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Could Noah's Ark hold all the animals?


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Now lets throw the book at you. 8)

I've got a bible going spare will that do?

Seriously Laura, haven't you heard of rapey Tuesdays? Oh there great then you have Sorry Wednesday's and by Thursday everything is forgiven.

My mate had his nose broken after someone threw a bible at his head and he didn't duck in time. *facepsalm*



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As for people who become religious in adult life, there is strong evidence that points to particular personality types being more susceptible/predisposed to accept religion.

I think we call that personality type "mental".

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OK, having not read through this thread, would I be correct in assuming that everyone hates religion and are just bickering over who hates religion the most? Or is there anyone genuinly religious out there?

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I've mentioned this before but my In-laws side of the family are very catholic

They have often commented about how "nice" a person I am considering I don't believe in God (we wont go into detail here on how little they know :winkold:) ... they are of course referring to a moral code as much as anything ... I live on a "do onto others type" code , they seem to think that comes from God , I happen to think it comes partly from upbringing and mainly from within yourself ..

But isn't that the issue ? some people need / want to be guided and thus they interpret their own concious as God ...almost like God was was invented to help humans feel better about their actions.

What I cant fathom is people that hide behind a book that is part Egyptian history , part bullshit and mainly used as a means of oppression ..it isn't any moral code for anyone to live their life by

As one of my favourite bands put it

I speak in the name of that white haired old man in the clouds

Always a man

Dispensing lightening justice from his fingertips

Watching you every second of the day

Just waiting for you to **** up

I speak in the name of God

I'm his intermediary

I'm a Mollah, I'm a Priest, I'm a Vicar

If you want to go to God

You have to come through me

Is heaven full, oh lord, of these babbling preachers and

God-fearing biggots

All these sef-rightious, self-appointed prophets

because if so:-

I know where I'd rather be

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We're all Villa fans, so therefore aren't we all believers in God?


Plunging neckline. Check.

Paunch. Check.

Shorts that border on the Obscene.... Check.

Oh Paul *misty eyed stare* How I wish that one of our current crop were fit to lace your boots.


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My personal belief, (thought), is that everyone will get saved in the end.

Having stayed out of posting in this thread (mostly for the fact that it's almost impossible to have a reasoned debate) I'm somewhat surprised that this particular quote is the one that makes me break my vow of silence.

SnC, if you believe in the bible (which I don't believe is in doubt from the previous 100 pages), I'm amazed at how you can hold this view. As you are a fan of quoting the bible, I thought I'd give you John 14:6:

"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

I'd have thought it pretty clear, if you want to get God, you have to believe in his son. I don't see how you could believe in the bible and believe other than this.

Its very hard to explain..

One man dosnt believe in Jesus v a man that does..

Something in the life of either person triggered that way of thought/belief.

So who's fault is it they gained this thought/belief, the man or the trigger?

Adam fell for the trigger right at the very start...

For the majority it's what Dawkins rightly decribes as a hereditary virus. I didn't choose to be baptised Catholic. My parents decided for me. When I was old enough to discern I rejected religion.

It has been my experience(particularly in Ireland) that many people who count themeselves as belonging to a particular faith but "don't really believe" continue to christen their children,get married in church service, do so as a sense of tradition, or that it's the done thing.

As for people who become religious in adult life, there is strong evidence that points to particular personality types being more susceptible/predisposed to accept religion.

Im talking ALL through life of mankind, all through life in the bible....From the very start Adam didnt listen to God and its trickled down ever since...Its written down from the very start. We knew this way before Dawkins came about..

Why do think God made the flood in the 1st place? Why do think he made strict with laws and regulations in Leviticus? Why do think he gave us Jesus? All the time its to try and save us..Teach us...Yet all the time we still turned to sin as a whole, as a creation..Like Adam, we are destined to turn against God and lean towards sin...The bible is dead right in what it says..Our hearts are sick, wicked, sinful etc.. Man's behaviour is worst than animals and its the human race that is destroying and having so little respect of the world/universe.

1. Mankind existed before the bible was written. The Jewish race came to power around 1350BCE. The old testament is written by Jews about Jews for Jews

2. Adam was the first person on earth as much as the Maui slowed the sun by catching it in a net and beating it with his club in Maori legend.

3. The flood refers to the flood in the Black Sea that affected a lot of the civilsed world at the time, of which people that became the Jewish nation were likely involved.

4. Following Leviticus literally is mental as I have already pointed out as you would hate disabled people, woman will be unclean for two weeks as opposed to one of she has a daughter vs a son, curing leprosy is done by dipping a live bird into a dead birds blood then wiping on patients ear etc etc.

Just by mentioning Leviticus I think your a troll.

If your not will you take on board with an open mind what I've countered or will you admit to being brainwashed by not even considering it?

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As for people who become religious in adult life, there is strong evidence that points to particular personality types being more susceptible/predisposed to accept religion.

I think we call that personality type "mental".

More 'misguided' or 'needy' for me Mart.

These people seem to gain strength and purpose from their 'faith/belief'. Nothing wrong with that per se, but for me it does come across as being in need of some 'higher being' or collective thought process/doctrine to guide you through life.

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As for people who become religious in adult life, there is strong evidence that points to particular personality types being more susceptible/predisposed to accept religion.

