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Classic depression. Been there, done that, got some Citalopram from the quacks, feel great.

Can't believe I spent about ten years of my life with it before getting help.

Had to google Citalopram and the first thing it said was: Citalopram has been found to greatly reduce the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and premature ejaculation.

Mmm hmm....

Anyway, I'd always recommend alternative therapies first before trying prescription medication fella. Much better to get to the root of the problem rather than trying to mask it. Prevention is better than cure, etc etc.

To be fair Laura, what if premature ejaculation was the root of his problem?

Then I believe he has the right tablets. :thumb:

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Serious hat on for a mo, here's a list of local(ish) mental health organisations that might be worth giving a call to/visiting their websites. A lot of them produce or distribute useful leaflets and information about mental health. I have pinched these from our client database, so erm... you didn't get them from me. :suspect:

Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust


0845 146 1800

Birmingham Association for Mental Health


0121 608 8001

Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust


0121 301 1111

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Classic depression. Been there, done that, got some Citalopram from the quacks, feel great.

Can't believe I spent about ten years of my life with it before getting help.

Had to google Citalopram and the first thing it said was: Citalopram has been found to greatly reduce the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and premature ejaculation.

Mmm hmm....

Anyway, I'd always recommend alternative therapies first before trying prescription medication fella. Much better to get to the root of the problem rather than trying to mask it. Prevention is better than cure, etc etc.

Spot Laura, alternative therapies all the way which is what I have passed on through PM. Tablets just mask the problem.

I use kinesiology and use a great woman in Stourport on severn, just booked an appointment for myself tomorrow as suffering severe tiredness. £38 for 2 hours and think I have sent 10 people there now and all rave about it.

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Classic depression. Been there, done that, got some Citalopram from the quacks, feel great.

Can't believe I spent about ten years of my life with it before getting help.

Had to google Citalopram and the first thing it said was: Citalopram has been found to greatly reduce the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and premature ejaculation.

Mmm hmm....

Anyway, I'd always recommend alternative therapies first before trying prescription medication fella. Much better to get to the root of the problem rather than trying to mask it. Prevention is better than cure, etc etc.

Spot Laura, alternative therapies all the way which is what I have passed on through PM. Tablets just mask the problem.

I use kinesiology and use a great woman in Stourport on severn, just booked an appointment for myself tomorrow as suffering severe tiredness. £38 for 2 hours and think I have sent 10 people there now and all rave about it.

Right B6. I have wiki'd that and I still do not have a clue what it is about. Could you tell me what it is? in a really dumbed down way please?

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Well done on taking the first step in realising that you have a problem and need to do something about it. As others have said you should talk to a professional. Good luck mate, it takes a stronger man to admit his weaknesses.

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Well done on taking the first step in realising that you have a problem and need to do something about it. As others have said you should talk to a professional. Good luck mate, it takes a stronger man to admit his weaknesses.
I wouldn't call it a weakness.

I've always thought that mental health is absolutely no different to physical health. Very few (if any) people get through life without some minor illnesses, even if only coughs and colds. A few unlucky ones get something more serious, but the point is, illness is a normal part of the human condition. It carries no social stigma (HIV/AIDS and STDs arguably excepted), and neither should mental illness.

We all get coughs and colds from time to time, and grumble about it. But we all also get the mental equivalent of coughs and colds (mild depression or anxiety), and occasionally the mental equivalent of flu or pneumonia (more severe clinical depression). It's a **** drag - but it's normal.

If you have any sense, you don't let a septic finger turn into septicaemia, you get an antibiotic. Same deal with mental stuff - get it sorted before it gets worse. Seemples.

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Man up.

Just kidding mate. Plenty of us have been there, myself included. Nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of going to seek help. Quite often these things can be resolved reasonably quickly too, you'd be amazed how good some are at finding out why you're feeling down. Amazing sometimes how little things they can advise you on can make a huge change too. I was like you are, apathetic about so much and no motivation to do anything but lie down and gaze at a TV without watching it, I was advised to do a bit of exercise, which I forced myself to do, and then slowly from there I got a bit more motivation to do more and more and then was able to address some of my bigger problems. One thing's for sure, sitting around on the sofa achieves nothing at all, even if it's all you feel like you want to do.

