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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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My girlfriend's (I'm allowed to mention her in here, right?) supervisor at her work sounds like the most whipped guy I've ever heard of.


His wife doesn't work. yet she has total control over all of their finances. He gets pocket money every week that he's allowed to spend on whatever he likes. That was £10. It's now been cut to £5 because she wants to save for a new house.

To reiterate, she doesn't work. He brings in, at a guess, at least £40k a year. And he gets £5 a week to spend for himself.


He has to lie to his wife about my gf. he's told his wife that it's a bloke who works for him, not a girl, because she'd get angry.


They have a kid. She got pregnant when she deliberately came off the pill without consulting him.


He has secret takeaways. his wife doesn't let him eat them, so he goes out, buys one, and then eats it in the shed so that she can't smell it when she gets home.


He's not allowed to the pub. Every week he goes for the paper on a sunday and dashes to the pub and downs a pint because it's the only chance he gets.


They had a work meal the other week. He got a lift home from one of the women and she had to drop him down the road so that he could walk home and pretend he got a cab.


And finally, my gf passed him and his wife in her car the other day. Gave a beep and a wave. 

He gave her a bollocking on the Monday at work for nearly getting him in trouble. Because somebody he worked with waved at him.


I hate him. I've never met him. But I hate him.


I think the woman deserves to be defended here because the evidence seems a bit one-sided.


First off, you have to know the financial history of the guy involved, and it seems likely that he had a very poor track-record financially and that maybe he tended to waste his money on impulse purchases, and it was with this in mind that he and his missus agreed that the only way forward was for him to hand the management of household expenses over to her.


£40k is not really that much to pay a mortgage and run a family these days and such a budget would certainly make beer and takeaways seem like a waste of money. It is almost certain that he has agreed not to waste money on those things, and his sneaking beer and takeaways, seems to reveal him as rather immature.


So I just see him as an immature guy who has off-loaded a lot of responsibility onto his partner; even the moral responsibility of doing what he has agreed to, as he plays the naughty boy-child trying to fool his mother.


As for her not working, there is a lot to be said in favour of this, especially if he is the kind of guy who wouldn't want to pull his weight around the house, which seems likely.


There is also financial advantages to take into account - see Elizabeth Warren's writing on the problems of the 'The Two-income Trap'. Where a couple base their life-style on two incomes and then when one of them loses their job, disaster ensues. When one partner does not work, there is always spare earning capacity which can be used in the case of the main bread-winner losing their job. Two people working doubles the chances of one of them losing their job.


I would conclude that the guy has probably agreed to all these arrangements, which would seem quite reasonable to previous generations of men.


I definitely would not be willing to make the guy the victim or condemn the woman as a shrew on that evidence.

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My girlfriend's (I'm allowed to mention her in here, right?) supervisor at her work sounds like the most whipped guy I've ever heard of.


His wife doesn't work. yet she has total control over all of their finances. He gets pocket money every week that he's allowed to spend on whatever he likes. That was £10. It's now been cut to £5 because she wants to save for a new house.

To reiterate, she doesn't work. He brings in, at a guess, at least £40k a year. And he gets £5 a week to spend for himself.


He has to lie to his wife about my gf. he's told his wife that it's a bloke who works for him, not a girl, because she'd get angry.


They have a kid. She got pregnant when she deliberately came off the pill without consulting him.


He has secret takeaways. his wife doesn't let him eat them, so he goes out, buys one, and then eats it in the shed so that she can't smell it when she gets home.


He's not allowed to the pub. Every week he goes for the paper on a sunday and dashes to the pub and downs a pint because it's the only chance he gets.


They had a work meal the other week. He got a lift home from one of the women and she had to drop him down the road so that he could walk home and pretend he got a cab.


And finally, my gf passed him and his wife in her car the other day. Gave a beep and a wave. 

He gave her a bollocking on the Monday at work for nearly getting him in trouble. Because somebody he worked with waved at him.


I hate him. I've never met him. But I hate him.


I think the woman deserves to be defended here because the evidence seems a bit one-sided.


