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Your Christmas Traditions?


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xmas eve - out for a meal with friends (28 of us this year) before that 26 of us will have gone to one of this god houses for a carol service, I abstain and go to the pub next door

Xmas day - normal xmas breakfast is scrambled egg & smoked salmon (but not this year as Im on earlies :( ) with bucks fizz after breakfast sit down by the tree and open presents

xmas dinner - turkey and all the usual gubbins, watch stuff on the tellybox, drink

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Oh, stop telling your kids that Santa exists, your setting them up for their first big fall. From day one we've never had any truck with that bollocks, our daughter as a consequence ruined a few of her friends fantasies rather earlier in life than their parents we expecting but what the ****, who was lying again?

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Oh, stop telling your kids that Santa exists, your setting them up for their first big fall. From day one we've never had any truck with that bollocks, our daughter as a consequence ruined a few of her friends fantasies rather earlier in life than their parents we expecting but what the ****, who was lying again?

out of interest what age did you tell her God didn't exist and did that put you at odds with her school ?

With it being Christmas and all the nativity plays at school my 2 keep going on about baby Jesus and God and so on ... every time i go to open my mouth ,Mrs H29 gives me a look as if to say "one word and you'll be waking up with your balls in your mouth "

but back to your original point I Have to say that on the santa thing though i don't agree with you , children need imaginations and i see no harm in giving them a bit of excitement ... there really is no big fall when they find out he isn't real , the work it out for themselves anyway , my oldest (7) already knows and humours me when I talk about Santa , he's probably trying to work out the appropriate time to tell me that Santa isn't real without upsetting me :-)

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We don't have many traditions, really.

At some point over the period my parents will go to my nan and grandads grave (I used to, before my nan died. I've not been back since her funeral). On Christmas day it's become a tradition in recent years that my dad cooks a bloody enormous fry up and my brother and his wife, and my sister and her partner and son, will come up and have that, followed by presents.

Another recent tradition, that I dislike, is that we go to my sisters for Christmas dinner. The reason we do this is officially because my sister can't really justify doing turkey for just herself and son, while something else for her partner. Unofficially, and the real reason, is because my mom hates cooking. While my nan was alive, who lived with us, she'd do it.

Boxing day we always go over to my great aunts in Warwickshire and she'll knock up a huge dinner as well.

And thats about it. All very dull.

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Oh, stop telling your kids that Santa exists, your setting them up for their first big fall. From day one we've never had any truck with that bollocks, our daughter as a consequence ruined a few of her friends fantasies rather earlier in life than their parents we expecting but what the ****, who was lying again?

We had this shit last year, you know you'll get the 'well done for ruining other families christmas's and spoiling it for parents, grandparents and kids' treatment, which I'll agree with. And you'll be stuck in your 'At least I'm not lying to my kids' attitude which will annoy 99.99% of everyone on earth to which you'll reply with 'hey, i'm different.'

Yet I bet when you kids bring their shitty macarone art pictures/rubbish lego models to you, you say 'oh - thats fantastic well done you clever girl/boy. At the end of the day, whatever you think you do or don't do, you will tell kids lies.

So let's just move on swiftly, shall we?

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Power-wanking, each stroke timed to the stroke of Jinge-Bells with the money shot as close to midnight on Christmas eve/day as I can make it.

Smoked Salmon and Scrambled Eggs for brekkers, followed by presents for Mrs and Princess Eames.

Off to my parents house for further presents and booze

Off to in-laws for booze, presents immense amounts of food (2 rib of beef, 22lb turkey this year) more booze and then sleep.

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Power-pulling the Pope's cap off, each stroke timed to the stroke of Jinge-Bells with the money shot as close to midnight on Christmas eve/day as I can make it.

Smoked Salmon and Scrambled Eggs for brekkers, followed by presents for Mrs and Princess Eames.

Off to my parents house for further presents and booze

Off to in-laws for booze, presents immense amounts of food (2 rib of beef, 22lb turkey this year) more booze and then sleep.


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For me,

xmas eve is a huge game of football with a load of mates,

followed by a drunken night out in Solihull and a dirty kebab on the way home, but not eaten until I get in.

At this point my mom will be back from midnight mass and be disgusted by me drunkenly tucking into my kebab at half 1 in the morning.

Xmas day, drag myself out of bed and watch whatever I've been given on DVD until dinner's ready, at which point I attempt to eat and drink myself to death until I pass out in a corner.

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Xmas eve - hungover from pub crawl on 23rd, wrap presents, takeaway with parents, pub for a few.

Xmas day - wake up, presents from my dad's side of the fam and bacon sandwiches, head over to my grans and have presents with mum's side of fam, drink, xmas dinner, drink some more, nap, 'tree' presents (everyone buys everyone else four presents for under a fiver each), get more pissed and play a game, watch the cricket from australia

Boxing day- lie in, big buffet lunch, head home, pub for the football

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I put a bow tie on my Beagle all Christmas day. (Stars and strips that I connect to his collar).

the perfect upgrade for next year


That's fantastic (God knows how you found that). I could not do it to him though, bow-tie = quite funny / cute.... that's just abuse and the poor dog hates it when people laugh at him strangely enough.

Now a full Villa kit...... :D

I will post a pick of him in it after xmas. I am sure my dog smiles on the inside :-)

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Oh, stop telling your kids that Santa exists, your setting them up for their first big fall. From day one we've never had any truck with that bollocks, our daughter as a consequence ruined a few of her friends fantasies rather earlier in life than their parents we expecting but what the ****, who was lying again?

Humbug! I have never been and never will be as excited as I was every Christmas morning and I am eternally thankful for my parents for that. I was about 10 when I found and wasn't too bothered because I still got presents. I'll bet a months wages you didn't have Santa growing up did you?

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Oh, stop telling your kids that Santa exists, your setting them up for their first big fall. From day one we've never had any truck with that bollocks, our daughter as a consequence ruined a few of her friends fantasies rather earlier in life than their parents we expecting but what the ****, who was lying again?

Humbug! I have never been and never will be as excited as I was every Christmas morning and I am eternally thankful for my parents for that. I was about 10 when I found and wasn't too bothered because I still got presents. I'll bet a months wages you didn't have Santa growing up did you?

Are you unemployed or a student?

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breakfast in the morning with bucks fizz and open presents.

variety of photos

text and call family to wish merry christmas.

go to mums and eat massively and watch tv

then eat again in the evening

and again about midnight

wake up on boxing day and make a massive buffet at home.

family come to mine

drink eat and watch football.

eat more and watch films and play on xbox with cousins.

eat some more


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out of interest what age did you tell her God didn't exist and did that put you at odds with her school ?

God's never existed. So we didn't really need to tell her, it was obvious to her from an early age. And as far as her school, other people and their kids are concerned that was most definitely their problem not ours.

Never really had a problem with that tbh. We had a problem with ruining other kids Christmases but again S.E.P.

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