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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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Taking this thread in a slightly different direction, what is the most daring thing you have done sexually. One of my friends was going out with one girl and managed to bang two of her friends. I don't know how he managed it to be honest. She still doesn't know.

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Taking this thread in a slightly different direction, what is the most daring thing you have done sexually. One of my friends was going out with one girl and managed to bang two of her friends. I don't know how he managed it to be honest. She still doesn't know.


At the same time?


I also wouldn't call it daring, just being a bit of a rocket polisher.





Edit: poor choice of offensive word.

Edited by adw95
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It's difficult to speak on behalf of what women might think, what with me only playing that role of a Thursday lunchtime.

But I suspect there are as many different reasons for women to have affairs as men.

Some for the thrill, some for revenge, some for love and some through some sense of having found something better and 27 reasons that haven't occurred to me yet.

Though I would concede that a thousand years of indoctrination makes us (male and female) believe that with women, it's rarely just for kicks and a quick fizzy o.

From my experience of close friends and work colleagues, there are women that quite like all sorts of adventures. By 'my experience' I just mean I know them and their ways, I'm personally about as vanilla a chap as you'll ever meet.

When assessing the respective libidos of men and women, I think that if we take notice of whose libido is used to manipulate them and whose not, who pays for it and who tends not to, we can arrive at a reasonable conclusion, as to which gender suffers the greater sexual imperative. :P

Seems like your going to be the con of 'Irrenventads relationship advice thread'. This debate will never end. Lol.

See where your coming from but I agree with what stwefano said tbh...

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Taking this thread in a slightly different direction, what is the most daring thing you have done sexually. One of my friends was going out with one girl and managed to bang two of her friends. I don't know how he managed it to be honest. She still doesn't know.

I had sex on the Number 6 bus. Does that count?

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So George is a newly single, young Villa fan?

Not quite so young Wainy316, but the rest is accurate, yes. However, I could never replace Baselayers.


Hmm, she's had a rubbish time with men as well and I think she's about my age. Maybe we should just get together - probably would be easier than trying to find a decent man (no offence to you lovely people, of course).

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So George is a newly single, young Villa fan?

Not quite so young Wainy316, but the rest is accurate, yes. However, I could never replace Baselayers.


Hmm, she's had a rubbish time with men as well and I think she's about my age. Maybe we should just get together - probably would be easier than trying to find a decent man (no offence to you lovely people, of course).



The only way we will be offended is if you don't get with Baselayers.

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and another one bites the dust...  :(


this time I was just really really fantastic and ABSOLUTELY THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH You spiel sent my way for the 34689th time. Just. **** it. **** off. **** this mythical "spark". **** it **** **** it. Thank the lord for loud speakers and red wine. 


Sorry to hear that fella.  :(


I don't often post on VT, but at times like this, talking to strangers on a forum seems like a good idea.

So, I've just found out that my boyfriend of 15 years has been cheating on me since November with a colleague. I'd suspected that he was (he was being really quiet, always had his phone with him - even took it into the shower etc), but he denied it when I asked. Then I caught him on the phone to her tonight in the car outside our house - idiot had it through the car speakers and didn't realise I was standing on the pavement. I heard her declare her undying love for him.

Trouble is, I'm 32 and don't really want to be starting again. We have a house, car, bank account etc together. When I confronted him, we had a long chat (all very civilised - no shouting) and he said that he doesn't know what to do. Things haven't been that exciting between us, but we have been together a long time. He is in love with the idea of this other woman (although she is married apparently - nice), and isn't sure if he wants to work through things with me.

Writing this down, he comes across like a complete dick. Maybe that's why i thought posting here would be a good idea, to make me see sense. He says I deserve better. I'm not too bad looking, and have a good job in London. Thinking objectively, i should walk away. But it's hard to imagine being on my own after all this time - most of our friends are joint friends (we went to uni together), and I don't really want to have to move house. Equally, I'm not sure I could ever trust him.

I've said that I think he should move out, as we need some space apart. There's no right or wrong answer I guess, but it's just all pretty shit.

Sorry for the essay - just needed a place to get it all out (and not to friends who will just make me cry by being sympathetic etc). Any advice very welcome!


I won't reinvent the wheel by re-quoting what has already been said, but get rid of him. This wasn't a one off drunken night stand, that some people might be prepared to forgive (i wouldn't), instead this was 3-4 months of lies, deceit and subterfuge. 


Chrisp65 said it best in his post - don't stop with someone just because you fear the alternative. Yes it will be hard to start again as you say, but you'll manage it and you'll have fun along the way. Go away with your mates and enjoy single life for a bit. 

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Taking this thread in a slightly different direction, what is the most daring thing you have done sexually. One of my friends was going out with one girl and managed to bang two of her friends. I don't know how he managed it to be honest. She still doesn't know.

I was going with this girl a few years a go but she had a boyfriend at the time, anyway I met her in a pub in town one night and she had 3 of her mates with her and I was out with 3 of my mates, after a few drinks and a few lines of coke we went back to her mates house, we were all in her mates bedroom when I notice my mate getting off with one of her mates, so I though right then im going to get stuck into my piece, next thing you know im shagging this girl infront of everyone and her mate has got her tits out putting them in my girls mouth, the rest of the crowd is kissing and fondling, my girl then says shes got to get back to her fella so I walk her to the door and kiss her goodbye. I go back into bedroom then basicly everyone is shagging everyone and I join in, I ended up shagging both her mates that night. all this fun on a midweek night :) , only downside was that I caught the clap that night and passed it on to the girl I was originaly going with :o . she eventually fount out about that night and stopped going with me.... was worth it though :P

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