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Rick Perry - Strong - Hillarious


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Great response!

I dont even want to get into the debate about god or homosexuality. Im more interested in how the American political debate situation even makes this sort of thing possible? What kind of moron would come out and say this? Even the BNP try to hide their stupidity, but not in the US!

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It is strange how the right wing christians over there are so homophobic, especially when you consider how Jesus used to roll with 12 semi-naked, oiled up fishermen. From what I've read the messiah was hardly a fanny magnet (Well actually, in America fanny means your arse , so maybe he was )

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Im struggling to believe this guys for real. Watch his ati gay campaign ad and youd think its was a mock up to take the piss out of the American right. God its hillarious. How did America ever get to where it is with people like this trying to get power?


He wouldn't do it if he didn't think it'd win him some votes, would he? Is he one of those tea pot people? Even if he's not he seems to be going after the tea pot voters.

I'm sure that that once the Right Wingers have picked their loon to stand as Presidential candidate, that wider, saner, America will not elect anyone as clearly unbalanced as that fella appears to be

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I'm sure that that once the Right Wingers have picked their loon to stand as Presidential candidate, that wider, saner, America will not elect anyone as clearly unbalanced as that fella appears to be


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The funny thing is that he is offended that gays are (voluntarily) in the miltary, putting their lives on the line to serve their country.

If gays were excluded from the military (as they used to be ), I have no doubt that he'd be ranting about them being cowards and shirkers, and demanding that they be conscripted!

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Loved the parody :lol:

Nothing the Ameicans do ever shocks me from trying therapy to turn gays straight and scenes from the exocist reiacted but to get the gay out of someone :lol:

America is highly religious and this guy knows he can get votes out of it.

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I'm sure that that once the Right Wingers have picked their loon to stand as Presidential candidate, that wider, saner, America will not elect anyone as clearly unbalanced as that fella appears to be


Believe it or not, this fella is quite the moderate compared to much of the GOP.

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Loved the parody :lol:

Nothing the Ameicans do ever shocks me from trying therapy to turn gays straight and scenes from the exocist reiacted but to get the gay out of someone :lol:

America is highly religious and this guy knows he can get votes out of it.

He was already sinking in the polls, and this ad has just finished the job. Only the most rabid Bible thumpers will still pin their hopes on Perry.

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Perry doesn't seem to realize that it's not 2008 (when the SoCons (and no, I don't mean Wofford or Furman) pushed Huckabee to the top in Iowa).

The dynamic in the GOP this year is that it's almost certain that Romney gets the nomination without being anybody's first or second choice, while a succession of further right candidates try to be the anti-Romney, spike in the polls and then flame out:

* Bachman

* Perry

* Cain

And now Gingrich, who will IMO be the most spectacular flameout of the lot (because that's what Newt is good for).

Battlestar Galactica FTW

When the updated Battlestar Galactica ended a few years ago, I recall watching a behind-the-scenes special of some sort in which series creator Ron Moore said that he didn't ask his writers to plan too far ahead with any of the show's long-running storylines. Instead, the priority he gave them was, "if it feels dangerous, go there." It was a writing strategy that prized risk and shocking revelation over long-term narrative planning. And I think it does a nice job of capturing Newt Gingrich's approach to public life.

Gingrich is, among other things, a serial doomsayer. He's constantly warning that the fate of nation (and whoever else is listening) is at stake, and there may ne no way to survive without installing Gingrich at the helm. But as often as not, his warnings sound as if he just stopped at the buzzword buffet and stacked his plate with everything he could find.

My favorite? In March, he mentioned his two grandchildren, then described the dire future they might face: "I am convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of America, by the time they're my age they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American." A secular country! Dominated by radical Islamists! It would be funny if I hadn't seen this week's poll numbers. (OK, maybe it's funny anyway.)

But with Gingrich rising rapidly in key states like Florida and Ohio, I also wonder if a considerable segment of the Republican base—the segment looking for an alternative presidential nominee to Mitt Romney—isn't also pursuing a similar sort of if-it-feels-dangerous path when it comes to picking a presidential nominee. Here's a report from today's Boston Globe on The Rise of the Gingrich:

He has surged to the top of the polls, having been crowned the latest Tea Party favorite by the movement’s rank and file.

Newt Gingrich’s appeal is not universal among Tea Party conservatives, but for now he is their anointed warrior, boosted by his string of fiery debate performances filled with irreverent quips.

As Gingrich courts the group that will be so crucial to his success in Iowa and beyond, Gallup’s latest poll of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents has him winning 47 percent of voters nationally who say they support the Tea Party movement. (More than half of Republicans consider themselves Tea Party supporters.) A month ago, Gingrich garnered 18 percent of Tea Party support, behind Herman Cain and Mitt Romney.

“Obviously, he’s really kind of taken over among that group,’’ said Jeff Jones, the Gallup Poll’s managing editor. “They’ve been casting about, looking for someone who is a better fit for them than Romney is. It looks like everyone’s had their chance and basically squandered it, so that leaves Gingrich.’’

Considering the rise of the Tea Party and the GOP's current priority list, dominated as it is by domestic policy issues and a focus on reducing federal spending, it's perfectly clear why many in the party's base might be uncomfortable with handing the nomination to Romney. But as I've argued before, it's much less clear why they'd unify around Gingrich as their one and only not-Mitt.

Given Gingrich's record of following hype over substance, his cartoonishly inflated sense of his own importance, and his penchant for self-destruction (is Gingrich so obsessed with disaster because he's always on the brink of it himself?), he's a risky choice at best. Which may also be his draw; after all, risk is exciting, at least for a while. I sympathize. I liked Battlestar Galactica for the first several seasons; it had a lot of exciting ideas and seemed unusually willing to challenge TV-drama conventions. But in the end, the writers couldn't pull all their dangerous ideas together into a coherent whole, and it collapsed.

I still would not be surprised to see Ron Paul win Iowa, he's been quietly amassing the biggest warchest and is doing the sort of retail politicking that tends to do well in the Hawkeye State, while running the most TV advertising.

Big Dog (inspired by Bill Hicks' Ford adverts?)

Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy

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I'm sure that that once the Right Wingers have picked their loon to stand as Presidential candidate, that wider, saner, America will not elect anyone as clearly unbalanced as that fella appears to be


No no no, the likes of Perry and Cain are far worse.

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Have just discovered that the guy who composed the music used on that Rick Perry clip is none other than Aaron Copland. Not only was Copland an avid supporter of the Communist Party USA in the 1930s, he was also... gay.


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Ron Paul doing really well in Iowa. Could well beat Gingrich to the punch. I have to say I'm a fan of the man and would love to see him win it. With odds of 18/1 to do so though it does seem unlikely, however they have come in from 22/1 yesterday

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