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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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Could she not have been nervous for the exam and then not done well at the exam and thus didnt reply.


Fair enough she still hasnt responded but women are crazy maybe she expects you to know it didnt go well and to ask her about it.


I know most peoples advice is to to not look desperate and therefor not send another message but thats not what id do. Id send her a message saying "that bad huh?" and see if/how she responds.


Then again im never really looking for anything serious (and tell them as such) and thus never worry too much

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 Being single with no interest in anyone might be a little unfulfilling but it beats going crazy and hurting.


Clever words Ginko. Stick by them.



Nah, I can't live my life like that. I'm a passionate guy, I just haven't been focused on romance for so long that I'd gotten used to it. She reminded me how good it feels to have that connection with someone, and now I'm just driving myself crazy by overthinking things. I'm the kind of guy who doesn't really fall for a lot of girls, but when I do I have a habit of falling quite hard. I like to think I'm good at keeping it in check when I'm around them. All I can do is give her time and space and see if she comes to me.


I really hate these games. I'd much rather skip over the uncertain period of dating someone and just go straight to the honeymoon relationship period. I know that's not realistic or anything. I'm actually amazed people get into relationships, it seems like so many stars have to align perfectly for two people to get together. I don't know if I just have issues and I fall for the wrong girls, or it's just bad luck, but life always seems to get in the way in some way or another where my love life is concerned. Sucks.



Going out with my girlfriend 3.5 years now and when we first started getting together she'd wait like 8 hours to text me back before her I used kind of only be interested in other people's girlfriends I just didn't want any emotional attachment to women at all at all, but I was like sod it I'm texting her back straight away because I really like her, bang 8 hours again, I'd be lucky if I got 2 texts a day. I called her out on it a few months later and she was like ya but I couldn't just text back straight away!  :bang:

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The whole "shall I wait" thing is such a load of old bollocks.


women want to feel special, since the day they were born they've been called beautiful, gorgeous etc etc by every member of their family, likewise their dads have probably told them no one is good enough for them, so guess what happens?  They put themselves on a bit of a petal-stool (I.T crowd).  Best thing to do if you like her is to buy her a bunch of flowers (doesn't have to be mega, £5-er/£10-er will do, take them to her or send them to her and just say "Hope your exams went well, thought you deserved these".


Heart melted = she's yours man.


Why do people make this stuff so hard?


If she doesn't respond then it's obvious she's not interested in getting into a relationship with you, it'll be hard - but at least you know early doors and can lookin' for the next lass.


Just make them feel special, make them feel like you're actually trying and try to be a little romantic - it goes a looooooong way.

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Going out with my girlfriend 3.5 years now and when we first started getting together she'd wait like 8 hours to text me back before her I used kind of only be interested in other people's girlfriends I just didn't want any emotional attachment to women at all at all


Just for clarification...you are Irish aren't you?

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The whole "shall I wait" thing is such a load of old bollocks.


women want to feel special, since the day they were born they've been called beautiful, gorgeous etc etc by every member of their family, likewise their dads have probably told them no one is good enough for them, so guess what happens?  They put themselves on a bit of a petal-stool (I.T crowd).  Best thing to do if you like her is to buy her a bunch of flowers (doesn't have to be mega, £5-er/£10-er will do, take them to her or send them to her and just say "Hope your exams went well, thought you deserved these".


Heart melted = she's yours man.


Why do people make this stuff so hard?


If she doesn't respond then it's obvious she's not interested in getting into a relationship with you, it'll be hard - but at least you know early doors and can lookin' for the next lass.


Just make them feel special, make them feel like you're actually trying and try to be a little romantic - it goes a looooooong way.






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I know most peoples advice is to to not look desperate and therefor not send another message but thats not what id do. Id send her a message saying "that bad huh?" and see if/how she responds.

This is good advice.


Move to Poland Tom. Plenty of beautiful women here who don't play games (I picked the one who does but I love her to pieces)

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  Best thing to do if you like her is to buy her a bunch of flowers (doesn't have to be mega, £5-er/£10-er will do, take them to her or send them to her and just say "Hope your exams went well, thought you deserved these".


