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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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i love watching jezza. the other day there was a couple from rugeley on there, scummy as hell. she had all her three kids taken off her and she was pregnant again and the dad to one of the kids who had full custody of the child had tattoo's on his face and head. 

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Woah, woah, woah.. There cannot be a conversation on this website about Jurassic Park without me being involved, it's just not right, ok?


Now, Patrick-whack.  Should anyone question the fact of the 1st film being the best out of the trilogy/quadrilogy - then you must calmly ask them to go for a long night drive.  In your car, you will have put a couple of rubble sacks, a saw, some rubber gloves, a shovel, bleach and a sledgehammer.


I won't tell you what to do with those items, but I think it's pretty obvious.


I bet she liked the **** gymnastic shit, didn't she?  The berk.

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Well, I moved to a new city, I have a few friends but they all live a decent distance away, I'm pining over a girl who is a close friend of mine but she's not interested in me in that way -- story of my life -- and I really want to move on and meet new girls and make new friends but I don't really know how to go about it.


It's all a bit lonely and depressing at the moment  :(

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Well, I moved to a new city, I have a few friends but they all live a decent distance away, I'm pining over a girl who is a close friend of mine but she's not interested in me in that way -- story of my life -- and I really want to move on and meet new girls and make new friends but I don't really know how to go about it.

It's all a bit lonely and depressing at the moment :(

Play Witcher. Sleep with Yennefer. Who needs real life?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Needs some advice chaps and basically a place to get this off my chest, I've read some of this thread before and would take 'most' of your opinions over a random relationship site!


Anyway, my head is a bit all over the shop at the moment, but I think I need to end my long term relationship with my girlfriend (we've been together since we were 19, both now 33, not married, no kids, no mortgage). For the record, I've never cheated on her during this time or even come close to it.


I was going to give the reasons for this decision (can perhaps post afterwards?) but I didn't want to start waffling even more. But it's got to a point where I 'think' the negative points have started to outweigh the positive ones.


Don't get me wrong, I love her to bits and she is the kindest person I have met in my life, but we've just grown apart as we got older, the spark is gone and there a underlying issues with her that are starting to effect me. We're basically more like lodgers than lovers.


This will be the hardest and biggest life changing decision I've ever made, and potentially one of the most stupid. I'm still not sure if it's the right decision. It will shock a lot of people who think of us an ideal couple, and I know I'm a lucky guy to have been able to spend almost half of my life with her. I've grown close to her family and friends aswell so I don't want to lose contact with them either.


I'm also scared about leaving her, partly because I'm not sure if I will find someone else (the mere thought of dating seems well strange!), partly because of how messy it would be with moving out and partly because I'm not sure if she will be able to manage on her own. She doesn't earn much money and I've paid the vast majority of all the bills since we've been together (this is 100% not one of the issues BTW). But these aren't really valid reasons to stay together? At the end of the day I need to be true to myself and do what's best for me, no matter how tough it will be to start with.


I'm not without my own problems and I know there are aspects of my own personality that must be grating on her. If we are honest with ourselves I think we both know deep down that this isn't going to last.


I've never had to do this before, how the hell do I go about doing this without ruining lives/relationships? I don't think I could get all my points across face to face without a fight breaking loose. A email is so cold, but at least it would let me have my say and give her time to reflect and respond on her own?


What a mess.  Any advice is really appreciated.


If there is no one else, why not try and fix the relationship you've got, by seeking some counselling?


Both of you get to say what you have to say, and the counsellor ensures fair play.


The time span you speak of is not untypical for problems to arise.


If you do it properly you can't be blamed for being a bastard, like you will if you just dump her.

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You can't email her, that's the coward's way out. You need to face up to her and tell her what you're feeling/thinking.


If you don't see a future in it, she needs to know that. It's only fair to her. 


Are you able to articulate what the problem is from your perspective? If it's just that the "spark" has gone, then I might suggest that this is a perfectly normal thing in any relationship.


Having said all that, your story sounds remarkably similar to mine earlier this year. Although we weren't together quite as long as you, I knew I had to end it. Like you, I still loved her (still do) but I knew I couldn't give her the commitment she wanted (marriage, in this instance) so I had to pull the plug. Not that it's that easy, obviously. Took me about 3 months to summon up the courage. It's still hard work and the thought of being single at my age was not one I relished (I'm nearly 10 yrs older than you) but in an odd way, I loved her too much to string her along. 


All I'd say is make sure you're 100% sure about your decision, then get it over with.  Talk it over though, with someone who knows you both, who you trust to be discrete but who will give you a straight answer and tell you if you're being a nob. 

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An email?

Good god, no. It has to be face to face.


My advice would be you have to be absolutely sure. The way you're talking, to me, sounds like you're not 100% sure yet. For such a big decision, you need to make sure you won't have any regrets.

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