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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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Come on, hasn't anyone got any proper relationship issues?

I could do with a good read.


After plaguing the missus she's finally agreed to a little roll around in the car I just need to find a place and front seat (not door ;) ) or back.

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How do you even approach that subject?


"do you like cars?"


"..err.. I guess?"


"Good.  Do you like sex?"




"So it's decided, I'll **** you in my car.  Good day."


*puts on trilby, picks up suitcase, newspaper goes under the arm and slams the door behind himself, smashing a window pane*

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How do you even approach that subject?


"do you like cars?"


"..err.. I guess?"


"Good.  Do you like sex?"




"So it's decided, I'll **** you in my car.  Good day."


*puts on trilby, picks up suitcase, newspaper goes under the arm and slams the door behind himself, smashing a window pane*


We were walking out of Tesco and I said can I ask you a favour and she said "There's not a hope I'm giving you a hand job in the car!".


Wasn't what I was going to ask her but then she put the thought into my mind, I conveniently reminded her that I dropped one of the lads and some random girl back to a house party Saturday night and that he had got more action than me in the car. I thought I'd chance my arm and she agreed as a once off.

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My old Morris Marina.

Happy **** days.


Yep, must say my first car (Mini Metro) could tell a few sordid stories too :D

Ah man I've been in your car, could've been sat in D1 DNA man uuuugh!
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How do you even approach that subject?


"do you like cars?"


"..err.. I guess?"


"Good.  Do you like sex?"




"So it's decided, I'll **** you in my car.  Good day."


*puts on trilby, picks up suitcase, newspaper goes under the arm and slams the door behind himself, smashing a window pane*


Hopefully he approached it in this sort of fashion...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone have any experience of dating/shagging a colleague?

Yeah, it can be one of those situations where your cock does all the thinking and you immediately regret it, especially if other colleagues get wind of it. Plus, any fallout is going to be conducted in a very public space where you're expected to uphold a certain standard of behaviour.

The other side of the coin is it can be really ****** hot, especially if anything happens at work. There's nothing quite like having one of those days where all the shit in the world gets piled on your plate and you can't stop grinning cos you've just bored your way through a coworker's lower back like a Sandworm while everyone else nipped off for a coffee.

Ultimately it's your call, only you know how far it can go and how serious it can get. As long as you pay attention the risks and are prepared to uproot if needed then go for it, life's for living and "what ifs" aren't as comforting as carnal memories when you're on your deathbed.

Probably the best advice I can give though is if you're going to go down that road, make sure you wear a hardhat if it's going to happen on a scaffold.

Edited by B94villa
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Does anyone have any experience of dating/shagging a colleague?

Yep, it can be a lot of fun. I fancied a cute girl I worked with (same building, different team) for about a year, made my move and we ended up in a casual sex buddy sort of thing which we kept quiet.

Although I wanted more of a proper relationship, I was enjoying myself. Bit of fun around the office, etc. Stupidly fell for her quite badly.

Then after a while she put a halt on things, citing issues with her ex. For the next few months she treated me completely differently, like nothing had happened. I later discovered she was seeing another guy from work (properly going out) which was obviously a bit of a kick in the teeth. I left my job shortly after.

Sorry, that was probably more than you needed to hear!

My advice would be if you both want to see each other, go for it. Life's too short etc. But just be wary that even with the best intentions, things can get awkward. If you're both of a similar mind (proper boy/girlfriend or casual sex) and there's no secret feelings on either side, definitely worth considering.

Not everyone is such a wuss like me!!

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Does anyone have any experience of dating/shagging a colleague?

Yep, it can be a lot of fun. I fancied a cute girl I worked with (same building, different team) for about a year, made my move and we ended up in a casual sex buddy sort of thing which we kept quiet.

Although I wanted more of a proper relationship, I was enjoying myself. Bit of fun around the office, etc. Stupidly fell for her quite badly.

Then after a while she put a halt on things, citing issues with her ex. For the next few months she treated me completely differently, like nothing had happened. I later discovered she was seeing another guy from work (properly going out) which was obviously a bit of a kick in the teeth. I left my job shortly after.!

This is what I'm worried about. There would be absolutely no escaping her if I ended up falling for her.

I'm not a casual sex kind of guy unfortunately, it just never seems to work out that way with me.

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I sympathise. How long have you liked her? Has she initiated anything or do you feel this situation is mostly being instigated by yourself? Cos that's what I did. And looking back she clearly saw me as "Mr Right Now" rather than "Mr Right" for her. A bit of an ego boost for her.

Is there any hint of that for you?

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I sympathise. How long have you liked her? Has she initiated anything or do you feel this situation is mostly being instigated by yourself? Cos that's what I did. And looking back she clearly saw me as "Mr Right Now" rather than "Mr Right" for her. A bit of an ego boost for her.

Is there any hint of that for you?

The two of us have become closer over the past couple of months.

It just sort of happened that I started seeing as her something more. I genuinely can't tell if she sees me like that though, usually I can read the signs easy enough but with her I'm not sure.

We message out of office hours but it's never flirty. I just can't avoid her (and I don't want to).

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Sounds to me like you're heading down that road. I know it well!

I take it you haven't met up outside of work, for a leaving do or something. Any chance you could subtly suggest meeting up (innocently) during one of these chats? If she wants to it could be a good sign.

Really trying to offer sound advice but with caution cos I know it can get messy!

In my experience, if you make a move and she knocks you back, she'll at least be flattered, she most likely won't want to stop being friends. I don't know how much you value your current friendship with her. It sounds that you really would like more.

Ask yourself this, if on Monday she tells you she's seeing some guy, how would feel?

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I'd be gutted if that were the case I think and also angry at myself for not trying. I suppose that answers my question.

There's been no work nights out in the past few months and none on the horizon. That would be an ideal way of at least ramping the conversation up a notch.

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It's easier said than done, but I would try and arrange a catch up away from work. Could be anything, just nothing that screams "romantic intentions".

If she politely declines, then you could take it as a sign that she's doesn't see you in that way, ego remains intact. If she fancies meeting up then you can go from there. I could be wrong, but I think the fact you regularly message each other is promising.

It's useful to think ahead about how things could turn out, but it could be that you're worrying over something that may not happen.

Of course I wasn't ultimately successful in my office romance, so keep that in mind!!!

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