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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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Well, yes, basically it is, much of the time. I mean, come the day that women make up 98% of FTSE100 CEO's, 75% of the legislature, nearly all of the judiciary, nearly every newspaper editorship, earn more for doing the same amount of work, make up the vast majority of perpetrators in cases of sexual abuse and domestic violence, and we're sat round discussing this on Villa Ladies Talk, then yeah, fair enough. 


But hey, you know, there's a Harpic advert. So there's that. 


Your analysis is totally at odds with feminist thinking.




The woman in the picture is the famous feminist advocate Anita Sarkeesian who runs the campaign called Feminist Frequency, which campaigns against negative sexist tropes in video games (violence against women, women as decoration & women being rescued), which she claims make the men and boys who play those games sexist and gives them negative stereotypes of women.




So, if she believes that, and you agree with her, then logically you should also believe that the deluge of media images portraying men as idiots, or being physically abused, must give women sexist ideas that men are both useless, feel no pain, and are disposable. 




So yes, according to feminist thinking, the misandric Harpic advert should be condemned. (1)




Although your sarcasm and irony are a delight, I am not sure swapping the people in the top jobs from men to women, would solve the problems of the majority of ordinary women - I am sure they would prefer to have their working credits index-linked. (2) 




You seem overly concerned by the failure of women to break into a class, I assume, as a Lefty, you normally despise: there surely must be as little consolation in seeing women getting their extravagant bonuses, as it is to see men get them. (3)


Your claim that women are paid less for the exact same work and that domestic violence is only committed by men, has been challenged by several studies. (4)


When Erin Pizzey, who started shelters for women in the 1970s, said that in most cases both partners initiated domestic violence: feminists threatened her family and shot her dog; she was forced to emigrate. 







To address what seem to be the main points:


1) I don't agree with the woman in the picture then. There is no deluge of sexist, anti-male imagery and the advert you're all whining about is total fluff and not offensive in any way.


2) 'Working women' do, in fact, care about their prospects for career advancement, as should be absolutely obvious as its complete common sense. What's more, it's possible to be in favour of more women in the boardroom and a fairer deal for poorer workers at the same time! Why not? Dare to dream!


3) Of course. So what? There could be greater income equality at the same time as greater gender inequality, why do you keep insinuating that they are mutually exclusive?


4) Not really. Pretty much all peer-reviewed studies find exactly what I said. You could start with the work of Marianne Hester of the University of Bristol of you like. 


In general - it's really pretty funny that after years of deriding feminists as 'humourless', we're on a thread where a number of dudes are getting all think-skinned about an advert where a woman swoons when she sees a fireman (isn't she kind of the butt of the joke anyway?). It's enough to compete with the touchiest feminist. 

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And sorry, I realise I'm being far too serious, and won't post any further in the thread. 


I don't think that the objection was really about the seriousness of the topic or the discussion, it was almost certainly about how men feel uncomfortable with facing up to their predicament, and the inevitable shaming tactics which white knights such as yourself use to defend women and condemn men who dare to complain.


You described guys who complained about something they considered sexist as 'whining' and 'thin-skinned' and it seemed you were on the verge of using the expression 'manning-up'.


The whole sexual liberation movement was supposed to be about liberating women and men from limiting and confining gender roles.


Women have successfully broadened the choice of roles they are now allowed but it seems, judging by the response, that men are still being discouraged from doing the same.


I think the degree of the discomfort men feel, is a measure of the limits of their freedom, to be other than to fulfil the traditional male role, or what ever women decide they should be allowed.

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I think lots of men have problems with their self image and their ability to be brave and be what they want to be. It's a genuine problem and role models and education will help it, but its a problem with perception not law or the physical environment.


The problem for women for a long time was that the whole state and society, the built environment, the law etc., was all geared to prevent them not only being what they wanted to be, but giving them the knowledge that other possibilities were out there.


A man can become a nurse if he wants to, the midwife at my second daughter's birth was male and did a fine job. But for a very long time the basics of education for a female to be an engineer or a mechanic or a plasterer simply wouldn't have been there. School would have taught her home economics, a decent 1980's comp might even do a course on hairdressing. 