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I've gone through that, and it frequently returns still. Though I know now what I must do to change it and I know it will pass in time.

Some good advices here. I'll just add what is really important for me. I know depression gives you a strong inclination to isolate yourself, but try not to give into that. I'm sure you'll find that if you fill your time with activities and friends, things will return to normal. Also, try to smile to people. It will lighten your mood (and the topic of conversation).

I've tried pills but they had little effect. Some gave an energy boost at first, but I suspect they had negative long term effect, i.e. on my ability to sleep which took years off the pills to get better.

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Can only second the advice given in this thread, despite only being of young age (19) I have had a few moments of depression, and the like, some worse than others, not been to see anyone for 'professional' help, just relied on close friends to help, if these feelings are a regular thing, and from your opening post sounds like they are, it may take some time for them to fully go.

I have been through suicidal emotions, and periods of self harm, and those feelings will never be fully gone from my head, its just the way I cope with them, and block them out. I hope that if you decide to go see someone, that it will help your mental state, its not a nice place to be in, and hey we all deserve abit of happiness from time to time :)

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Dante, I work for BSMHFT so if you want some advice on where to go and whatnot let me know mate, its birmingham rather than dudley but a few colleagues I know will know exactly who to see and where to go.

Im going through a similar period in my life myself at the moment, really not to dissimilar to your situation at all so it may help knowing your not the only one no matter how isolating it feels :thumb:

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Well done on taking the first step in realising that you have a problem and need to do something about it. As others have said you should talk to a professional. Good luck mate, it takes a stronger man to admit his weaknesses.
I wouldn't call it a weakness.

I've always thought that mental health is absolutely no different to physical health. Very few (if any) people get through life without some minor illnesses, even if only coughs and colds. A few unlucky ones get something more serious, but the point is, illness is a normal part of the human condition. It carries no social stigma (HIV/AIDS and STDs arguably excepted), and neither should mental illness.

We all get coughs and colds from time to time, and grumble about it. But we all also get the mental equivalent of coughs and colds (mild depression or anxiety), and occasionally the mental equivalent of flu or pneumonia (more severe clinical depression). It's a **** drag - but it's normal.

If you have any sense, you don't let a septic finger turn into septicaemia, you get an antibiotic. Same deal with mental stuff - get it sorted before it gets worse. Seemples.

Well said Mike. Probably a bad choice of words on my part.

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Late to this one. Dante my good fellow, yup, it's crap.*High Five*. Umm, you've shared it with us, which I guess was your first step. Much wisdom above my post, but I guess the key is go to your GP: he/she will not sort your stuff out, but their job is to point you the right way.

PM me for confidential advice: I've been hospitalised twice through it and have come out the other side a happier and more effective chap.

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Have you been to the doctor?

If you can get referred for a bit of cognitive therapy you may be surprised about how well it works. Some of these people are miracle workers.

I have done loads of cognitive therapy for various things, works well. You just need to take a deep breath, pick up the phone and get the ball rolling. The first bit is the hardest.

I have had what you describe on and off for 20 + years.

Find someone you like as well, if you don't click with the first person try someone else, they won't mind. In my case as soon as it was a bird all was good in the world. Nothing like a bit of flirting to get a session going :D

I am impressed that you put it on here to start with !

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Thanks beauts :)

As stupid as it sounds last night was a pretty relaxed night. I really think that sharing that first post, even with strangers, has helped immensely. I popped round to my aunties and spent a good 2 hours there catching up with them from their holiday. I had a phone call from the girl I've been seeing, and I actually watched the New Argumental on Dave without a drink. Had a decent nights sleep and woke up this morning feeling, refreshed?

I'm still going to talk to someone about it as I'm under no illusion that I'm 'fixed', it's just a good feeling at the moment.

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