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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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My girl started "Pole fit" classes yesterday.



How many poles did she fit onto?

There is a stigma around pole dancing but it is really not what you think. It is women only and behind closed doors. They wear gym type clothing and the classes are based on toning up the body and gaining strength.

Let's be honest, it's for whowa's.

That is generally the opinion of guys who wish their mrs was capable of doing it.

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The missus wants to put her pole up in the house and start training with it again. A few of her friends want to learn too so once she's back to normal on it (a little rusty at the mo) she'll see about doing some lessons.


She said she's never been fitter than when she was pole dancing so if it's gonna keep her toned and fit who am I to argue? ;)

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Stevo, i get the worried smiley you posted, im not sure how I'd feel if a gf started doing pole fit classes, obviously its getting more popular amongst ladies as a fun and 'harmless' way to keep fit but I'd always have a niggling feeling in the back of my mind about the potential pathways it may lead to. I'm not sure I'd like it tbf but I wouldn't want to come across as controlling so wouldn't stop her. Bit of a weird one that. 


And what 'pathways' are these that you're worried about? :wacko:

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Stevo, i get the worried smiley you posted, im not sure how I'd feel if a gf started doing pole fit classes, obviously its getting more popular amongst ladies as a fun and 'harmless' way to keep fit but I'd always have a niggling feeling in the back of my mind about the potential pathways it may lead to. I'm not sure I'd like it tbf but I wouldn't want to come across as controlling so wouldn't stop her. Bit of a weird one that. 


And what 'pathways' are these that you're worried about? :wacko:


I'll interject.


I don't think (and he can correct me if I'm wrong) Ingram was putting down the profession. I think he was probably commenting on how some males might feel uncomfortable with it. 

Some blokes wouldn't date a stripper/poledancer (or want their gf becoming a stripper) because they wouldn't want other men looking at their girlfriends. Which is fair enough if you ask me even if I wouldn't necessarily agree with their view.


I don't think he was saying anything bad about strippers though.


(although far be it from me to speak on Ingram's behalf, I'm just saying how I read it)

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The missus wants to put her pole up in the house and start training with it again. A few of her friends want to learn too so once she's back to normal on it (a little rusty at the mo) she'll see about doing some lessons.


She said she's never been fitter than when she was pole dancing so if it's gonna keep her toned and fit who am I to argue? ;)

My girl (that sounds weird. Dunno what to call her though. She's not my girlfriend, yet) absolutely loved it and she's been aching all weekend, so it's obviously a really good workout.


I reckon if your missus sets up some classes she could make a tidy income from it, even if it's just a sideline (assuming she's good at teaching it, obviously)

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Getting jealous would be entirely natural in such a situation. It'd mess with my head too much if my other half got into stripping, but kudos to Dante and anyone else who's pragmatic enough to deal with such things.

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You said it much more concisely than I did.


But yeah, that's what I meant. I think Ingram was commenting on the guy (in this case me) getting jealous, as opposed to anything negative about stripping.

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You bunch of dirty filthy perverts. I wouldn't dream of talking about such activities.









































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Still seeing the other girl but it's not serious and not sure it's going to get serious.


Portugal is worth a shot I reckon


Im sure an in depth photographic comparison would allow the noble VT community to assist you in your decision making........


ok. Check the Relationship thread shortly ;)


I concur, When it comes to discussing the merits of two very fine ladies via pictorial evidence (preferably in swim/evening wear) I consider myself to be quite the professional conversor, a master debator if you will.

Because I like you all so much, and because it probably isn't going to last with Victoria Secrets Girl (that nickname makes her sound better than she is!), and because this will be one of the last posts I make in a long time on VT, I'm going to honour the above requests, and adhere to the decision that VT makes.


Victoria Secrets Girl




New Portuguese Air Hostess (on the right)



Don't have access to a swimsuit one as requested in the relationship thread, the below is as close as I could get :D



Vote away.

I'll come back to read the results, but won't be posting again. Enjoy!

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Id be packing my bags for Portugal that beach shot is absolutely fantastic. 


(Whats with the VT hiatus mate?)

EDIT Damn you and your imageshacking. I was hopeful of a quick FB stalk.

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