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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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I really hate the whole 'coke culture' thing that seems to be prevalent amongst most but likewise I wouldn't preach to someone about it either. Still wouldn't date anyone who does it even casually though, just puts me off for some reason as does any drug bar the odd drink, even social smoking puts me off a girl a little bit.

Perceptions are weird though, even I realise its daft that the odd drink or fag which does a lot of damage appears more 'acceptable' than shoving a strange powder up your snot pipe but hey ho.

Tattoos on a bird on the other hand is a huge plus. Like gentlemen's relish targets all over her body.

Edited by Ingram85
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**** hell, some of you guys don't half make me feel like my life is proper boring. I don't have any major dramas with the girly, don't occasionally do a bit of cocaine and get mad, don't get in to fights with people, I do not even ponder lifes greater mysteries.


Bollocks, you only live once right? Ima buy some drug, punch a man in the face, and then when she wants to remove me from her life because I'M THE ASSHOLE I'll say NO YOU WANT THE TRUTH OK FINE YOU BORE ME HOW BOUT THAT


Then I'll come on here and post it for everyone to laugh at like I do when I come in to this thread

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Ear piercings?


Socially acceptable, hence mainly unnoticeable. Provided it's only one per ear. Those multiple cartilage things are a no-no. Eyebrows, lips, nose, tongue (yes, I know), belly button, nips, genitalia... :puke:

Edited by mjmooney
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Ear piercings?


Socially acceptable, hence mainly unnoticeable. Provided it's only one per ear. Those multiple cartilage things are a no-no. Eyebrows, lips, nose, tongue (yes, I know), belly button, nips, genitalia... :puke:


Fair enough, I only asked because you specifically said no exceptions ;)

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Not sure where I stand on the whole coke thing; I've taken it myself plenty of times in the past but have since resolved never to take it again.


Not because there's anything wrong with it, far from it infact, but it's just the world that it opens up. Dealing with.... ummm....Dealers, running off to dark alleys when you'd rather stay in the club, and that one mate who does go all aggressive after a gram of the stuff.


Oh and as someone who has to battle (all be it often successfully) to stay in a good mood, I find the Sunday evening comedowns to be somewhat apocalyptic.

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Ear piercings?


Socially acceptable, hence mainly unnoticeable. Provided it's only one per ear. Those multiple cartilage things are a no-no. Eyebrows, lips, nose, tongue (yes, I know), belly button, nips, genitalia... :puke:



How are you with this mad eye mooney?




One ear, non-multiple, bonus; if you got her to stretch it large enough you could insert yourself in to it. Just so you could say you had, ya know.

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I ain't bothered that people do it, I've known people that have done it and are friends with people who have done it.  I just think if you have to take drugs to have a good time, or a 'pick me up' then you're hanging around with the wrong people, they must be well boring.  


I've been offered all sorts, been in the company of people who have taken all sorts, it's just not my bag, I'm happy enough with my own life to not introduce something into it with such negative connotations. 


as I said, it's a bit of a dickheads drug. A bit 'show-offy'.

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I ain't bothered that people do it, I've known people that have done it and are friends with people who have done it.  I just think if you have to take drugs to have a good time, or a 'pick me up' then you're hanging around with the wrong people, they must be well boring.  


I've been offered all sorts, been in the company of people who have taken all sorts, it's just not my bag, I'm happy enough with my own life to not introduce something into it with such negative connotations. 


as I said, it's a bit of a dickheads drug. A bit 'show-offy'.


You could very easily say the same thing about alcohol. It's taken for exactly the same purpose; to rid yourself of some inhibitions in order to have a better time. Infact, when you look at it objectively, alcohol is even more pointless than Cocaine etc, since it is a depressant and hence is not giving you anything positive, where as some party drugs do give you a temporary boost in energy etc. Though you will pay for it later, make no mistake.

Edited by Shillzz
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Yea I'm not a big drinker either, I never drink at home and when I do go out, I don't drink much either. 


Lately I've gotten into just drinking a couple of Whiskeys straight over ice, but I don't drink beer very often, although I will drink one or two if I'm with friends.


I don't like beer culture on the whole either.


people going out 'on the lash' or people 'drinking a few jars/tinneys/pints' - it all sounds like complete guff in my head.


I'm fully aware it's my problem, I like it when people go out for a good time and have fun and enjoy themselves, I just hate the conversations people have about their 'legendary/epic/debauchery' - I think it makes them sound silly.  

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Well that's that then...


Thanks for the advice lads. Some of it right on the money. Stevo my initial text to her was in the vein of I'll leave you to it, but I have to be up early so I can't hang out. Her reply then was **** you and so on. And I think I may have oversold the cocaine idea. It was/is her TOTM and so more likely hormones than MMDA. So after my 'I'm out' text, I went to bed. Got a call at 00:30 asking if I'd let her in if she came over. So she came over. We kissed for a bit and then just passed out. We couldn't have sex without certain additions that we did not have at hand last night because she is on a very strong pill that... yada yada. Anyway so I had to get up this morning at 7am. I told her she should stay and I'd be home at 1pm. She said fine. I text her throughout the day telling her I'd be there at 3pm instead. Rang her and she agreed. At 3:30pm as I'm about to arrive to my bus stop, she texts to say she has just left. I meet her and we go for a drink.


She says that she doesn't want to go out with anyone, but when we are together she wants to go out with me. That we don't have time for each other because she works nights and weekends and I'm in the hospitals 8-5+ every day. She says she wants to take a break until I'm finished in the hospitals and during that time decide whether or not she wants to go out with me. I'm in the hospitals for another 3 weeks. I asked her if she's just really bad at breaking up with people and said that I'd prefer if we just broke up rather than dragging it out if that were the case. She says that she doesn't want to break up, but that she just wants some time to get her head together. She was pretty pissed off about spending her entire day off in my apartment waiting for me to come home. And still pretty hormonal. And probably a little bit hungover.


It was shit for her spending her day in my room and I told her that that was a really dick move on my part. I should have been home two hours earlier, but we were told there was a clinic on in the afternoon we needed to go to and in the end there wasn't... Had I been home 1 hour earlier I would have found a horny naked girl in my bed, rather than an angry clothed girl walking away from my apartment.


So the plan supposedly is to ignore and avoid each other for the next 3 weeks. No meeting up, no texting and not chatting on the various other social media. Again the mantra about women being mental probably holds true here, but it's quite horrible. I do like her a lot and don't want to not meet up with her for the next 3 weeks. She says that she has jumped into relationships before and ended up being a complete asshole to the person she's with and she doesn't want us to do that. She wants to be absolutely sure she wants to go out with me if we ever do start.


So that is the lay of the land at the moment. I'm hoping I'll get a drunk text or phone call some night and also hope I won't end up sending one. Bit sickened. She's headed out with her friends again tonight. Her best friend could hardly talk last night because she had chewed her tongue to bits after taking too many pills a couple of nights ago. Not the ideal company to be keeping, but it's just the way it is

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Just do what you want Yillan, no one knows this person, what she's like or anything. 


With relationships, sometimes you just have to make a choice, you'll know if you've made the right/wrong one soon enough.


Good luck chap.

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