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Internet Nostalgia


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Moved to Stockholm to become a teacher in 1996. Gave that up after a year. Anyway, when I came to the university the first class was about something called IT and we should learn how to use something called internet. I didn't have a clue what they were talking about. Never heard of it. We were allowed to use the internet on the schools computer and we could stay there during the nights too if we wanted. Then my mate, who already knew a lot about it, showed me that you could chat with people from all over the world. And that's what I did for the next 8 months or so after that. I was always shy irl, but behind the computer I could be more myself when I talked to girls. And I met a fair few during that period. The thing was that in those days it wasn't really common to have your own pictures so you never know how they'd look. Quite an adventure in itself. :P

And then in 1999 there was this site with the adress www.kungen.nu :D

Edit: Which apparently still is a site but not at all what it was back then.

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I used to mess about with it before the WWW address. Used to dial into bulletin boards using a old IBM pc and a 14.4 modem. I did not care what was on it, it was the fact that I managed to do on my own that I was happy about. No mouse either :-)

I was very young at the time and had no idea what I was doing, it was working fine though, the phone bills told me that.

God knows what year that was but long ago I suspect.

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I used to mess about with it before the WWW address. Used to dial into bulletin boards using a old IBM pc and a 14.4 modem. I did not care what was on it, it was the fact that I managed to do on my own that I was happy about. No mouse either :-)

I was very young at the time and had no idea what I was doing, it was working fine though, the phone bills told me that.

God knows what year that was but long ago I suspect.


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Did anyone ever visit steakandcheese.com? It was kinda like Rotten and had a bunch of different shock images every day. It's just a porn site these days though so don't bother visiting.

Yeh, was a big fan of it until it turned to a porn site. Rotten was harsh too.

I remeber those irritating chat rooms with constant messages of "ASL" :evil:

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I used to mess about with it before the WWW address. Used to dial into bulletin boards using a old IBM pc and a 14.4 modem. I did not care what was on it, it was the fact that I managed to do on my own that I was happy about. No mouse either :-)

I was very young at the time and had no idea what I was doing, it was working fine though, the phone bills told me that.

God knows what year that was but long ago I suspect.


That's me that is :D

and yes I used to love that film, Professor Falcon and all that jazz.

How about a nice game of Intercontinental thermo nuclear war, but chess is nice also.

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Anybody remember irc (Internet Relay Chat)?

I remember going on a channel called something like "talk.gb" and finding it a bit... odd. Until it dawned on me that "gb" didn't stand for "Great Britain", but "gay/bisexual"...

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  • 4 years later...

Thread zombieism...

Was chatting to a mate the other day about early days on the internet, which for me was late 90's / early 00's

At home had a Tiscali dial up account, which I had to keep disconnecting from so my parents could use the phone. MSN was my homepage but there was plenty of choice for search engines... Google, Yahoo, MSN, Excite, Ask Jeeves, AltaVista, Lycos and i'm sure may more...

I used to go to an Internet Cafe at the Sutton Court Hotel at weekends as they had a far faster connection. 

I was always on MSN Messenger and was a great place to chat to girls... many happy memories off there :)

The internet seemed a nicer more exciting place back then but I guess thats's just rose tinted nostalgia talking

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