An obvious example for me would be the excellent working environment at GEAES. Years ago that would have been an uber male environment. High end engine maintenenace and all about lifting filthy oily bits of steel and torqueing up bolts teetering up a ladder with a chice of swarfega or carbolic in the bogs. But times have dramatically changed. Apprentice schemes are advertised in the local girls school, the lifting is done by hoists and robots, the engines are squeeky clean and there are now male and female changing facilities that are almost like a hotel spa. The result? A well educated mixed sex workforce that massively out performs the competition.


It's those basic external forces that have slowly had to change in favour of women, to a point where they too are now in need of role models and the ability to be brave and be themselves. Being themselves, of course, now including be a mum and a 'home maker' if that's the role they truly want.


We don't all have to be CEO's, we just need the possibility.

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To get this thread back on topic, my friend with the girlfriend that is has cheated on him and has a kid that isn't his, are moving in the weekend. We all suspect she will be pregnant within 6-9 months time and his life is over. He's 25, she's 20 they've been going out on and off 2 years. I think part of the problem was she was so young and getting pregnant at 15 meant she never really had those wild nights out you do as as 16/17/18 year old but I think she has been making up for lost time since she started going out with my friend. She seems to have copped on a bit since her latest discretion when she went to Dublin for a marathon in April and ended up in bed with some fella she ran it with, my friend was devastated but told her if it happens again he was gone ( yeah right ) but since then she seems to have calmed down a bit, I think he thinks if they move in she won't be out as much and he won't have to worry. She's still taking him to the cleaners though, met him for lunch this week and he tells me that he's paying all the rent because she got some paint and bits and pieces for the house so has to fork over €560 tomorrow as a months rent and deposit, then trying to defend it goes she's getting all the food and stuff, but because he is finished at half 5 and she's not finished till 6 that he's doing all the cooking. Since leaving Limerick and getting a job at home he's been around a whole lot more and seemed to be coming round to the idea that his girlfriend wasn't all that but this latest news is a massive blow. 

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It genuinely amazes me when I read some of the posts in this thread, I just don't understand situations like that at all.


Relationships are supposed to enhance your life, not destroy it.

Edited by Designer1
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To get this thread back on topic, my friend with the girlfriend that is has cheated on him and has a kid that isn't his, are moving in the weekend. We all suspect she will be pregnant within 6-9 months time and his life is over. He's 25, she's 20 they've been going out on and off 2 years. I think part of the problem was she was so young and getting pregnant at 15 meant she never really had those wild nights out you do as as 16/17/18 year old but I think she has been making up for lost time since she started going out with my friend. She seems to have copped on a bit since her latest discretion when she went to Dublin for a marathon in April and ended up in bed with some fella she ran it with, my friend was devastated but told her if it happens again he was gone ( yeah right ) but since then she seems to have calmed down a bit, I think he thinks if they move in she won't be out as much and he won't have to worry. She's still taking him to the cleaners though, met him for lunch this week and he tells me that he's paying all the rent because she got some paint and bits and pieces for the house so has to fork over €560 tomorrow as a months rent and deposit, then trying to defend it goes she's getting all the food and stuff, but because he is finished at half 5 and she's not finished till 6 that he's doing all the cooking. Since leaving Limerick and getting a job at home he's been around a whole lot more and seemed to be coming round to the idea that his girlfriend wasn't all that but this latest news is a massive blow. 

He's a lost cause. You're going to have to kill him.

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It genuinely amazes me when I read some of the posts in this thread, I just don't understand situations like that at all.


Relationships are supposed to enhance your life, not destroy it.


I can only presume some people get their serotonin fix from feeling down. Otherwise, to potentially spend a large portion of your allotted 82 years being messed around and unhappy is something I can't get my head around.

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Sounds to me like he's scared that he'll wind up alone, either that or he's a glutton for punishment.


From what you've told us it doesn't sound like this sort of relationship is going to last. Isn't this the same guy who had a fantastic job opportunity but he didn't take it because he would be far away from her? Fair enough if she was worth it, I suppose, but still.


I'm probably the wrong person to be giving my opinion though. I have very strict opinions when it comes to cheating. I honestly don't think I could forgive my girlfriend or wife if she ever cheated on me.

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