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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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Got a text at 3:30am last night saying 'Help I need a minder'. Didn't see it til this morning. I'm not well at all. Really don't know what to do. Thinking I could ride out her hormones at the moment and then hopefully once on the other side in a few days I can try to convince her we should just meet up, hoping she'll have reconsidered the whole idea. If the only way she can decide whether she likes me or not is to completely block me from her life for 3 weeks, then I think she has her answer. She talks about me not respecting her reasons, but she is in no way even considering how I feel about the whole thing. Yesterday after I had calmed her down a bit she said that she would check her roster about what day she could meet me next week, but somehow we managed to get away from that and back to the no contact for 3 weeks bit.


I feel like absolute shit

She sounds like not only a lunatic but also a complete word removed. Why bother? Women like that are not worth it. In fact the vast majority of women are only good for sex.

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So I've decided I'm not doing my three week sentence. I'm telling her tonight/tomorrow. She can meet me next week, or I'm dropping her completely . I'm going to tell her that if she's willing to do this once, there's nothing stopping her from doing it again and I'm not willing to get over her twice. If she looks at the next week and decides she just doesn't want to meet me, then I think it's a pretty good sign that she doesn't like me as much as she says. Basically she has to make up her mind. So that's going to be my position.


I mean obviously I have toyed with the idea that I just give her the 3 weeks and then everything will be fine, but she really can't have it all her own way. It's just not good for me and she doesn't seem to care. It could be that she has no idea that I really like her. It's possible. She has mentioned a few times that she just doesn't know what to think regarding whether or not I like her and that she doesn't understand me at all. Either way I guess I'll know by tomorrow. I just text her to ask if she will be checking her roster tomorrow with a view to meeting me next week. If I don't get a reply or she continues with her 3 weeks plans I'll look to facebook chat her tomorrow night after she finishes work and have it all out.


Thanks for all the advice. I guess I've disregarded Stevo and Ingram's advice (against my better judgment) and instead am going with the rest of you, particularly Pompey. I want to find out if she's still a word removed once she knows I'm crazy about her and if she is, I'll take the necessary action. Need to take the initiative back. I'm happy to talk this out with her, but radio silence just isn't my bag.

Is there anything to be said for just letting her have her space and forgetting about her for 3 weeks and then seeing where I stand, or will I have lost too much power in the process? I am losing power in telling her I really like her, so maybe I should just bite the bullet and take my medicine. 3 weeks and then we start all over again. Fresh start. Forget about all of this and move on. I do have things to do over the next few weeks and some time off from thinking about her might not be the worst idea. I just can't get over how callous she is about the whole thing. How about if my angle was, if she doesn't want to meet me for three weeks, **** it, her loss I'll just ruin her when I have more free time. DHUTWU is on the cards with this girl. She has a stripper pole in her room. If I disregarded actually liking this girl for a little while and just considered it some kind of a moratorium on us having sex for 3 weeks I could handle that. I get to have all kinds of stupid sex with a **** stunner in less than 3 weeks, rather than I'm all upset because some girl won't chat to me on facebook. Which is the more attractive statement to be made by a man according to a girl? Got to go with the latter.


Decision made? Not sure, but I'm liking the idea that if I just treat her like a collection of orifices I'll fare a bit better. Just have to hope I can suppress any feelings of attachment. I've already disobeyed Stevo and Ingram's advice, but maybe it's not too late. Her having it all her own way is fine provided I can find a way to seem like I don't care about it, but that's just not the way it is. Is it better to seem aloof and detached and have the girl think that you are just a complete asshole, which is what she thinks I am at the moment, or to come clean and admit to a girl that you really like her and she is risking losing you with her crazy antics. Can I somehow have the best of both worlds? Can I find a way to tell her I'm crazy about her while also saying that I just want to **** her.

Perhaps the advice from people on a messageboard, although appreciated, about how to act in a relationship should not be taken as gospel, as you're only hearing one side and no one really knows what we're like when we're together. I'm sure if she described how I treat her she would get similar reactions. Maybe we just deserve each other. It should be clear from reading this post that we're probably both quite certifiable

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Listen to the following or dont, its up to you. I do hope you get the outcome you want but im telling you this now as a man who has been in similar situations, the last one only a month ago......

DO NOT tell her your crazy about her, I've done the same before and it never works out well.

Dont text her, don't acknowledge her UNLESS she texts you, let her come to you now. I may be completely wrong but my gut instinct is you are the attention/ego booster, nothing more otherwise it wouldn't be this difficult. Steer clear for now. Don't try to force the issue.

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Too late, hot plate.


She says she'll check her roster tomorrow to see what day she can come over next week. I guess then we'll see.


Radio silence remains the order of the day, but I'm still quite glad I get another go at her. Quite meh, but it's pretty much all I was looking for.

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I feel like I have been in a similar situation, I haven't read your whole situation but from what I have read it seems more or less identical. An ex told me that she wanted a few weeks break to find out what she felt etc after starting a new job. I persisted and waited, every so often asking if it was time to get back together yet, looking back on it I was being quite a pussy, but I don't really mind as I think I liked her at the time. Anyway, to cut a long story short, she sort of said it we should probably break up but then kept saying it's not definitely over. It sort of went quiet for a few months and I got the message I suppose, then it started up again and was on/off for a few months. Then it went sour and has remained so since to be honest.


My advice is simply cut it off, which I know you probably wont do because the thought is still there that it might go back to normal. In my experience it defiantly didn't go back to normal and now it just leaves me with a bad taste. 

