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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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Me and the other half sometimes talk about things we used to do at the beginning of the relationship,that we don't do now. I won't go into our sex life but when we first got together we shared this flat in the town centre, she used to work nights so what I'd do I would play little pranks on her. I used to always hang her big teddies that's she had, she would open the front door or walk into a room and I'd have dressed a teddy up in either her clothes or mine and hang it from the ceiling. Also I used to wrap bacon around the front door handle so when she opened the front door it would make her jump when she touched it. It was dark you see in the stairway so she could not see. I used to be very romantic as well, yeah we had some good times back then and still do now dare I say.



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Did not know you had a woman ingram. You fancy coming round mine one night, the four of us will have some fun.

Ooh VT orgy. How disturbing
A Vt Bukkae more your thing Jenny?

Having had to Mooney the meaning of that (thanks) I can say er no **** way. That's just narsty.

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Did not know you had a woman ingram. You fancy coming round mine one night, the four of us will have some fun.

Ooh VT orgy. How disturbing
A Vt Bukkae more your thing Jenny?
Having had to Mooney the meaning of that (thanks) I can say er no **** way. That's just narsty.
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Did not know you had a woman ingram. You fancy coming round mine one night, the four of us will have some fun.

Ooh VT orgy. How disturbing
A Vt Bukkae more your thing Jenny?
Having had to Mooney the meaning of that (thanks) I can say er no **** way. That's just narsty.
It'd help to keep wrinkle free for a long time :P
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Me and the mrs aint spoke for most of the day, you can bet we will sit in silence tonight and tomorrow morning will be the same. All because she took my joke the wrong way. Sitting in silence really annoys me but I'm a stubborn bugger.

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right then im a bit nervous about opening myself up like this, but here it goes. before me and my mrs got together we knew of each other, I was 26 when I got with her and she was 21. we had fancied the arse off each other for years and I always wished I could get with her, but that's all it was in my eyes just a wish because she was and still is absolutely stunning. id never think she would look at me because I thought she was out of my league. im just a normal looking bloke, some women liked me and some didn't, everypne fancied my partner though. anyway we ended up getting together, at the time I was desperate to be in a relationship because id had enough of being single, id done a lot of drugs,drank a lot of booze and slept with a lot of women. but I was sick of that lifestyle and wanted to settle down . my partner had not long come out of a relationship, she was one of those people that had to be with someone. she hated being single, where I had been single for a bit. anyway I was known as a bit of a wild one and I hung around with riff raff. id been in trouble with the law and been to prison, a lot of my mates were the same. my mrs knew I was a bit of a lad but she liked it, she was a drinker and drug user at the time although she wernt addicted like me, and we used to binge a lot . its fair to say I could not handle being in a relationship with her at the start, I started drinking more to impress her and started playing the mad man to try and impress her because that's what I thought she expected. I had zero confidence without booze and drugs and could not see why she was with me, I did not have any love for myself what so ever. now I had a bad temper in my teens up until my mid 20s, I was a terrible drunk and things started getting out of control. things started getting violent between us and I was the one being violent, its fair to say when I was drunk she was scared of me. I would break down in tears after id hit her and would be a mess, I just could not deal with being in a relationship. plus id got a few issues from my childhood that were unanswered and still are to this day. no excuse I know but im just being as honest as I can. my drug use was escalating to a point which was bothering my partner so I did stop doing a few things I was doing at the time, I was heavily involved in injecting cocaine. I was really bad at one point, ive never touched heroin, cocaine was my drug. anyway a month into the relationship I stop injecting and im glad to say ive been clean from that ever since. I still crave it now and again but I know I cant go back down that road. even through all this we were in love and she ended up proposing, from when we got engaged to when we got un engaged we split up that many times it was unreal, mainly down to my drinking and being a clearing in the woods. fast forward a bit and now my partner was putting a ban on me going out or even drinking, imo she took it to far and she admits it. those few months were miserable as sin and in the end I ended up going on an all dayer which then turned into me cheating on her that night, she forgave me a week later and we got back together. fast forward a bit more and she cheated on me as payback because yet again id gone awol on a bender and she thought I was with another girl. I forgave her straight away and we tried to put all this shit behind us, the violence had stopped early in our relationship and ive never laid another finger on her since and never will again. sometimes she has attacked me in the past but I managed to control myself, id like to point out that I have gone to great lenghs to sorting out my temper and im a much better person now, don't get me wrong I still can be violent if someone pushes me to far but as a whole im very laid back now. anyway we decided we wanted kids and after 5 miscarriages which happened early in the pregnancy we eventually got lucky and had our little boy lenny, he means the world to us and is without doubt the best thing that has ever happened to us. we are both good parents I think, we have made mistakes especially me but he has a good life and upbringing. unfortunately my drug use still continued on and off and still does to this day, I only snort coke remember, I stopped injecting years ago. I admit there has been times when ive put drink and drugs infront of my family, this one time it happened my partner gpt this big blown up picture of me and my gran and ripped it up infront of me and my granddad. she purposely came up to where we were and ripped it up. she regreted it but that's the one thing I still to this day have trouble dealing with. me and my gran were very close, we were each others world. she died of a long battle with cancer 3 years ago. my partner was that angry at me she went to those lenghs to hurt me, and it did. fast forward even further and it came out that my partner had cheated again when I went off on another bender. yet again I forgave her because I loved her and still believed in us. fast forward to the last year and we have calmed down a lot and have tried to put all this behind us, the pregnancy this time was an accident but we decided to keep it and were happy about it. I hope you don't judge me or my partner for our mistakes, I haven't gone into detail about everything and I aint told everything purely because id be here all night. we have put up with a lot off each other but were still standing, we love each other and we love our family. shes helped me with my drinking and drug use and one or two other things which have happened in my life. she a caring person who adores me. I have changed a lot , I don't use drugs as much or drink as much nowadays and my temper is at a normal level. yeah we still scream and shout sometimes but that's normal. ive damaged the whole set up of my brain from heavy cocaine use. I struggle with my sex drive,emotional connection and depression at times from it. we believe we will be together forever and raise our family with a lot of love. we still have a lot of work to do to get where we want to be but im sure we will get there. ive been a bad person at times in the past but even in those bad times I wernt that bad as a person I just got messed up sometimes, I think im a much better person now and I think my partner is. sorry about the long post, just thought it would give a inside view of a turbulent relationship like ours. very nervous about peoples reactions but I wernt going to lie.

Hope you don't mind me not reading this, I'm going to hang on for the movie.
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