I think we call that personality type "mental".

More 'misguided' or 'needy' for me Mart.

These people seem to gain strength and purpose from their 'faith/belief'. Nothing wrong with that per se, but for me it does come across as being in need of some 'higher being' or collective thought process/doctrine to guide you through life.

Well there is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator whether you give that much credence. It's not mentioned in the bible though so I'm not sure if it exists.

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Trent this is my last post in response to this matter.

I don't know. Perhaps you were trying to get them to become ex homosexuals to save them so they could come to your church

How long do you think an organisation would allow someone to volunteer if that was their motives? I'm still being asked to go and assist with a self harm charity because of my experience and training... and I do my best where I can.

Not agreeing with something does not make a person a bigot.

I don't agree with gambling, I don't agree with smoking, I don't agree with taking drugs..I don't agree with abusing alcohol. I don't agree with pre-marital sex, I don't agree with adultery or homosexuality.

How you view people is what matters?..


Do I view homosexuals in any lesser light than any other people who are not in the organisation I belong to? Do I view JWs as being superior to anyone else? Certainly NOT!!

I've just found out that a JW friend has been having an affair with another JW who is also married. I am angry about their actions and the fact that this has split two families up with children involved. Not to mention how it looks to other people. JWs are not perfect. But because we carry God's name a high moral code is expected of us. You can't call yourself a JW and commit adultery... if you continue unrepentently then you are distanced from the congregation. That is probably the difference with our organisation.

As I stated the Bible says.. "We all sin!!"

The only reason I mentioned being at a dinner with a gay couple is because my neighbours had invited them to dinner... they know I'm a JW and came round to invite me also. I did't know the guys. My neigbour then explained that they used to own my flat as a holiday home and they'd just got married as a gay couple and were on honeymoon. "Is that a problem for you... asked my neigbour?"... I said not at all and went.

Which is why I was so angry at Risso's comments that I am a bigot!

Would I invite a Gay couple round for dinner? No probably I wouldn't... but then I probably wouldn't invite a couple who were drug addicts. However if they were neighbours or even strangers would I go out of my way to help them if they needed anything?.... Yes.

Was Jesus a bigot? (Matthew 22:39) . . .You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ ...........WHOEVER THEY ARE!!

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Oh dear comparing homosexuals to drug addicts.

Julie you do realise that people don't choose to be gay? Their brain automatically fancies people of the same sex and I'm sure a great many of them would choose not to be gay with some of the trouble it brings given the choice.

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I have to agree with Wainy, I'm massively uncomfortable with is the comparison of homosexual people to drug addicts.

Would I invite a Gay couple round for dinner? No probably I wouldn't... but then I probably wouldn't invite a couple who were drug addicts

^^ Would be highly offensive to a gay person.

Tough subject this whole malarky. I don't think many people on here are open minded enough to 'debate' - which turns it into mud slinging.

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Oh dear comparing homosexuals to drug addicts.

Julie you do realise that people don't choose to be gay? Their brain automatically fancies people of the same sex and I'm sure a great many of them would choose not to be gay with some of the trouble it brings given the choice.

AAAAAAGH I wasn't comparing homosexuality with drug addiction.. I could just have easily said..

"Would I invite a couple round for dinner who were not married but living together.. probably not?"

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I have to agree with Wainy, I'm massively uncomfortable with is the comparison of homosexual people to drug addicts.

Would I invite a Gay couple round for dinner? No probably I wouldn't... but then I probably wouldn't invite a couple who were drug addicts

^^ Would be highly offensive to a gay person.

Tough subject this whole malarky. I don't think many people on here are open minded enough to 'debate' - which turns it into mud slinging.

Well it sure wasn't meant to be offensive.. as I've just stated.. I could have used any analogy.

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Sorry Julie but once again you have avoided answering a number of questions which seems to be your way of dealing with things. I guess you probably simply ignore everything in life and science that doesn't fit your religion and "your" (and I use that in very lose terms) views.

You were the one who said the gay people were not of the moral calibre to be part of your church. You are judging them (how Christian!!!), you are bigoted about them like it or not. I don't really approve of taking drugs but I recognise its peoples individual choice, I don't judge them for it and I don't think I've superior moral fibre because I don't take them. I find your views offensive to be honest so if it is your last post on the topic (I doubt it will be) then that is great!

You might have said them being gay wasn't a problem but I see you stopped short of telling them you considered them immoral, that you wouldn't invite them into your home because of their sexuality and that you think they are destined for eternity in hell unless they become "ex gay".

Just because you are polite to someone doesn't mean your views aren't bigoted.

But you've made you last comment on the matter, if that proves to be true then so have I.

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Oh dear comparing homosexuals to drug addicts.

Julie you do realise that people don't choose to be gay? Their brain automatically fancies people of the same sex and I'm sure a great many of them would choose not to be gay with some of the trouble it brings given the choice.

Even Jesus acknowledges this in the bible. It's strange that JWs would be against it. UNLESS the Watchtower has instructed them to interpret it differently?

Matthew 19:11-12

Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."

In the time of Jesus a eunuch would've been a man who had no desire or ability to have sexual relations with a woman. Not physically castrated as it says "born that way". Eunuchs that were physially castrated is refered by "others were made that way by men"

So in black and white, in the bible, Jesus says gays are ok.

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