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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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I don't often post on VT, but at times like this, talking to strangers on a forum seems like a good idea.

So, I've just found out that my boyfriend of 15 years has been cheating on me since November with a colleague. I'd suspected that he was (he was being really quiet, always had his phone with him - even took it into the shower etc), but he denied it when I asked. Then I caught him on the phone to her tonight in the car outside our house - idiot had it through the car speakers and didn't realise I was standing on the pavement. I heard her declare her undying love for him.

Trouble is, I'm 32 and don't really want to be starting again. We have a house, car, bank account etc together. When I confronted him, we had a long chat (all very civilised - no shouting) and he said that he doesn't know what to do. Things haven't been that exciting between us, but we have been together a long time. He is in love with the idea of this other woman (although she is married apparently - nice), and isn't sure if he wants to work through things with me.

Writing this down, he comes across like a complete dick. Maybe that's why i thought posting here would be a good idea, to make me see sense. He says I deserve better. I'm not too bad looking, and have a good job in London. Thinking objectively, i should walk away. But it's hard to imagine being on my own after all this time - most of our friends are joint friends (we went to uni together), and I don't really want to have to move house. Equally, I'm not sure I could ever trust him.

I've said that I think he should move out, as we need some space apart. There's no right or wrong answer I guess, but it's just all pretty shit.

Sorry for the essay - just needed a place to get it all out (and not to friends who will just make me cry by being sympathetic etc). Any advice very welcome!

hopefully your fella will realise the grass aint always greener, sounds like for the time being your best out of it. chin up everything will work out fine

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Taking this thread in a slightly different direction, what is the most daring thing you have done sexually. One of my friends was going out with one girl and managed to bang two of her friends. I don't know how he managed it to be honest. She still doesn't know.


I was once the 'other guy' somehow not only knocking off a girl older then me that I'd presumed was way out of my league (kids - there's no such thing!), but doing it whilst she was making wedding arrangements with a well known half decent local amateur boxer. That was quite a thrill, downstairs at 2:00a.m. in my parents house giving my best to the WAG of a boxer.


She managed to tell him about it as some sort of twisted revenge / lovers tiff bloody argument. I was walking between clubs one night when he stopped me in the street, mentioned he couldn't lay a finger on me or he'd lose his fight licence and asked me if I could stop seeing his lady. I mentioned that I knew about the licence situation and I was sure me and her was only a phase. I then smugly walked off, approximately 8 foot tall.


About an hour later I had seven shades of crap kicked out of me by a bunch of people I'd never seen before in my life, seriously the biggest beating I ever took.


That was daring, didn't do it again though.

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Taking this thread in a slightly different direction, what is the most daring thing you have done sexually. One of my friends was going out with one girl and managed to bang two of her friends. I don't know how he managed it to be honest. She still doesn't know.

I was going with this girl a few years a go but she had a boyfriend at the time, anyway I met her in a pub in town one night and she had 3 of her mates with her and I was out with 3 of my mates, after a few drinks and a few lines of coke we went back to her mates house, we were all in her mates bedroom when I notice my mate getting off with one of her mates, so I though right then im going to get stuck into my piece, next thing you know im shagging this girl infront of everyone and her mate has got her tits out putting them in my girls mouth, the rest of the crowd is kissing and fondling, my girl then says shes got to get back to her fella so I walk her to the door and kiss her goodbye. I go back into bedroom then basicly everyone is shagging everyone and I join in, I ended up shagging both her mates that night. all this fun on a midweek night :) , only downside was that I caught the clap that night and passed it on to the girl I was originaly going with :o . she eventually fount out about that night and stopped going with me.... was worth it though :P


I like this :thumb:

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I clearly need to move to Rugeley.

its a nice little market town apparently, its full of drugs and easy pussy plus its most honoured attraction is that's it full of villa :flag: used to be a half decent night out if you were just into pubs and not clubs and you didn't mind fighting ha. I know a big girl who's got a spare room? takes it up the wrong un aswell and likes her sweetcorn :D

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I clearly need to move to Rugeley.

its a nice little market town apparently, its full of drugs and easy pussy plus its most honoured attraction is that's it full of villa :flag: used to be a half decent night out if you were just into pubs and not clubs and you didn't mind fighting ha. I know a big girl who's got a spare room? takes it up the wrong un aswell and likes her sweetcorn :D



I know it well. Used to play for Brereton in my youth football days and my sister isn't far away in Armitage.

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I clearly need to move to Rugeley.

its a nice little market town apparently, its full of drugs and easy pussy plus its most honoured attraction is that's it full of villa :flag: used to be a half decent night out if you were just into pubs and not clubs and you didn't mind fighting ha. I know a big girl who's got a spare room? takes it up the wrong un aswell and likes her sweetcorn :D



I know it well. Used to play for Brereton in my youth football days and my sister isn't far away in Armitage.


and me, I played for Brereton then went and played for armitage. retired way to early

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was every punch and kick worth it though?


I woke up and it was that near daylight, 3 or 4a.m., I had matted blood in my hair and all my clothes were ripped, all my pricey casual gear deliberately shredded. I walked home smiling, thought I was a proper dude.


Two weeks later I got off with a new girl in town, back to hers, stayed the night, she wasn't shy. Had to sneak to work from her place the next morning. I was working in a hotel (now there's a place to work for the horny teen), got into work and we had a new middle aged receptionist. Got talking to her, turns out she's new to town, and has a teenage daughter she thinks I'd like. They're renting 1 York Place.


1 York Place? Ah, yes, I know it well....




Just to say, I got all this out of my system by the time I was 19 / 20. Started drinking in pubs when I was about 14 / 15, stopped going to nightclubs when I was about 18 / 19. Been thoroughly straight for about a hundred years. Just living off the exaggerated anecdotes now!

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This is tame compared to Rugely's story but I'll always remember millennium eve as after being in town went back to my mates girlfriends parents place where they were having a house party. In the early hours me and some bird, my mate and his gf and another mate and some other bird all going at it on the living room floor.

We did stick to our pairs though (sadly).

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This is tame compared to Rugely's story but I'll always remember millennium eve as after being in town went back to my mates girlfriends parents place where they were having a house party. In the early hours me and some bird, my mate and his gf and another mate and some other bird all going at it on the living room floor.

We did stick to our pairs though (sadly).

its all fun and games

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