First off, you have to know the financial history of the guy involved, and it seems likely that he had a very poor track-record financially and that maybe he tended to waste his money on impulse purchases, and it was with this in mind that he and his missus agreed that the only way forward was for him to hand the management of household expenses over to her.


£40k is not really that much to pay a mortgage and run a family these days and such a budget would certainly make beer and takeaways seem like a waste of money. It is almost certain that he has agreed not to waste money on those things, and his sneaking beer and takeaways, seems to reveal him as rather immature.


So I just see him as an immature guy who has off-loaded a lot of responsibility onto his partner; even the moral responsibility of doing what he has agreed to, as he plays the naughty boy-child trying to fool his mother.


As for her not working, there is a lot to be said in favour of this, especially if he is the kind of guy who wouldn't want to pull his weight around the house, which seems likely.


There is also financial advantages to take into account - see Elizabeth Warren's writing on the problems of the 'The Two-income Trap'. Where a couple base their life-style on two incomes and then when one of them loses their job, disaster ensues. When one partner does not work, there is always spare earning capacity which can be used in the case of the main bread-winner losing their job. Two people working doubles the chances of one of them losing their job.


I would conclude that the guy has probably agreed to all these arrangements, which would seem quite reasonable to previous generations of men.


I definitely would not be willing to make the guy the victim or condemn the woman as a shrew on that evidence.


First thing's first, nobody's made the guy the victim or the woman shrew apart from you.


I'm not saying the guy hasn't agreed, just that he appears to have made his life miserable as a result. The way it sounds (from him) is that he has no say. She makes the decisions. The baby thing. Unless he's lying (why would you about that?) she decided they were having a baby so came off the pill without consulting him. That's weird. 

He's also told my gf on more than one occasion that he's jealous of me because my girlfriend and I don't particularly care what each other do. (I don't think that's a bragging point. It's just trust, and he appears to be afforded none by his wife)


None of your explanations above explained the apparent fact that he's not allowed to even know other females. I'm not necessarily blaming the woman, I'm blaming him for being scared of her.


If that was my relationship, I'd end it.

Edited by Stevo985
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My girlfriend's (I'm allowed to mention her in here, right?) supervisor at her work sounds like the most whipped guy I've ever heard of.


His wife doesn't work. yet she has total control over all of their finances. He gets pocket money every week that he's allowed to spend on whatever he likes. That was £10. It's now been cut to £5 because she wants to save for a new house.

To reiterate, she doesn't work. He brings in, at a guess, at least £40k a year. And he gets £5 a week to spend for himself.


He has to lie to his wife about my gf. he's told his wife that it's a bloke who works for him, not a girl, because she'd get angry.


They have a kid. She got pregnant when she deliberately came off the pill without consulting him.


He has secret takeaways. his wife doesn't let him eat them, so he goes out, buys one, and then eats it in the shed so that she can't smell it when she gets home.


He's not allowed to the pub. Every week he goes for the paper on a sunday and dashes to the pub and downs a pint because it's the only chance he gets.


They had a work meal the other week. He got a lift home from one of the women and she had to drop him down the road so that he could walk home and pretend he got a cab.


And finally, my gf passed him and his wife in her car the other day. Gave a beep and a wave. 

He gave her a bollocking on the Monday at work for nearly getting him in trouble. Because somebody he worked with waved at him.


I hate him. I've never met him. But I hate him.


I think the woman deserves to be defended here because the evidence seems a bit one-sided.


First off, you have to know the financial history of the guy involved, and it seems likely that he had a very poor track-record financially and that maybe he tended to waste his money on impulse purchases, and it was with this in mind that he and his missus agreed that the only way forward was for him to hand the management of household expenses over to her.


£40k is not really that much to pay a mortgage and run a family these days and such a budget would certainly make beer and takeaways seem like a waste of money. It is almost certain that he has agreed not to waste money on those things, and his sneaking beer and takeaways, seems to reveal him as rather immature.


So I just see him as an immature guy who has off-loaded a lot of responsibility onto his partner; even the moral responsibility of doing what he has agreed to, as he plays the naughty boy-child trying to fool his mother.