Heart melted = she's yours man.


Why do people make this stuff so hard?






if you go out drinking with your mates and spot a small white china vase of real flowers - do not presume your missus will appreciate the gesture of flowers


as we left the place I discreetly lifted the little bud vase and tucked it in my shirt


turns out they were real flowers, in actual water, the stupid club owning bastards


by the time she arrives to pick me up and take me home the vase water has poured down my shirt and pants like I've had the worlds highest self pissing incident, and all the petals are stuck to my stomach so she gets presented with a stolen vase of stalks


and I'd thought that night was a guaranteed happy ending

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I'm having women problems myself at the moment, sigh.


I've been getting closer to this girl from work in the last few weeks and things were absolutely rosey this time last week. We'd been on a few dates though she's always maintained she doesn't know exactly what she wants right now. She's in her last year of university and has been super busy with revising and coursework lately too. Anyway, I went round to her parents place on Saturday which was pretty soon for me, but hell, I just wanted to spend time with her and I haven't seen her much lately. We had a great day and up until Saturday had been texting every day non-stop. We've always had loads of fun on our dates and have been getting more physical and were comfortable with it. I haven't heard much from her since Sunday, but I thought I'd give her some space as she was busy. She had an exam today and I always ask how it went and she usually writes reams and reams to tell me about it, ending up with me having to reassure her. 


Today she sent me a message thanking me for wishing her well before her test, but that's it. She's seen my message asking how it went, I know that much, but didn't reply. It's just such a change in the space of a few days that something else has to be afoot. I can be pretty paranoid, I'll freely admit it, but something just feels wrong. I honestly can't think of anything I did the last time we were together to put her off me and we've been really close in recent times. I just feel like she's ignoring me now, like she's had her head turned or has thought about things a lot but hasn't decided to tell me yet. I'm in limbo and I feel like crap. I don't meet people I like half as much as her very often and my life is so boring right now that I'm finding it hard to think about anything but her. The longer this goes on, the more paranoid I'm getting. I **** hate feeling like this. Being single with no interest in anyone might be a little unfulfilling but it beats going crazy and hurting.


I really hate trying to understand women sometimes.

I know them feels bro.


I have no advice to give i'm afraid, other than within a few weeks you'll start to forget about it all and you'll wonder why it bothered you so much. Seems every relationship I get into follows a similar pattern to what you described. It sucks, it really **** sucks, but it gets better :thumb:


Just focus on yourself for a bit and you never know, she may be in touch asking to go for a drink. You just don't know what other people have going on. 

Edited by PieFacE
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I'm having women problems myself at the moment, sigh.


I've been getting closer to this girl from work in the last few weeks and things were absolutely rosey this time last week. We'd been on a few dates though she's always maintained she doesn't know exactly what she wants right now. She's in her last year of university and has been super busy with revising and coursework lately too. Anyway, I went round to her parents place on Saturday which was pretty soon for me, but hell, I just wanted to spend time with her and I haven't seen her much lately. We had a great day and up until Saturday had been texting every day non-stop. We've always had loads of fun on our dates and have been getting more physical and were comfortable with it. I haven't heard much from her since Sunday, but I thought I'd give her some space as she was busy. She had an exam today and I always ask how it went and she usually writes reams and reams to tell me about it, ending up with me having to reassure her. 


Today she sent me a message thanking me for wishing her well before her test, but that's it. She's seen my message asking how it went, I know that much, but didn't reply. It's just such a change in the space of a few days that something else has to be afoot. I can be pretty paranoid, I'll freely admit it, but something just feels wrong. I honestly can't think of anything I did the last time we were together to put her off me and we've been really close in recent times. I just feel like she's ignoring me now, like she's had her head turned or has thought about things a lot but hasn't decided to tell me yet. I'm in limbo and I feel like crap. I don't meet people I like half as much as her very often and my life is so boring right now that I'm finding it hard to think about anything but her. The longer this goes on, the more paranoid I'm getting. I **** hate feeling like this. Being single with no interest in anyone might be a little unfulfilling but it beats going crazy and hurting.


