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John Terry


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The Captain of any club should just be the best leader of the team. The players dont have to like him, the fans and media dont have to like him, He just should be the best person for the job. Its a shame all this stuff gets in the way of National team captains as it only makes the team worse

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The FA"]"This decision in no way infers any suggestion of guilt in relation to the charge made against John Terry"

Yes, it really does, and saying otherwise doesn't change that fact.

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An Italian. To take a stand on racism.


You can't say that, it's racialistic!

Italians are proper racist.

They don't want Balotelli to play for Italy (even though he was born and raised in Europe) because he doesn't have "Italian blood".

Extreme cases of unashamed hypocrisy like this one should be quoted and applauded :D

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Good, **** scumbag word removed of the highest order. No time for the bloke.

So you've no problem with someone being guilty 'til proven innocent then. That doesn't worry you in the slightest.

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its right that he's not captain of england but its a proper ass about tit way of getting there, 2 wrongs and all that

now just to get him out of the squad seeing as he's been shit all year, but in typical england fashion i expect rio to be named as captain and him and terry to take their awful form into the euros

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Good, **** scumbag word removed of the highest order. No time for the bloke.

So you've no problem with someone being guilty 'til proven innocent then. That doesn't worry you in the slightest.

But i didnt say if i thought he was innocent or guilty Bri.

Regardless of if he did or did not (allegedly) call Ferdinand a "**** black word removed", i dont like the man.

My view on him is not swayed or influenced one way or the other by his upcoming court case, nor does the outcome of said court case influence my view of him.

Dont like him, dont rate him.

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Maybe I'm just wired to be wary of the bigger picture than to be happy for someone I don't like. I'm uncomfortable with what they've done because of how they've done it.

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Maybe I'm just wired to be wary of the bigger picture than to be happy for someone I don't like. I'm uncomfortable with what they've done because of how they've done it.

Forget about the racism thing for a minute Bri. Do you think he is a decent bloke? Should be captain of our country? Be seen as a role model of thousands of kids?

Like i say, before the racism row came light, i could stand him.

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I don't think he's a particularly decent bloke. I don't think he should have been captain and I don't see him as a role model. But the FA disagreed with me on all counts. Now, preceding a racism trial, they've decided to change their tune. This is not about how nice he is. This is about them thinking he was a fit captain a week ago and not thinking it today. What changed?

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I don't think he's a particularly decent bloke. I don't think he should have been captain and I don't see him as a role model. But the FA disagreed with me on all counts. Now, preceding a racism trial, they've decided to change their tune. This is not about how nice he is. This is about them thinking he was a fit captain a week ago and not thinking it today. What changed?


just more pandering to the masses , though for once Stephen Fry doesn't seem to have been chief instigator

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conveniently out of UNited game against the brother of guy he accused of abusing

Making corner kicks a lot less interesting than they would otherwise have been :)

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conveniently out of UNited game against the brother of guy he accused of abusing

he also missed the Swansea game through injury did he not

that's one heck of a conspiracy theory ....

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I know it's innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

But he did called Anton Ferdinand a black c~nt, you can watch the video of it. So it's all on the technicality, of what he said is a racist insult, not whether he said it.

Would I get sacked at work for calling someone a black c~nt. Yes. Would I be found guilty of racial abuse in court, maybe. Maybe not.

John Terry should still not be England captain, whether found guilty or not.

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as far as it goes, no, technically it doesn't matter a whit who is captain. However, since traditionally the England team has been followed by legions of young, impressionable kids who follow the side's every move, and since allegedly the England players are supposed to be role models, then one would HOPE that the captain would be chosen NOT ONLY on the merits of his playing skill, but also for his qualities as a leader and role model for youngsters. One would HOPE that this person would at least attempt to exemplify a semblance of civil behaviour on AND off the field as he would be a sports ambassador for ENGLAND. One would hope that the person chosen wouldn't frequent prostitutes, sleep with teammates wives/girlfriends, not bash people in the face while drunk at a nightclub, not stub burning cigarettes out in peoples faces, not spit at fans and generally behave like a human being, not a thug. wishful thinking I'm sure and a ludicrous concept in this modern age but one can only hope.

By the way, before anyone jumps, I am using the above examples as examples of things "Bad" footballers do, not implying that JTerry has done any or all of those things himself.

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