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Office Pranks


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Before I went to uni I took a year out to earn some cash and worked in a furniture factory. Being the spotty new kid I got a lot of pranks played on me and much piss taken. Until one day one of the upholsterers took me aside and said that it wasnt anything personal and that I should give as good as I get. It just so happened that the next time any abuse that was given was from the advice giving upholsterer. So when he left his station I took his staple gun (no euphemism) and greased it (still no euphemism) until it was impossible to hold. On his return he picked it up it fell out of his hand, dropped onto his foot and fell apart. I felt very proud of myself and stood laughing which gave the game away to the culprit. He walked over to me pushed me to floor and stamped on my head on a concrete floor.

Life lesson 1 learned - dont **** with shop floor workers

Life lesson 2 learned - dont trust anyone

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The prank of choice was to put chicken skin on the top of someones helmet...

Worked with a guy that used to make nobs from insulation foam and attach them randomly to folk's helmets on site.

On one occasion the glue he was using didn't take quite properly, forming a sort of hinge at base of the nob.

When the geezer wearing the helmet turned into the wind the nob sprang vertically upright, when he turned away from the wind the nob rested horizontally.

Every so often the guys upwind of him would whistle, he'd turn to look and his foam nob would spring to attention.

He was from East Germany. It took him a while to work out what was going on.

We were crying with laughter, and him looking around bewildered just made the nob more active, and even more funny.

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A subbie I know often gets fish buried beneath wherever they install his temporary office on a building site.

An extension of this would be to smear a fish based paste under someone's desk or in their draw.

Never done it myself mind - pretty rank thing to do but someone on here might want to use it... :twisted:

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the elastic band on someones coat sleeve is always good

swapping around the keys on someones keyboard, nothing drastic just swap the E and the R and the I and the O and they will nearly always get their password wrong when trying to log onto their computer

I used to know a website where you could send an email from any address you wanted, my mate was off work ill so I started sending loads of horrible abusive emails to a girl and made it look like it was his personal email address, she was getting really wound up and called the team leader over screaming ''look he's off work sick and he's sending me emails like this, there is **** all wrong with him is he is well enough to do this, I want something done about this'' etc etc

my team leader sussed out that it was me doing it and played along, it took her hours to figure out it was me

its amazing how many people take their shoes off and walk around in their socks when they work in an office, I always steal their shoes and hide them or lock them somewhere when I go on my lunch

giving someone a fake message saying something like ''someone mr smith called up he was really angry and wouldnt speak to anyone except for you, apparently you have **** up pretty bad on something, he wouldnt leave a referance number but asked you to call him on 0123456789''

then watch his face when he realises he is phoning an erectile dysfunction support group number or something like that

empying the contents of a bin onto someones desk

I dunno, i'm a bit of a bastard at work whenever something happens people accuse me before anyone else

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One of my first jobs in design was working on a match program for a certain well known football team. Across the bottom of the main pages in between the folios, there was a message that said 'To hold your own private party at the satdium, call XXXXXXXX now'.

When I nipped to the loo one day, one of the other lads deleted the y.

A few thousand got printed and there were no end of recriminations, but luckily I kept my job after claiming (rightfully) innocence.

When I found out who it was, I got my own back in typical early twenty something style by nailing his fiancee just before I left for a new job.

:shock: wtf, bit harsh dont you think? He deletes a letter from a word and you **** his missus and destroy his relationship? Remind me to never upset you anytime.

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Many years ago we had cad in the office for the first time. Somebody somewhere made an extra tenner by selling us a little spinning propeller thing that was supposed to anti static the air or some such.

We quickly realised that if you touched device and then touched someone else they got a zap. Quite funny, unsuspecting people getting zapped all day.

Then I wondered, what if you kept your finger on it for ages.....and ages....and ages, then touched someone's ear.

BANG! and they drop to the floor. That's what happens. Nobody touched the evil little thing again.

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Get a clothing catalogue

Find the pictures with all the kids in swimming gear

Circle one and put "FIT" in bold letters

Take to unsuspecting person and say "oh check out page 144"

They turn to page 144 an you take nice photo of them being paedo

Upload to Facebook tag/photoshoP paedo bear etc

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If your sitting opposite someone and you both have computers with mouses (mice? I dunno you get the idea) switch the mouses over when there not looking or there, when they come back laugh at them trying to work out why there mouse is going in all the wrong directions

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How do u do the elastic band round the sleeve trick im intrigued

What you do, is you put an elastic band around someone's sleeve.

Which part of the sleeve and does the size of the elastic band matter?

down near the bottom of the sleeve wrap it around as many times as you can

at first they wont know why they cant get their hand through the sleeve and then if you have wrapped it round loads of times they will get really pissed off when trying to get the band off

I aint done that for ages mite haveto go on a little spree tomorrow

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One of my favourites is to buy obne of those cheap irritating musical christmas cards, rip out the music senso and take away the cardboard piece that stops it playing when closed.

Then get the tiny device that is constantly playing and hide it somewhere descreet like above a ceiling tile.

IT DRIVES PEOPLE INSANE!!!! Done this quite a few times and mostly in a bosses office when leaving somewhere I dislike.

Another was by accident, I made some porridge abnd dumped it straight into bin. I came back and this lad was going mad that someone had been sick in the bin by his workstation, It was too easy to ignore so I told him the little asian cleaner had done it and he was fuming and gagging :lol: I only had to intervene when he refused to work and wanted something done about the "so called " cleaner :lol:

I often phone up our dippy receptionist in some really dodgy accent and wind up of some sort taking advantage of her dimmness until I did it from the lunch table once when with my FD who kindly informed me that he had been seeing her for 4 months and to stop :lol:

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The date for the christmas office buffet has been announced - 14/12/11

Any ideas what I could do that isn't totally gross, like licking all the scotch eggs or wiping my arse on the french bread, but rather, something that could be considered as rather cheeky :angel:

How about taking all of the sausage out of the sausage rolls?

How about pricking holes in the bottom of the plastic cups?

How about saying I will bring in a variety of flavours of crisps, but only bringing in Prawn Cocktail?

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Well, ive just had something happen that puts most of these things to shame.

My mate (bluenose) was winding me up at the pub on tuesday over the villa to the point where I got up and left to diffuse the situation as he was getting silly and personal. As i walked out I may have took his screw on aerial off his car (new bmw).

I was going to return it this tuesday by asking him in a 'do you fancy buying a bmw aerial' jokey way BUT He has just updated his facebook saying he has had to spend £400 getting it fixed due to some 'chav scum theifbag taking it'.

Oh dear.

Do I fess up or leave it and discard the aerial? Panic moment!

Edit: Just text him fessing up and to offer to pay for the repairs if he cant get a refund. Talk about a prank backfiring horribly!

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Shouldnt joke about with cars! my uncle who is a hairdresser once got his colleague to call his other colleague and tell him that his new car was a write off for some stupidly small thing, he sold it there and then over the phone and told my uncle, who nearly died! So my uncle told him what happened and he got the hump in a massive way (understandable) smashed my uncles shop windows and pours battery acid over his car! :lol:

but still, he could probably take it back and get his money back for it i imagine! :lol: good one though! :thumb:

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