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One Night Stands


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Ive had a lot of one night stands and a fair few f*ck buddies (some of them probably though they were my girlfriend and i never clarified the issue) and tbh it just became normal. I had a girlfriend for 5 and a half years (through college and uni) and when that ended i was 21 and had no idea about other women and even if i could pull. The next 3 years descended into a bit of a lads adventure along with my best pals.

I enjoyed it greatly and I wont pretend I was always sensible. (I had a few dodgy moments but nothing the Dr couldnt sort out for me). I have some great stories and memories to go along with the deeds and the evenings spent playing the game.

Some of the sex was awful, some of it was incredible. The bragging to the lads was a big part of it at first but I soon found I was actually hooked on the 'game' and the psychology of the chase. I liked making these girls like me, sad I know and ive realised it now. Girls commented how I never seemed to be a creep or chatting them up and when they found out my 'number' they were alwasy shocked. I seemed to just like observing the social interactions and figuring out how to get what others couldnt.

3 months ago i met a girl whilst still just playing the game and fell in love with her almost instantly. The sex is different and better for a whole set of reasons and I actually remember why I liked being in a relationship all those years ago.

I wouldnt go back to how I was for all the tea in chna but at the same time I wouldnt change what ive done

Sine meeting my girlfriend she has shown me some books her males friends have been reading in the US to help them get laid or one night stands. They are bloody laughable!!

was one book called "The Game"?

I have shed my royal oats over the last 4 years and feel the same as you, very happy with what I have with my GF and prefer it over the playing around.

Have to also say that not trying it on with a girl has got me laid so many times but never figured out whether it was because I was non threatening with no expectations or whether it was because they wondered why I had not tried it on so instigated it to see.

Yeah teh game was particularly dreadful!

My 2 rules to remember are

1) Every girl is different! Just like managing people at work and friendships, you have to work out their psychology. Discreetly watching someones interactions with their friends will give away enough hints generally to what approach is needed. The quicker you do this the sooner you get laid. (this is tied into my theory why ugly/old rich guys get laid with beautiful women, I do not believe its always for the money but thats another story)

2) The one thing most girls share in cmmon is an appreciation or attraction towards serendipity. DO NOT make it feel like you are chatting them or or approaching them, it must feel natural

Dante, as for makingt he first move I always try and make it happen during something else. I felt a bit staged if we were just sitting there then leaning over. When the girl arrives give her a kiss on the cheeck, and a quick hug then start conversation. Remember shes a person so she'll feel nervous or awkward too probably. Put it all at ease and just chat. I then like to hold off from too much affetion, build suspense. Then maybe when youve had dinner or whatever find a time where you can be doing something together, maybe the washing up for example and half way through kiss her on the neck from behind. Itll surprise her and go from there

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I have them now and again. Don't see the big deal, as long as it's safe. I'd say that 1/4 of the women I've slept with were one nighters.

I don't prefer one nights to meaningful sex, I just like sex. I've had "meaningful" sex, but that is a weird question to ask. I think of all the women I've had sex with as meaningful. If you mean to ask if it was sex out of love, that's a different story entirely, but then again there are varying levels of love in my opinion.

I practice safe sex, but I've made my mistakes. Though apparently, talking to other guys, I've had far far less unprotected sex than most. Six out of 38ish isn't a bad ratio.

I don't presently have a bangbuddy but I do have lovers, they're just not within reach. Let's just say this one is in progress though.

I don't think one night stands are about bragging rights, for me at least. Other men seem to enjoy bragging about them, (and to be honest quite alot of English men I've met seem to do this), if I mention it in passing is that bragging?

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2) The one thing most girls share in cmmon is an appreciation or attraction towards serendipity. DO NOT make it feel like you are chatting them or or approaching them, it must feel natural

This times a bazillion.

In fact, I'd say make it seem completely the opposite, like you wouldn't be interested even if they were. Or that you're interested in her mate but not her (without looking like a dick)

By far the hardest bit for me was always initiating conversation.

Once I was talking to someone I never really had a problem. But finding an excuse to go up to someone and talk to them was really hard. I still struggle with it a bit, but I've learned to just start talking about anything, literally anything, and take it from there.