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I feel like I have been in a similar situation, I haven't read your whole situation but from what I have read it seems more or less identical. An ex told me that she wanted a few weeks break to find out what she felt etc after starting a new job. I persisted and waited, every so often asking if it was time to get back together yet, looking back on it I was being quite a pussy, but I don't really mind as I think I liked her at the time. Anyway, to cut a long story short, she sort of said it we should probably break up but then kept saying it's not definitely over. It sort of went quiet for a few months and I got the message I suppose, then it started up again and was on/off for a few months. Then it went sour and has remained so since to be honest.


My advice is simply cut it off, which I know you probably wont do because the thought is still there that it might go back to normal. In my experience it defiantly didn't go back to normal and now it just leaves me with a bad taste.

Very similar story here, although I guess we all have those 'what if...' women situations.

Yillan, fair play, hope it works out for you bud.

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As has already been said, she istreating you as her ego boost. She wouldn't behave like this if she was REALLLY in to you.


Can't help but think it'll end like this...



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Alright.. I'm in trouble. The girl here in the previous messages. We've met a few times since. Had a great time. We get on really well. About two weeks ago she got sick and we couldn't meet. Since she has had to work double shifts at work, so we've had no time to meet. Tonight we arranged to meet. She was out with her friends. I met them at a bar and had a pint. We kissed for a bit and she said she'd come back to mine. We're in a pretty casual relationship. I have to be up early tomorrow and she knows this, so I'd made it clear I couldn't stay out all night. So she said she'd go say goodbye to her friends. So she heads to the bathroom where they are. She returns and is far from herself. She buys cigarettes and shows no sign of leaving. I say I thought we were leaving. She says she's staying to hang out with her friends a bit more. And then says she is heading upstairs to smoke. I say I don't want to stand around like an idiot all night. She blows a fuse and says that I can just leave then. I say I don't want to leave without her. She says she's staying with her friends and I'm a complete asshole. I leave. I text her to say I'd have liked to have known if she was going to be out for the night. I could have just met her the next day. She says **** off, she'd have liked to have known that I was an asshole and so on. I say we should meet. She apologises for being an asshole, but that she can't leave her friends.

She says let's meet tomorrow and chat. I say I like her a lot, but I'm out. She says fine.

I'm guessing she did cocaine in the bathroom... I'm absolutely gutted. She is beautiful and we get on really well. ****. I can't be putting up with this shit though.

**** **** ****

She sounds nuttier than squirrel shit

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The girl is a young one who sounds like the last thing she wants is a proper, boring relationship. Forget about that Yillan, try and engineer a **** buddy situation with her instead, you can have a good time and no game playing with her while you try and find a nice girl elsewhere to to become a couple with.

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Got a text at 3:30am last night saying 'Help I need a minder'. Didn't see it til this morning. I'm not well at all. Really don't know what to do. Thinking I could ride out her hormones at the moment and then hopefully once on the other side in a few days I can try to convince her we should just meet up, hoping she'll have reconsidered the whole idea. If the only way she can decide whether she likes me or not is to completely block me from her life for 3 weeks, then I think she has her answer. She talks about me not respecting her reasons, but she is in no way even considering how I feel about the whole thing. Yesterday after I had calmed her down a bit she said that she would check her roster about what day she could meet me next week, but somehow we managed to get away from that and back to the no contact for 3 weeks bit.


I feel like absolute shit

She sounds like not only a lunatic but also a complete word removed. Why bother? Women like that are not worth it. In fact the vast majority of women are only good for sex.

She's not a lunatic, she's a selfish manipulative jerk. ANYONE who matters doesn't get told "3week break"....a break for a day or two, possibly, but IF you truly matter and there is no shady stuff going on then 3 weeks would be torture to be without you. You really do need to step away from this one. No one deserves to be treated like they aren't worthy until the other person says so. "check her roster"----DOUCHE BAG!! Don't let her get away with this much longer mister.

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Got a text at 3:30am last night saying 'Help I need a minder'. Didn't see it til this morning. I'm not well at all. Really don't know what to do. Thinking I could ride out her hormones at the moment and then hopefully once on the other side in a few days I can try to convince her we should just meet up, hoping she'll have reconsidered the whole idea. If the only way she can decide whether she likes me or not is to completely block me from her life for 3 weeks, then I think she has her answer. She talks about me not respecting her reasons, but she is in no way even considering how I feel about the whole thing. Yesterday after I had calmed her down a bit she said that she would check her roster about what day she could meet me next week, but somehow we managed to get away from that and back to the no contact for 3 weeks bit.


I feel like absolute shit

She sounds like not only a lunatic but also a complete word removed. Why bother? Women like that are not worth it. In fact the vast majority of women are only good for sex.

She's not a lunatic, she's a selfish manipulative jerk. ANYONE who matters doesn't get told "3week break"....a break for a day or two, possibly, but IF you truly matter and there is no shady stuff going on then 3 weeks would be torture to be without you. You really do need to step away from this one. No one deserves to be treated like they aren't worthy until the other person says so. "check her roster"----DOUCHE BAG!! Don't let her get away with this much longer mister.



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It sounds like yillian really likes her, so it's not that easy to just give up and leave her. My advice would be to sit down and talk to her about everything, especially your feelings on the current situation.

Edited by packoman
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I think yillan needs to take a break. Hop on the trans-Siberian express with a notepad, a pen and a crate of Jameson's.


Or that could be me.


Either way Ireland is grim and you should avoid women from these shores. Worse up here, no doubt. I boycott them utterly. Downside is anyone with a foreign accent immediately wins me over and I struggle to contain myself at their lovely vowels and shapely ankles.

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