As for her not working, there is a lot to be said in favour of this, especially if he is the kind of guy who wouldn't want to pull his weight around the house, which seems likely.


There is also financial advantages to take into account - see Elizabeth Warren's writing on the problems of the 'The Two-income Trap'. Where a couple base their life-style on two incomes and then when one of them loses their job, disaster ensues. When one partner does not work, there is always spare earning capacity which can be used in the case of the main bread-winner losing their job. Two people working doubles the chances of one of them losing their job.


I would conclude that the guy has probably agreed to all these arrangements, which would seem quite reasonable to previous generations of men.


I definitely would not be willing to make the guy the victim or condemn the woman as a shrew on that evidence.


First thing's first, nobody's made the guy the victim or the woman shrew apart from you.


I'm not saying the guy hasn't agreed, just that he appears to have made his life miserable as a result. The way it sounds (from him) is that he has no say. She makes the decisions. The baby thing. Unless he's lying (why would you about that?) she decided they were having a baby so came off the pill without consulting him. That's weird. 

He's also told my gf on more than one occasion that he's jealous of me because my girlfriend and I don't particularly care what each other do. (I don't think that's a bragging point. It's just trust, and he appears to be afforded none by his wife)


None of your explanations above explained the apparent fact that he's not allowed to even know other females. I'm not necessarily blaming the woman, I'm blaming him for being scared of her.


If that was my relationship, I'd end it.



That is probably the most salient factor.


It seems likely that you might have missed the point your missus was actually making, which I did too.


It seems likely that she told you about this guy to vicariously remind you and herself what a really great relationship you have and how lucky you are to have each other.


Us blokes are always too literal in our understanding of female narratives and tend to miss the point - it happens to me all the time.


She was just reminding you how good your relationship is. :wub:


Just call it positive feedback.

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No mate. She wasn't. She really wasn't.

Your pretty patronising point is way off.




I did not mean to be patronising, I just concluded that if my missus told me that someone said they were jealous of our relationship, I would take it as meaning something we should both feel pleased about.

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I hate women.


I love how you say this when the woman you couldn't commit to enough to marry is currently heavily pregnant with your 2nd child  ;)




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40k is a very nice wage for the year.


It is around £580 per week after tax.

I've known couples who struggled to keep out of the red on quite a bit more.

oh yeah, if you don't live within your means and you've ran up debt in the past. Add that onto your normal living cost like bills etc then it won't go far. But you could provide for your family, pay morgage and save a bit from that wage if you did not have debt or lived stupidly.
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My girlfriend's (I'm allowed to mention her in here, right?) supervisor at her work sounds like the most whipped guy I've ever heard of.


His wife doesn't work. yet she has total control over all of their finances. He gets pocket money every week that he's allowed to spend on whatever he likes. That was £10. It's now been cut to £5 because she wants to save for a new house.

To reiterate, she doesn't work. He brings in, at a guess, at least £40k a year. And he gets £5 a week to spend for himself.


He has to lie to his wife about my gf. he's told his wife that it's a bloke who works for him, not a girl, because she'd get angry.


They have a kid. She got pregnant when she deliberately came off the pill without consulting him.


He has secret takeaways. his wife doesn't let him eat them, so he goes out, buys one, and then eats it in the shed so that she can't smell it when she gets home.


He's not allowed to the pub. Every week he goes for the paper on a sunday and dashes to the pub and downs a pint because it's the only chance he gets.


They had a work meal the other week. He got a lift home from one of the women and she had to drop him down the road so that he could walk home and pretend he got a cab.


And finally, my gf passed him and his wife in her car the other day. Gave a beep and a wave. 

He gave her a bollocking on the Monday at work for nearly getting him in trouble. Because somebody he worked with waved at him.


I hate him. I've never met him. But I hate him.


I'm getting angry just reading that! 

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I hate women.

I love how you say this when your wife is currently heavily pregnant with your daughter ;)

one she aint my wife and secondly why do people take me to seriously sometimes. For christ sake it was not meant to be taken seriously, I dislike some women like I dislike some men.
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