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Diane Abbott


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I wasnt offended by that or of her comments about West Indian mothers because she is a racist and I take nothing serious a racist says no matter whether they are black or white BUT do I want an MP who clearly has the potential to not treat everybody equal and be potentially racist? no

I dont think many non blacks were offended, I think it was a case of what I have written above plus (though many wont admit it) after seeing so often the race card be played during our time growing up we like to think its about bloody time it was proved the other way. Not a very mature way I know but true.

I have been called a white bastard, shit etc many times in and out of the workplace but when I complain I am told "its not the same as you are white, but if I said that I would be sacked so why should they get away with it.

I have views on certain religions, peoples behaviour but never discriminate, I think we are equal, but that means over every area including judging someone by the colour of their skin whether white or black.

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There is still a big issue re racism is this and many countries, there is a problem (as we have seen recently with the Euro thing) re Xenophobia and often these go very much hand in hand and overlap. These issues need continued looking at and continued working on to improve things

and yet the bnp pulls it's voters voters from labour and UKIP form the tories ..which would suggest that voting intent wise they don't go hand in hand and that maybe racism is a working class thing and Euro Scepticism is a middle class thing ?

Where do you get your info in to try and justify those claims re UKIP and BNP?

(interesting how you continue with your attempts to link BNP and Labour)

Also your are over simplifying things to try and fit your argument. Being "working class" does not mean that you are instantly a Labour supporter, even though some in Gvmt like to think like that and use it as a basis to attack this group.

As said Racism and Xenaphobia go very much hand in hand and often overlap. Political parties such as UKIP and BNP are very much racist (BNP) and xenaphobic if you have to try and analyse their policies, but as with all of these things they will appeal to some.

Your (failing) attempts to try and link Labour to the BNP at the expense of the subject in hand here really is not a good one Tony and you are better than that.

A question for you is Xenaphobia acceptable?

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A question for you is Xenaphobia acceptable?

Not at all, I think it's disgraceful; Lucy Lawless is a very talented actress and smokin' to boot, can't see why anyone would have anything against her.

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Political parties such as UKIP are very much racist

is there any evidence of this ? other than Nigel Fargo I don't know a huge amount about the party but I'm led to believe all they want is for the UK not to be dictated to by Belgium ... I guess you must have read their manifesto in order to have come to the conclusion they are a racist party so in your opinion which bits of it make them racist ?

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As said Racism and Xenaphobia go very much hand in hand and often overlap. Political parties such as UKIP and BNP are very much racist (BNP) and xenaphobic if you have to try and analyse their policies, but as with all of these things they will appeal to some.

is not the same as

Political parties such as UKIP are very much racist

A classic Richard Dunne own goal Tony with your selective edited quoting. :-)

Pretty poor show from you there.

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A question for you is Xenaphobia acceptable?

Not at all, I think it's disgraceful; Lucy Lawless is a very talented actress and smokin' to boot, can't see why anyone would have anything against her.

:-) and @ Chind too

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As said Racism and Xenaphobia go very much hand in hand and often overlap. Political parties such as UKIP and BNP are very much racist (BNP) and xenaphobic if you have to try and analyse their policies, but as with all of these things they will appeal to some.

is not the same as

Political parties such as UKIP are very much racist

A classic Richard Dunne own goal Tony with your selective edited quoting. :-)

Pretty poor show from you there.

Not at all ..i think it's widely accepted that the BNP are a racist party , so there was no real need to include them as it was specifically UKIP I was interested in (i guess i should have done a few ....'s to show the crop in your quote but it wasn't selective quoting with mischief in mind fwiw) but your post stated that UKIP were ALSO a racist party so I was asking for clarification as to what parts in their manifesto when you read it lead you to that conclusion

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Not at all ..i think it's widely accepted that the BNP are a racist party , so there was no real need to include them as it was specifically UKIP I was interested in (i guess i should have done a few ....'s to show the crop in your quote but it wasn't selective quoting with mischief in mind fwiw) but your post stated that UKIP were ALSO a racist party so I was asking for clarification as to what parts in their manifesto when you read it lead you to that conclusion

Tony, sit down and read the posts. Then after your cheeks have returned from the obvious red colour they will go to in embarrassment at making such a mistake (and editing the comment) come back and post then, because at the moment you are making things up. :oops:

I did not say that UKIP were a racist party - a bit of a clue for you those round things over the BNP bit. Look you made a mistake, tried to score a few points by changing a quote to fit your argument, no harm done, you made a mistake I wont hold it against you :-)

Political parties such as UKIP and BNP are very much racist (BNP) and xenaphobic
= BNP - Racist and Xenaphobic / UKIP - Xenaphobic (IMO of course) :-)
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How about you post in clear English and save me from myself :winkold:

As said Racism and Xenaphobia go very much hand in hand and often overlap. Political parties such as UKIP and BNP are very much racist (BNP) and xenaphobic if you have to try and analyse their policies

but to be clear when you write Racism and Xenophobia go hand in hand and overlap , but parties such as UKIP and BNP are very much racist (BNP) and xenophobic

you only meant BNP were racist and xenophobic where as UKIP are just xenophobic ....

just a side but can a party whose leader has a German wife really be Xenophobic ?

