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Higgs boson (tonyh29 particle) found?


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I read a book about this recently and it took apart the master equation and then put it together again. I sort of got it in the end (sort of) but you need to split it it up into smaller checks to have a chance. Basically it shows how all the particles interact with each it other (I think there are 12 or 13). The problem was that the h in the equation was this higgs which must exist or the equation does not really work but they need to see it for the thing to be accepted as theory.

It's the most amazing thing I have read about and I am continuing reading about it.

Neil you mean theres 12 particles of matter in the universe and 4 forces of nature.

This is an excellent video and everyone should watch it because its awesome/ingenius

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So what will it mean if they have found it?

That the theories about how matter is built up are correct. And probably tons of other things that only clever hats understand. :-)

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So what will it mean if they have found it?

The master equation needs this in it to work perfectly, now this is virtually confirmed then the equation can be used to work out everything to do with particles and how they react / move / change, it's a very small but important part of the jigsaw of the universe. This is the last piece we needed to work it all out, especially things like matter and why it exists like it does.

Really great news and I was sure they would never find it, they spent years looking for it at another collider in the US but this was too small I suppose.

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Really great news and I was sure they would never find it, they spent years looking for it at another collider in the US but this was too small I suppose.

It's not that small at all, it's mass is huge, comparatively speaking of course. Problem is or was apparently, the period of time it exists.

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Why is it called the god particle anyway? Surely if it distributes mass is should be the priest particle?

(shamelessly stolen from twitter as I wanted to be clever enough to post in this thread but had nowhere near enough knowledge of the subject matter to even start)

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Why is it called the god particle anyway? Surely if it distributes mass is should be the priest particle?

(shamelessly stolen from twitter as I wanted to be clever enough to post in this thread but had nowhere near enough knowledge of the subject matter to even start)

I meant the collider they were using was too small, my powwers of simple communication are leaving.

I know what you mean though, its around for no time (Plank time ???)

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So what will it mean if they have found it?

The master equation needs this in it to work perfectly, now this is virtually confirmed then the equation can be used to work out everything to do with particles and how they react / move / change, it's a very small but important part of the jigsaw of the universe. This is the last piece we needed to work it all out, especially things like matter and why it exists like it does.

Really great news and I was sure they would never find it, they spent years looking for it at another collider in the US but this was too small I suppose.

Cheers for the info! :thumb:

Wish I knew more about all this lark. It's all very interesting :nod:

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Higgs Boson walks in to a church.

The priest says "I'm sorry, but we don't allow particles in here."

Boson replies "But without me, how can you have mass?"

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Discovering the Higgs boson is a landmark in physics. We've suspected it had to be there because if its not everything we know about particle physics is potentially wrong. We used to look at what made up atoms and could work out how it worked but then did the maths and discovered that, whilst we could see what we assumed was right, the numbers didn't add up so to speak. So it was hypothised that this other particle, the Higgs boson, had to exist.

By (potentially - at the moment it's just looking very likely) finding it, we open the door to another stage of understanding, which could be potentially enormous. We want to look at what the Higgs boson does under different circumstances, what it degrades into, what fiddling with it will do to atoms. It could lead us to understanding things we've absolutely not got a clue about, dark matter and so on.

It has the potential to be the first step to very important discoveries.

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Discovering the Higgs boson is a landmark in physics. We've suspected it had to be there because if its not everything we know about particle physics is potentially wrong. We used to look at what made up atoms and could work out how it worked but then did the maths and discovered that, whilst we could see what we assumed was right, the numbers didn't add up so to speak. So it was hypothised that this other particle, the Higgs boson, had to exist.

By (potentially - at the moment it's just looking very likely) finding it, we open the door to another stage of understanding, which could be potentially enormous. We want to look at what the Higgs boson does under different circumstances, what it degrades into, what fiddling with it will do to atoms. It could lead us to understanding things we've absolutely not got a clue about, dark matter and so on.

It has the potential to be the first step to very important discoveries.

Thanks for making it more interesting :)

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Discovering the Higgs boson is a landmark in physics. We've suspected it had to be there because if its not everything we know about particle physics is potentially wrong. We used to look at what made up atoms and could work out how it worked but then did the maths and discovered that, whilst we could see what we assumed was right, the numbers didn't add up so to speak. So it was hypothised that this other particle, the Higgs boson, had to exist.

By (potentially - at the moment it's just looking very likely) finding it, we open the door to another stage of understanding, which could be potentially enormous. We want to look at what the Higgs boson does under different circumstances, what it degrades into, what fiddling with it will do to atoms. It could lead us to understanding things we've absolutely not got a clue about, dark matter and so on.

It has the potential to be the first step to very important discoveries.

Awesome! :thumb:

How are you quite obviously rather intelligent yet unemployed? :shock:

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^The above reminds of those "Ahh, I **** your Mum!"/"My Mother died 3 months ago" exchanges. The only thing you can do now Lapal is take the 'might as well dig an even deeper hole' approach akin to "So that's why she wasn't moving very much" in the above example.

Might I recommend "Well, at least you're being creative with your spare time"?

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