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The new leader of the Labour Party


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both labour and tories are in turmoil no hiding that though makeminevanilla


Cynics tend to say that the electorate vote for parties who offer them the best bribes, whether they be a council house, tax cuts, economic growth, or better public services.


No party is in a position to offer the electorate a bribe.

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Red and Blue still doing their best not to get elected

And whoever is doing Milliband's PR is still doing their best to kill him. Last week he tries to come across as compassionate by giving money to a beggar (bad move in itself) but then tops it off by only giving him 2p

Seriously, plot lines the Thick of It would have rejected as too ridiculous

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Although I don't think much of Miliband, whose main strategy seems to be to pretend the deficit is a fiction invented by Tories, I certainly don't trust YouGov, whose neutrality has to be put in question due to the fact that two of their previous CEOs went on to stand as Tory candidates.


seeing as I work in the industry I could give you long boring details of how yougov work  , but the shortened version is they tend to work off of regular panels rather than different respondents each time

 ... their data itself will probably be good   ... however  they may choose to potentially give quite a lot of influence  to a relatively small group of respondents if they have an agenda  .. the repsodents on their panel are invited to take part so they have panellists profiles on record and they could of course invite more Tory supporters than labour to a survey if they wanted to deliver a particular outcome

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Red and Blue still doing their best not to get elected

And whoever is doing Milliband's PR is still doing their best to kill him. Last week he tries to come across as compassionate by giving money to a beggar (bad move in itself) but then tops it off by only giving him 2p

Seriously, plot lines the Thick of It would have rejected as too ridiculous


he was on to a loser either way with that one  ...wonder if the beggar was paid by someone to sit right where he would be walking

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Red and Blue still doing their best not to get elected

And whoever is doing Milliband's PR is still doing their best to kill him. Last week he tries to come across as compassionate by giving money to a beggar (bad move in itself) but then tops it off by only giving him 2p



...whilst doing his absolute utmost not to look at the woman whatsoever, with an expression on his face that looked like he'd trodden in something.  Hilarious.

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Red and Blue still doing their best not to get elected

And whoever is doing Milliband's PR is still doing their best to kill him. Last week he tries to come across as compassionate by giving money to a beggar (bad move in itself) but then tops it off by only giving him 2p


...whilst doing his absolute utmost not to look at the woman whatsoever, with an expression on his face that looked like he'd trodden in something.  Hilarious.

You really couldn't make it up, it is that bad its hilarious

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Looks like they've only released the poorly timed photos, like they did with the bacon sandwich nonsense.


Looking at the woman as well, she doesn't look like a down and out to me, she looks clean, her clothes look clean and new, she has a kind of smirk on her face as she accepts the money, I'm thinking, as Tony suggested that she was planted there.


And what should Ed do, just walk past? No, that would be even worse, he had to do something. Did he have a load of cash on him to give her instead? I personally never carry any cash on me, who does these days?


The trap was set and the trap was well and truly sprung.

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Looks like they've only released the poorly timed photos, like they did with the bacon sandwich nonsense.


Looking at the woman as well, she doesn't look like a down and out to me, she looks clean, her clothes look clean and new, she has a kind of smirk on her face as she accepts the money, I'm thinking, as Tony suggested that she was planted there.


And what should Ed do, just walk past? No, that would be even worse, he had to do something. Did he have a load of cash on him to give her instead? I personally never carry any cash on me, who does these days?


The trap was set and the trap was well and truly sprung.



Actually, she looks exactly like a lot of beggars in Manchester.  Go to any major road junction, and you'll see  people dressed the same as the lady in the Miliband photo offering to wash windscreens.  Here's a clue, just because they're begging, doesn't mean that they're necessarily homeless.

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Looks like they've only released the poorly timed photos, like they did with the bacon sandwich nonsense.


Looking at the woman as well, she doesn't look like a down and out to me, she looks clean, her clothes look clean and new, she has a kind of smirk on her face as she accepts the money, I'm thinking, as Tony suggested that she was planted there.


And what should Ed do, just walk past? No, that would be even worse, he had to do something. Did he have a load of cash on him to give her instead? I personally never carry any cash on me, who does these days?


The trap was set and the trap was well and truly sprung.



Actually, she looks exactly like a lot of beggars in Manchester.  Go to any major road junction, and you'll see  people dressed the same as the lady in the Miliband photo offering to wash windscreens.  Here's a clue, just because they're begging, doesn't mean that they're necessarily homeless.



So what you're saying is that they're just people failed by the Tory government and their cost of living crisis? ;)

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And what should Ed do, just walk past?

Yep, thats exactly what he should have done. Much easier to field the subsequent question. "Sorry I didn't see her…" and then say how terrible it is that people are forced to live like that… Tory cuts… blah

Unless of course it was a pre-arranged stunt gone wrong… again

Much like the Feminist t-shirt stunt which also backfired when it was revealed that they were made in a sweat shop for buttions

I don't think I've ever witnessed so many missed open goals and own goals by a political party / leader ever

A lower approval rating than Nick Clegg, how is that possible?

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And what should Ed do, just walk past?

A lower approval rating than Nick Clegg, how is that possible?

Have you watched "V"? Ed's an alien, you'd have to be blind not to see it*

* The truth is out there - but Miliband's policies are not.

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Red and Blue still doing their best not to get elected

And whoever is doing Milliband's PR is still doing their best to kill him. Last week he tries to come across as compassionate by giving money to a beggar (bad move in itself) but then tops it off by only giving him 2p

Seriously, plot lines the Thick of It would have rejected as too ridiculous

Did he really do that? PR disaster, labour should get rid its not too late to get someone else in

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If Yes Minister taught us anything it's that when someone comes out and denies it then it's almost certainly true ...


Shadow chancellor Ed Balls has insisted the party is united behind Ed Miliband's leadership denying growing unrest among backbenchers.


MPs are understood to be increasingly disgruntled with Mr Miliband's performance with the General Election campaign just around the corner and there have been claims a letter is being circulated calling for him to go.

At the weekend a YouGov poll put him at an all-time low in the popularity stakes - behind even Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, who until now had been the bellwhether for leadership unpopularity.



full story on the evil since 2010 news corp web site

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