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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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Well if she did do Coke and she's older than 22, then she's a prick... an immature prick with no self control or self worth.



WTF? Why? That's just silly. 


Her mates could have just blagged her to stay out longer. I wouldn't just blame it all on having a line... it doesn't hit you straight away anyway so I doubt she was feeling the effects of it by the time she got back to you from the bathroom. 


Dude, don't try and justify it, Coke is a scabby drug, done by scabby people, in scabby clubs. 


I'll probably await the 'you obviously haven't lived', or 'it was just for a laugh', or any of the other poor ways to justify taking it. 


Dickhead drug.

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yes, a dickhead will be a dickhead if the only consumable available is full fat Pepsi


the trick is to avoid dickheads, this is most easily achieved by avoiding dickhead watering holes

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I've always noticed that alcohol is a 'dickhead drug'.

Oh yea, I agree, I rarely drink either.  But the whole coke culture is scabby.  


At least as Chrisp said, it's easy to anticipate dickhead watering holes (I.e. where there are students, or, Northfield :lol:)

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Scabby? haha


Just a word I used to describe people who feel the need to partake in activities I don't like. 


I don't care if your some jumped up bone head in a chelsea club or a bloke getting benefits living in a council house, as I said, it's the whole culture I hate.  


On the whole I'm laid back and couldn't care less, but for some reason, drug users/abusers really piss me off.

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That said, I've always said I'd try acid :lol: 


I wouldn't, I'd shit myself and back out, but if I were to take a drug, I'd want to see space monkeys flying around in jet packs playing the violin to 'smack my bitch up'.

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I think we've had both a drugs thread, and a turn-offs thread in the past.


As a long-married bloke it's pretty academic  ;) , but the utter deal-breakers for me would be smoking, tattoos or piercings. No exceptions.

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Well if she did do Coke and she's older than 22, then she's a prick... an immature prick with no self control or self worth.



WTF? Why? That's just silly. 


Her mates could have just blagged her to stay out longer. I wouldn't just blame it all on having a line... it doesn't hit you straight away anyway so I doubt she was feeling the effects of it by the time she got back to you from the bathroom. 


Dude, don't try and justify it, Coke is a scabby drug, done by scabby people, in scabby clubs. 


I'll probably await the 'you obviously haven't lived', or 'it was just for a laugh', or any of the other poor ways to justify taking it. 


Dickhead drug.


I'm sorry, but that is such a warped opinion.

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The coke thing would be a dealbreaker for me - I just wouldn't get involved.


I've smoked weed a few times and it is the most pointless thing ever, tastes like shit and the buzz is comparable to a few pints which I'll actually enjoy drinking.


Smoking for me is a no no too.


Tattoos are fine as are some piercings (belly button/ears) but not really much more than that.


4 years married today. :D

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I think those who have never taken drugs, and have just generally avoided the situation, would be horrified if they could see just how many people have dabbled in the dark arts.


Certainly young men in their 20's, of those who go out regularly, I'd say something like atleast half will have expereinced some kind of party drug.


Though it might just be a Welsh thing, which wouldn't surprise me.


[mumble] 'kin shithole [/mumble]

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Indeed. It's an opinion spoon fed by the media. Not everyone turns into Al **** Pacino when they rack up a line.

Last time I did it was my housemates birthday BBQ. It was late, there was just me and him, I had a little left from a party a few months before. Little gift from me to him. We stayed up into the wee hours talking bollocks and he didn't turn into a dickhead because he's not a dickhead in the first place. Can't speak for myself of course, my ego is unbareable at the best of times! But it was fun. Nothing more nothing less.

Don't tar everyone with the same brush, you end up the one looking a mug.

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I've done coke.


It's not for me. But it wouldn't put me off a woman if she did it unless, as I said, it became a "problem". i.e. if she was properly addicted and it was affecting her personality and finances.

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Exactly, the same people who are dickheads when high or the same ones who are dickheads when drunk, and are probably dickheads in every day life.

I go out probably twice a month and dabble in a little bit here and there with a few friends, we sit in pubs, keep to ourselves, have a laugh, and talk crap. It's really not that different from being drunk, just gives you an added push in talking crap. Which I find fun. I don't think i'd ever judge someone for what drugs they've taken in the past, or are currently on. Obviously there's a limit, I wouldn't date a girl who's getting drunk every night, or getting high every night. But a little bit on the weekend after a weeks work....why not? It doesn't turn you into a homeless crack head scrounging for change like the media would like you to believe.... 

Edited by PieFacE
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Well if she did do Coke and she's older than 22, then she's a prick... an immature prick with no self control or self worth.



Spoken like a true 23 year old recovering coke addict.

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