All that being said, the balls out approach of walking up to someone and saying something like "You're coming home from me" is also fun (and strangely effective), just a bit hit and miss!!

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I had one last night. Went surprisingly well. It wasn't a random stranger, it was somebody I knew. No awkwardness or anything this morning. Feeling pretty good.

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Well done gentleman!

Im finding it hard to go out at the minute to still not 'play the game'. I hve no intention of doing anything with these girls, but only recently getting a girlfriend means im finding it a bit strange what to do when everyone is getting drunk and id normally be trying to pick girls up. Dont think it would be so bd if I was back home with my proper mates but having just moved to Korea I tend to feel nights run out of energy/enjoyment as everyone gets drunk so much quicker here and im sort of left sitting there

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I had a friend who went to Japan for a year at Uni. He said picking up girls there was ridiculously easy. He's 6 foot 4 and "western" and said it was like being a kid in a sweet shop.

I'd imagine Korea would be quite similar Tom?!

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I had a friend who went to Japan for a year at Uni. He said picking up girls there was ridiculously easy. He's 6 foot 4 and "western" and said it was like being a kid in a sweet shop.

I'd imagine Korea would be quite similar Tom?!

I'm not on the market but it certainly doesn't seem too difficult.

You also see the ugliest of Westerners with really hot Korean girls.

The older generation of Korean men hate it. You can expect to cop a bit of verbal when on a date with Korean girl.

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wasnt sure if this was for the " things that piss you off" thread but why! oh why! is it that when you are single its real graft to get a shag but when you are in a relationship it comes in droves!!

I have found that since it got out at work that I am in a relationship I get more women flirt with me, 3 polish chicks wanting to dance with me at the Christmas party, 1 asking if I have a room, a litttle fat chick telling me she is going to **** my brains out and when I am out drinking women are flirting with me!

I do a lot of networking in my field of work and when one girl I talk business with found out I was seeing someone she said that she often thinks about waking up with me and now mails me every few weeks asking how its going and how "we must meet up"

Had another network buddy do the same in telling me how bad things were with her husband and how it was a shame I wasnt nearer, she is gorgeous and now rings me on the way to work and sometimes on the way home quite a lot.

I have never been unfaithful and never will but bloody hell!! Plenty for the w@nk bank but why when I was not single!! :evil:

I know guys who say they pull easier when they wear their wedding ring, or is it a scent that guys that are taken give off? :winkold:

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It's the subtle hints you give off. When you're in a relationship you aren't actively seeking other women, so in social moments you're the nonchalant unobtainable man and not the creepy staring one with the erection.

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wasnt sure if this was for the " things that piss you off" thread but why! oh why! is it that when you are single its real graft to get a shag but when you are in a relationship it comes in droves!!

I have found that since it got out at work that I am in a relationship I get more women flirt with me, 3 polish chicks wanting to dance with me at the Christmas party, 1 asking if I have a room, a litttle fat chick telling me she is going to **** my brains out and when I am out drinking women are flirting with me!

I do a lot of networking in my field of work and when one girl I talk business with found out I was seeing someone she said that she often thinks about waking up with me and now mails me every few weeks asking how its going and how "we must meet up"

Had another network buddy do the same in telling me how bad things were with her husband and how it was a shame I wasnt nearer, she is gorgeous and now rings me on the way to work and sometimes on the way home quite a lot.

I have never been unfaithful and never will but bloody hell!! Plenty for the w@nk bank but why when I was not single!! :evil:

I know guys who say they pull easier when they wear their wedding ring, or is it a scent that guys that are taken give off? :winkold:

It is self confidence mate. Because you are settled you give off more of it.

Also Women like being stared at or leched at. Therefore if you are not flirting with them or chasing them they think "why not" and try to make sure that you are.

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Yeah, I'm not made for ONS.

Today I just feel... I dunno, uncertain. Like we texted and stuff yesterday, I wanna see her again, don't wanna not text her in case she thinks I'm being evasive, don't wanna text her in case she thinks I'm being in your face about it all... I'm not built this way. I'm not doing it again.


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