I really hate trying to understand women sometimes.

I know them feels bro.


I have no advice to give i'm afraid, other than within a few weeks you'll start to forget about it all and you'll wonder why it bothered you so much. Seems every relationship I get into follows a similar pattern to what you described. It sucks, it really **** sucks, but it gets better :thumb:


Just focus on yourself for a bit and you never know, she may be in touch asking to go for a drink. You just don't know what other people have going on. 



Sorry... what.... give up and move on because she didnt talk too much while you gave her space for exam, her reply right before an exam wasnt that long and because she didnt respond to one text (within 24hrs so far)?


I must be missing something and no doubt you would know more than us regards to whats going on and you may be completely right but just from what you said to us there doesnt seem to be any huge signs that she has definitely lost interest.

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agree with zak, could be a perfectly harmless reason, if there's no reply or contact after a couple of days with accompanying explanation then fair enough, but right now, I would just relax. And women aren't as predictable in their routines are as men ( ever so slightly massive generalisation ). She might just have - as 'they' are wont to do - decided to assume you were capable of reading her mind, and that therefore a reply was not necessary on this occasion.


Too soon to be concerned about it being knocked on the head.

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You may well be right. I definitely live in my own head way too much, especially concerning these things and I think and worry myself up into a frenzy. I thought I'd grown out of it but it's still there, seemingly.

I think part of it is that even if this is nothing, I still know that I've done an awful lot to show her I want to be with her, but it hasn't been enough to persuade her. Hell, even if it did I'd still have this nagging doubt at the back of my mind concerning things that I know about her and that we want different things right now. I just really like being with her and at the moment there doesn't seem a viable way to make that a possibility. I don't think I can be friends with her either because I'll a.) be in the friend zone forever, and b.) pine after her and not be able to think about dating other women.

Talking about this to you guys has helped though, so thanks for listening and the advice guys.

Text her right now and ask if she wants to go for a drink on the weekend. If you get a positive response then you're in; if you don't then she probably doesn't like you in that way.

Don't faff over it and waste your time. Don't try to play the subtle long game. It's bollocks and rarely works. Get your balls out (not literally, mind) and put it to her, but don't waste any more time, effort, energy if she doesn't respond in a positive manner.

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Thanks for the advice chaps, I haven't messaged her at all today and she hasn't sent me one either.


I'm just going to let it go to next week. I know she's been talking to other guys in recent times, though I do seem to have taken priority. I don't know what's going on in her head but it just feels to me that something's changed in her. I'm not going to send her a text or buy her flowers or do something like that. In fact if anything I think I've been TOO nice and romantic. I wrote her a song for the love of god - that sounds way more pussyish than it actually was, we got into a funny conversation and I just went with it and wrote some lyrics, which she absolutely adored and cooed over so she asked me to put some music to it. I played it for her on Saturday when I last saw her and she came over, gave me a kiss and was really touched. I don't understand quite what has happened since then, perhaps she's just more interested in one of the other guys, perhaps she's been ridiculously stressed with work, I don't know. All I know is that I've gone out of my way and done stuff that would melt most women's hearts and it seems to have worked in the moment, but maybe that's fading now.


I really feel that leaving her be for a while is the best thing to do. I want her to text me first obviously, I think she owes me that much, even if it's to tell me what the hell is going on or if she's not interested any more. The not knowing is what **** with my head the most. I've been busy with work and then went out with some workmates tonight for a couple of hours and just got home, which has helped to take my mind off things, but unfortunately I don't really have any decent friends to hang out with round these parts, so I spend a lot of time on my own with my thoughts.


Any way, I'm sick of moaning about her. I hate being this kind of guy and I really hate relationships that feel so one-sided. It hurts, but I just keep thinking that despite the fact that she's absolutely perfect for me in so many ways, and how rare it is to find someone like that, she's just not in the right place and probably isn't right for me in a lot of other ways too. I feel like JGL in 500 Days of Summer right now, which sucks.

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