg, and crappy bread. Mostly. Just like most hotels and restaurants, I suppose.

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Dont want to scare you or anything but if you constantly starve yourself and not eat enough your body will start to slowly digest your digestive tract especially your bowel over a period of time in the end you may end up having to crap into a cholostomy bag it happened to someone i know he had a risky op though to reverse the damage he's back to normal now

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I only eat 1 meal a day, that has been the case for 10-15 years.

+ I walk maybe 3 miles a day.

(Basically I am scared to death of getting overweight with a beer belly and the like)

If I am left on my own for a few days I need to actually be reminded to eat, I have totally forgotten to eat on many days and only remembered when going to sleep. Problem is it's way down my list of priorities and I don't really enjoy eating. Odd ?

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How are you feeling psychologically? Loss of appetite is often linked with depression.


I lost a stone of Xmas by doing this. I just wasn't hungry at all and I ate very little.

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Dont want to scare you or anything but if you constantly starve yourself and not eat enough your body will start to slowly digest your digestive tract especially your bowel over a period of time in the end you may end up having to crap into a cholostomy bag it happened to someone i know he had a risky op though to reverse the damage he's back to normal now

its not a case that I constantly starve myself its just a case that every now and then my appetite just disapears

I dont think i'm ready to go down the shit bag route just yet

any way last night I had 2 chillie burgers when I got home

this morning I'm gunna get myself some marmite on toast for breakfast

i'm going to make an effort to remember to eat regardless of weather i'm hungry or not

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I only eat 1 meal a day, that has been the case for 10-15 years.

+ I walk maybe 3 miles a day.

(Basically I am scared to death of getting overweight with a beer belly and the like)

If I am left on my own for a few days I need to actually be reminded to eat, I have totally forgotten to eat on many days and only remembered when going to sleep. Problem is it's way down my list of priorities and I don't really enjoy eating. Odd ?

Yup. As far as priorities go it should be in your top 3 with Breathing and drinking.

I find it hard to get my head around becaused I love food and find it hard to control at times. Food to me is a social thing. Lack of understanding on my part I suppose.

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I only eat 1 meal a day, that has been the case for 10-15 years.

+ I walk maybe 3 miles a day.

(Basically I am scared to death of getting overweight with a beer belly and the like)

If I am left on my own for a few days I need to actually be reminded to eat, I have totally forgotten to eat on many days and only remembered when going to sleep. Problem is it's way down my list of priorities and I don't really enjoy eating. Odd ?

For me very odd. Eating is a huge thing for me, and it's always at the forefront of my mind when at work, looking forward to dinner time.

I really enjoy eating and often snack.

I'd actually like to put some weight on, but it doesn't seem to hapen.

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I only eat 1 meal a day, that has been the case for 10-15 years.

+ I walk maybe 3 miles a day.

(Basically I am scared to death of getting overweight with a beer belly and the like)

If I am left on my own for a few days I need to actually be reminded to eat, I have totally forgotten to eat on many days and only remembered when going to sleep. Problem is it's way down my list of priorities and I don't really enjoy eating. Odd ?

For me very odd. Eating is a huge thing for me, and it's always at the forefront of my mind when at work, looking forward to dinner time.

I really enjoy eating and often snack.

I'd actually like to put some weight on, but it doesn't seem to hapen.

Dunno, I just never think about it. Given the choice between a Pizza and Football manager there is no competition.

MY wife is really good at cooking as well and she tries her very best but the things I actually enjoy eating are 3 or 4 main things at most. Maybe i am a bit anorexic or something also, if I eat a big meal then that's me done for 20 + hours. I do have a few snacks at night though (Ice cream / chocolate / crisps) but this is not loads and loads. (Hard to find chocolate here anyway. Cadbury's is like gold dust). Or it could be that the "I am a bit hungry chip in my brain is damaged". The increase IQ x 4 chip that i had fitted has some side effects. :D

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I only eat 1 meal a day, that has been the case for 10-15 years.

+ I walk maybe 3 miles a day.

(Basically I am scared to death of getting overweight with a beer belly and the like)

If I am left on my own for a few days I need to actually be reminded to eat, I have totally forgotten to eat on many days and only remembered when going to sleep. Problem is it's way down my list of priorities and I don't really enjoy eating. Odd ?

For me very odd. Eating is a huge thing for me, and it's always at the forefront of my mind when at work, looking forward to dinner time.

I really enjoy eating and often snack.

I'd actually like to put some weight on, but it doesn't seem to hapen.

Dunno, I just never think about it. Given the choice between a Pizza and Football manager there is no competition.

Why choose? They compliment each other so well.

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I only eat 1 meal a day, that has been the case for 10-15 years.

+ I walk maybe 3 miles a day.

(Basically I am scared to death of getting overweight with a beer belly and the like)

If I am left on my own for a few days I need to actually be reminded to eat, I have totally forgotten to eat on many days and only remembered when going to sleep. Problem is it's way down my list of priorities and I don't really enjoy eating. Odd ?

For me very odd. Eating is a huge thing for me, and it's always at the forefront of my mind when at work, looking forward to dinner time.

I really enjoy eating and often snack.

I'd actually like to put some weight on, but it doesn't seem to hapen.

Dunno, I just never think about it. Given the choice between a Pizza and Football manager there is no competition.

Why choose? They compliment each other so well.

'Tis true.

Add a beer and you are in heaven!

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I'd force yourself to eat breakfast each day and see if your appetite improve.

Absolutely crucial. Breakfast isn't just something you eat for the sake of it. Breakfast kickstarts your digestive system in the morning. If you don't have a breakfast then it never gets going until your first meal e.g. at lunch. It improves your appetite (by burning what's in your system, ready for more...) and keeps/gets you healthy in many other ways. I used to never have a breakfast. Now I always do, even if it's just a breakfast bar. Something to get the system up and running.


Your system is up and running anyway, unless you're a corpse.

All this stuff and nonsense about breakfast is just put about by cereal makers and those doctors in their pay.

No offence, but you're wrong

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As someone who loves eating, I couldn't normally imagine missing one meal, let alone going a whole day without.

Except for the fact that - some years ago - I went through a difficult period emotionally and psychologically (not going into it here, but suffice to say it was woman-related). And I lost my appetite for several months. I ate less and less, lost a load of weight (not in itself a bad thing, at least initially). I remember the lowest day very well - I was getting worried about my lack of appetite, and realised I had to eat something. At lunchtime, I bought a small sausage roll from a bakers. Got halfway through it and chucked the rest away. Bad times.

But things changed, I eventually got my appetite back, and now I'm back to my rather flabby waistline - I HAVE to keep up the running to counter all the grub I get through! In fact, I feel quite peckish now...

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Dunno, I just never think about it. Given the choice between a Pizza and Football manager there is no competition.

Why choose? They compliment each other so well.

'Tis true.

Add a beer and you are in heaven!

Can't do it. I changed to wearing my suit in the dug out these days, Pizza on my suit is a no no.

The team seem to be playing better also :D

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I only eat breakfast on weekends, and when I do I won't eat lunch - and on weekdays I never skip lunch or dinner. Hate being hungry. I think my metobilism is pretty good though, I have very regulary eating routine and don't put weight on. Until I hit my late teens I was pretty thin, but fleshed out and am now pretty average I guess. The though of not eating anything all day is pretty horrific, frankly

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purely on the basis that the kind folk of VT have told me to I decided to force some grub down me neck for dinner

and force it down I had to, after about 4 bites I was felling full already, that aint normal

any ways that should keep me going for a while

mashed potato

roast potato



roast pork



lovely it was but I feel literally bloated to **** now

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