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How about you post in clear English and save me from myself Wink

:-) Booo hiss, you grammar Nazi ........ (see what I did there?)

just a side but can a party whose leader has a German wife really be Xenophobic ?

Yes. Unless of course your missus rules anything and everything that goes on.

Again though - is Xenaphobia acceptable (damn you Gareth and Chind)

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Again though - is Xenaphobia acceptable

No , but it only seems to have come up because you seem to believe anyone who is anti european fiscal union is Xenaphobic ( 8)

in the same way that me not wanting to be a member of the Federal state of Europe doesn't make me Xenophobic but then my wife is Hungarian and she does rule anything and everything :-)

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Your wife does rule you just don't know it.

I do not think that anyone who is anti euro fiscal union is Xenaphobic, but there are a lot of people who are. Big difference

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Seems the fat, honking racist mare has been at it again..

From the Fail: Work for a white Conservative: What Abbott told Tory-voting graduate who asked for a job

Ed Miliband faced new calls to rebuke Labour frontbencher Diane Abbott last night after she told a young, Tory-voting black graduate who asked her for work that she wasn’t doing the ‘black thing’ and should ‘go and work for a white Conservative’ instead.

The new race row involving Ms Abbott comes two weeks after she was forced to apologise for saying ‘white people love to divide and rule’ following the trial of the killers of black teenager Stephen Lawrence.

Politics graduate Jade Knight, 25, told yesterday how she approached Ms Abbott about the chances of work after recognising her at a branch of Boots in London’s Piccadilly.

‘I was in London for a job interview and I was doing some shopping when I saw Ms Abbott,’ she said.

‘I told how I admired her and though I didn’t always agree with her and was a conservative, I loved watching and listening to her on TV. Then I went off to buy a drink.

‘I phoned and told my mum, who knows I would love to work in politics and I said, “Do you think I should have asked her if I could work for her?” She said, “Yes, it’s a great chance to network. Go for it.”

‘So I went downstairs and found Ms Abbott and said I hoped she didn’t mind me asking her, but if there was any kind of work I could do for her, I would love the opportunity.

‘She said, “You’d be better off working for a white Conservative. You’re a black conservative, you don’t do the black thing.” I couldn’t believe she had said it.

‘She was basically accusing me of selling out, which is not true. I told her being a conservative wasn’t going against my heritage. Anyone who understands black culture knows black culture can be very conservative. I thought she would understand that as she is educated.’

British-born Ms Knight, whose father is a Nigerian immigrant, went to school at a London comprehensive before gaining her degree. She is not a member of the Conservative Party but regards herself as a ‘social conservative’.

She explained to Ms Abbott that she was a committed Christian and had become a conservative with a small ‘c’ after working with disadvantaged black and Hispanic children in America.

‘Many were badly behaved and came from broken homes with no male figure and surrounded by crack addicts,’ she said. ‘I had lived for a while with an aunt and uncle in Georgia in America where most black parents were married and the kids were much better behaved.

‘It convinced me that social conservatism, with its emphasis on family values, is right.

‘I listed for Ms Abbott well-known black American conservatives like Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell. She just said “America is different” and “Goodbye”. I wished her a nice day and was left totally bewildered.’

more on link

Imagine a white graduate with personal leanings to the political left being told by a Tory MP to "go and work for black socialist, you don't do the 'white thing'".

Trying to link political support to racial solidarity seems pretty stupid to me, but for the sheer point and laugh factor she's priceless! :D

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She is a guest on "this week" erm next week so will be fun watching her squirm on the sofa

In isolation I thought the first comment was no biggie but she has become an embaressment to her party now so Ed should have decisive for once and sacked her

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Must say its another victory for the pr of conservative party, that they are the holders of 'family values', because those on the left love nothing more than breaking families up :S

But that said that was a really stupid comment from Abbott. Exclusion is hardly the way forward, which you think she might have understood, but playing the whole 'don't work with whitey' is madness

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