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grew up in a house that was haunted, we (mum/sister/brother/me/) all seen the ghost in the house, my sister has seen it the most,brother seen it 2 or 3 times,me once, we (our family) all know what we seen & not bothered if people belive or not to he honest, it wasnt nice growing up in the house but in them days we didnt have the internet for answers or help.

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grew up in a house that was haunted, we (mum/sister/brother/me/) all seen the ghost in the house, my sister has seen it the most,brother seen it 2 or 3 times,me once, we (our family) all know what we seen & not bothered if people belive or not to he honest, it wasnt nice growing up in the house but in them days we didnt have the internet for answers or help.

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Had a couple of very spooky experiences over the course of a number of years at my parents place both as a kid and as an adult. I can explain nearly every last one of them away with Science and reasoning the only thing that bugs me is that in all the other places I've every lived or stayed nothing even remotely similar has ever happened and I'm not the only one. All my siblings have witnessed, experienced similar freakishness but one tale takes the biscuit. Many years ago I was out getting takeaway with an older brother and I was telling him about a freaky incident in the house:

Was home alone sitting in the shitter, heard an adjacent door open "who the **** could that be" and somebody walking up to the door. I loudly exclaimed: "I'm in here" when suddenly the light flicked off (switch was on the other side of the door) I figured it was somebody **** with me. Parents were away, brothers had all moved out but somebody had surely made a surprise visit. So I yanked on my pants and sprung out the door. Room was empty, house was empty, all windows and doors locked. Not a shred of evidence that anybody had been there. I was utterly bewildered surely it had to be one of my brothers **** around but who would have come all the way out there to flick off a light switch? I let it be.

So a year or two later where are at the takeaway and for whatever reason I was telling him about the time somebody came into the house and flicked off the bathroom light while I was taking a crap. He countered with a better tale:

Full house everyone was home for Christmas, him and another brother who was closest in age to him had been out at the pub. The two had never gotten along not as kids and not as adults. At this point one was in college the older one had just graduated and lo and behold they had to share a room in the packed house. The older one had left the pub early and went home to bed, the younger came home about an hour later and hit the sack. He was just drifting asleep when he heard an unmerciful scream from across the room, he looked over and could see the other brother staring at the door way with a look of horror on his face. His eyes went that direction and there by the doorway was a young boy with his back turned to them. The apparition was there for a moment still before disappearing through the closed door.

Well needless to say the two of them freaked out and my mother hearing the yelling came into the room to find the two of them in a state of shock. She did what all good mums would do and blamed the booze.

Anyway good story, didn't believe it. Was tempted to ask my other brother for his account but never did, mostly from fear that he would back up the tale. So ten years or so pass and I'm out having dinner with that other brother when my wife starts talking about how my parents house freaks her out. Lo and behold we are treated to his account of events:

He came home and went straight to bed, struggled to fall asleep when he heard what sounded like the other brother coming into the room he went to roll over and looked up seeing somebody standing in the doorway, he looked over and saw his brother tucked away in bed looked back and realized it was a kid and let out a yelp before the kid vanished.

The stories were essentially identical despite been told a decade apart and I can't think of any reason why the two of them who can barely stand the sight of each other would make it up....

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If that was an M.Night Shamalamadingdong film, it'd transpire that the kid in the doorway was actually you **** around with both your brothers.

****, hope I haven't been dead for over 20 years. I'd have been working these shitty jobs and following the garbage that is Villa rather than haunting a Kentucky sorority house, or making Harry Redknapps life a living hell.

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If you want to scare yourself, do a oujjii board

I did one once and once only, things got out of hand

I take it you don't know that the "Ouiji board" mark is owned by Hasbro. It's a toy.

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one of the odd things that used to happen in our house..our dog (a real softie) she used to leave her meals sometimes for days,she had a bowl for her food & one for her water both were on a very flimsy plastic matt..this has happened around 3 times.. when we came downstairs in the morning we have found her food on the bottom,the matt on top of her food bowl & the water bowl on top of the matt with not a drop spilt,we all loved our dog & would never stop her from getting to her food,how the water bowl ever moved with out a drop gone?

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If ghosts were real, there would be documentaries by respected academics or people of science, like Brian Cox or David Attenborough.

Not Yvette Fielding and Derek **** Average...

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one of the odd things that used to happen in our house..our dog (a real softie) she used to leave her meals sometimes for days,she had a bowl for her food & one for her water both were on a very flimsy plastic matt..this has happened around 3 times.. when we came downstairs in the morning we have found her food on the bottom,the matt on top of her food bowl & the water bowl on top of the matt with not a drop spilt,we all loved our dog & would never stop her from getting to her food,how the water bowl ever moved with out a drop gone?

I'm stumped. My first thought is the spirit of a dead person did it though

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one of the odd things that used to happen in our house..our dog (a real softie) she used to leave her meals sometimes for days,she had a bowl for her food & one for her water both were on a very flimsy plastic matt..this has happened around 3 times.. when we came downstairs in the morning we have found her food on the bottom,the matt on top of her food bowl & the water bowl on top of the matt with not a drop spilt,we all loved our dog & would never stop her from getting to her food,how the water bowl ever moved with out a drop gone?

I'm stumped. My first thought is the spirit of a dead person did it though

we had lots of strange things go on in the house,i could type for hours i kid you not,we all seen the "ghost",we all had experiences of a dark force in the house,it wasnt nice.
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I've experienced a few "what the ****" moments but I still remain very sceptical. The most recent one was a couple of months ago. It was about 3 am and I was in bed watching tv. My dog started barking so I went downstairs and he was shaking like a leaf. I opened the backdoor for him to go and do his business but he never went out, he was just sitting there shaking and panting really bad. I closed the backdoor and tried to calm him down abit. Anyway, once he'd calmed down abit I started walking out of the room and the tv came on! I couldn't believe it. I quickly turned it off and went back upstairs. Whenever I go downstairs for a drink in the middle of the night I always feel like I'm being followed when I'm walking through the lounge and into the living room. I always put it down to my mind playing tricks with me. As I say, I've experienced a few random moments like that but for me it's a case of I'll believe it when I see it. I still can't explain how the tv came on though.

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Once I lost a tooth and put it under my pillow when I went to sleep .... Next morning it had gone only to be replaced by some money.... My parents said it was a tooth fairy but I've always had my suspicions that it was really a ghost

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I was sat on the shitter once straining really hard until there was a massive 'plop'. I stood up and looked around, nothing there. It creeped me out a little, but I shrugged it off...until it came to wiping. Again, nothing there.

I questioned myself, whether or not I'd dreamt the whole thing but I knew I hadn't because I could smell something shit-esque.

I remain sceptical, I just put this down as something I can't explain. It still gives me the willies when I look back at it though

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I was sat on the shitter once straining really hard until there was a massive 'plop'. I stood up and looked around, nothing there. It creeped me out a little, but I shrugged it off...until it came to wiping. Again, nothing there.

I questioned myself, whether or not I'd dreamt the whole thing but I knew I hadn't because I could smell something shit-esque.

I remain sceptical, I just put this down as something I can't explain. It still gives me the willies when I look back at it though

I've laid a few phantom cables in my time. Pleasant experiences, all of them.

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