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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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My missus broke up with me, seems permanent as well. Shit times indeed, especially when you haven't done anything wrong and everything seemed fine.

Trying to remain focused on uni etcetera is pretty difficult right now.

Sorry to hear that.

You know at your age there's little point getting caught up in women, young women are emotionally immature and do not really know what they want, you're better of biding your time and playing the field. If that's any consolation.

Women will always be emotionally insecure. Only difference is their options become more limited as they get older.

I wouldn't put it quite like that.

Modern women tend to ride the cock carousel while they get their degree and build a career, and then when they reach their thirties, they feel the biological clock ticking and they have to confront the problems associated with their hypergamy because the alpha males prefer younger women.

So they usually have to settle for the sort of decent guy they had spent the previous two decades rejecting. :)

Holy sweeping generalisations, Batman.

What a load of utter bollocks.

Touch a feminine nerve?




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Basically, word removed's are word removed's and unloveable freaks are unloveable freaks regardless of gender.


Exactly this. If people judged others by their personality and the things they did rather than their gender or race then we'd all be a lot better off for it. 


Unfortunately some people are incapable of such thinking, I guess it's just too strange a concept for them. Sad really.

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I looked at it as a light hearted post, whether the poster meant it as a serious commentary of women in general, that's up to him.

I also know women like that so it was an amusing summary of how they've conducted themselves.


If it was a joke then I hold my hands up and apologise. I just assumed it was serious due to the comments that had been made before it.

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I looked at it as a light hearted post, whether the poster meant it as a serious commentary of women in general, that's up to him.

I also know women like that so it was an amusing summary of how they've conducted themselves.

If it was a joke then I hold my hands up and apologise. I just assumed it was serious due to the comments that had been made before it.

Oh, I agree he meant it in all seriousness, but I ignored that and just took it with a pinch of salt.

As Stevo said - they're like Con's post. Take them seriously and you'll probably get angry, but view them in a different light and they can actually be quite amusing.

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Touch a feminine nerve?

Now you see, that's your problem right there. You see Feminism as a bad thing. You make the mistake a lot of people do in that when you think of a term that defines a set of beliefs, you immediately go to the extremes. No doubt you probably think of unshaven armpits, a lack of makeup and bras and the hatred of everything male.

I could say I was a Feminist, but I've never been one for labels. I believe in the freedom and equality for all, male and female alike.

I see stuff like the shite posted above and am flabbergasted at the ridiculous generalisation and hypocrisy of the entire thing -- as well as the incredibly pretentious and verbose way it is presented.

You paint all women with the same brush and conveniently forget that there are millions of women across the world who have experienced unrequited love and have been treated badly by men. If we're going to compare who has had it worst out of men and women then you have no leg to stand on, frankly.

I really don't mate it's just a bit of banter. Apologises If I offended anyone.

Now shut up and make my dinner ;)

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My assertion seems to have provoked the usual knee-jerk reaction.


Here is a woman saying exactly the same thing, which surely shouldn't flabbergast anyone. 


Although, she doesn't use the same colourful language as myself, I think you will find the woman in this video is making the same assertion.


She says (5.35) that women in their twenties have non-committed relationships and then she says that when women enter their thirties and want a child, there are no men.


How that is substantially different from what I wrote, I can't see.



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So because a woman says it and makes the same massive generalisation you do, it must be right?


Jesus wept. You missed the point spectacularly.

Edited by Ginko
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So because a woman says it and makes the same massive generalisation you do, it must be right?


Jesus wept. You missed the point spectacularly.


I don't think it is an unfounded generalisation to state that women who get a university education 'tend' to delay having children; it is statistically true.


But the main reason I put the video up was to show those who caved in after your outrage, that my assertion was neither unfounded, or unreasonable.

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So because a woman says it and makes the same massive generalisation you do, it must be right?


Jesus wept. You missed the point spectacularly.


I don't think it is an unfounded generalisation to state that women who get a university education 'tend' to delay having children; it is statistically true.


But the main reason I put the video up was to show those who caved in after your outrage, that my assertion was neither unfounded, or unreasonable.



Well we both know there was far more to your assertions than that, but we might as well leave it there before we bore people on this thread. Not that I have to say anything further anyway as people can read what you have said for themselves.

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So because a woman says it and makes the same massive generalisation you do, it must be right?


Jesus wept. You missed the point spectacularly.


I don't think it is an unfounded generalisation to state that women who get a university education 'tend' to delay having children; it is statistically true.


But the main reason I put the video up was to show those who caved in after your outrage, that my assertion was neither unfounded, or unreasonable.



Well we both know there was far more to your assertions than that, but we might as well leave it there before we bore people on this thread. Not that I have to say anything further anyway as people can read what you have said for themselves.



(Striking woe-is-me pose - back of hand on forehead)


My intention was only ever to offer Samjp26 some consolation for his missus ending the relationship.


My two attempts both excited animus.


(Exit left to violin music)



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