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Could Noah's Ark hold all the animals?


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Kiwi, there are pages and pages of that stuff, all with the original manuscripts being available to read as well. It paints a completely different story to that told by Julie. The JW top brass were clearly anti-semitic Nazi sympathising scum.

That's absolute rubbish. websites dedicated to stating twisted lies. How do you know that any of it is genuine?

Here's another link to the same book:

Watchtower copyright

So if these are not found to be twisted lies and are indeed genuine, you've effectively shot yourself in the foot.

Here's a link from a JW site:

Twisted lies

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Sie, Im not asking ANYONE who reads this thread to join any club, sect, cult or any other little fundamentalist money grabbing group..All im asking is just do some research to try and get an understanding of the bible. Then form your own opinion..

I have over many years. It's a work of fiction. The end.

Bullsh1t Kiwi,

If you have read and understand the bible..Even if you didnt believe in it you would still respect it. You would respect it as an historic document, historic writings.. Yet you take the p1ss..

Because I have read it and researched I know it for what it is. It most certainly is not a historic document. If you wanted to put a percentage on the historical accuracy of the entirety I would say 15% max.

If you believe different you have been successfully brainwashed.

There are some hilarious flaws in bible accounts that come about from multiple translations that people because they are so blindly indoctrinated can not take them for what they are.

Jesus' trial being one of my favourites.


You need to get your head out of your backside..Many a great man, far, far, far ,far more intelligent than you will respect and even believe in the scriptures. This isnt some book your talking about in a kiddies club..This is global, researched, probed, etc over centuries every possible spanner and screwdriver has gone into this book to try and disprove its worth. Yet you Mr.Kiwi think it deserves no respect etc.

Level with me here Steak. Are you for real or are you trolling? If its the latter, I motion the mods bring this charade to a close. You've had your fun.

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I know it'll be hard to find cut and paste responses, because I'm employing the same stupid techniques used by the bible worshippers but will anyone try?

As god is outside of time, god would also already know everything that had happened, was happening and would ever happen. So god made Adam in god's image knowing that image was already a liar. that can only prove that god was also a liar. Therefore the bible is the work of a liar. Which tenet is incorrect?

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The Fifth Column was an expose of the Catholic Church... because of their disgraceful conduct as attested to others.

In his book The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany, Guenter Lewy writes: “When Jehovah’s Witnesses were suppressed in Bavaria on April 13 [1933] the Church even accepted the assignment given it by the Ministry of Education and Religion of reporting on any member of the sect still practicing the forbidden religion.” The Catholic Church thus shares responsibility for consigning thousands of Witnesses to concentration camps; its hands are stained by the lifeblood of hundreds of Witnesses who were executed.

Judge Rutherford never said the Nazis would win the War - he said it would end the British Empire... It did and the dominant world force would arise from the ashes of the 2nd world war as the Anglo American Axis.

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Apart from the fact the Empire didn't end because of the Nazis. It actually hasn't ended at all, just declined in line with what is just and changed it's name.

And the Nazi's didn't take Switzerland either.

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Kiwi, there are pages and pages of that stuff, all with the original manuscripts being available to read as well. It paints a completely different story to that told by Julie. The JW top brass were clearly anti-semitic Nazi sympathising scum.

That's absolute rubbish. websites dedicated to stating twisted lies. How do you know that any of it is genuine?

Here's another link to the same book:

Watchtower copyright

So if these are not found to be twisted lies and are indeed genuine, you've effectively shot yourself in the foot.

Here's a link from a JW site:

Twisted lies

The Fifth Column wasn't a book.. it was a booklet and having read quite a few of the paragraphs, I can't find where it states Jehovah's Witnesses should support the Nazis? It was more an expose of the Catholic Church.

JWs were persecuted in both America and in Nazi Germany.

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I know it'll be hard to find cut and paste responses, because I'm employing the same stupid techniques used by the bible worshippers but will anyone try?

As god is outside of time, god would also already know everything that had happened, was happening and would ever happen. So god made Adam in god's image knowing that image was already a liar. that can only prove that god was also a liar. Therefore the bible is the work of a liar. Which tenet is incorrect?

Good post.

Ive seen lots of answers to this question all over the net...Its one ive wanted researched myself.

Im actually still researching and thinking on it..

What I think personally "at this stage"(as I like to keep probing) is that there was always going to be an opposition. You cannot have happy without sad etc..

In a kiddie sense, I see 2 great minds playing chess..God(on our side) v Evil..

God creates was the 1st move.

Evil destroys was the 2nd move.

God combats the destruction of his creation with Jesus 3rd move.

Evil ?

Its stupid in a way I know...But life seems to be dirt and clean..Happy and sad etc.. But then comes the question who said clean was clean, who said dirt was dirt..Happy is happy etc...

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Kiwi, there are pages and pages of that stuff, all with the original manuscripts being available to read as well. It paints a completely different story to that told by Julie. The JW top brass were clearly anti-semitic Nazi sympathising scum.

That's absolute rubbish. websites dedicated to stating twisted lies. How do you know that any of it is genuine?

Here's another link to the same book:

Watchtower copyright

So if these are not found to be twisted lies and are indeed genuine, you've effectively shot yourself in the foot.

Here's a link from a JW site:

Twisted lies

The Fifth Column wasn't a book.. it was a booklet and having read quite a few of the paragraphs, I can't find where it states Jehovah's Witnesses should support the Nazis? I

JWs were persecuted in both America and in Nazi Germany.

I didn't say it did.

That booklet states that the fascists will rule the earth (followed by some nonsense about Jesus wiping the world clean). Completely opposite to your lies about the JWs predicting defeat for the Germans.

The anti-semitic Nazi supporting stuff was in The Declaration of Facts, which is just as readily available on line.

All this must be terribly upsetting for you. Actual facts showing up the hypocrisy and lies of your sect, rather than the sanitised nonsense they'd rather you swallowed.

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Read Page 9 of the Fifth Column



In newspaper articles from Del Rio Texas and Kennebunk Maine, it appeared that an effort was being made to label Jehovah's Witnesses as

Nazi or Communist sympathisers. All your publications, which I have read emphatically show that you are opposed to to all such dictatorships.

Why do you think this attempt to distort your position is being made?

Answer from Judge Rutherford...

In each of these towns named by you an effort has been made to label Jehovah's Witnesses as Nazi or Communist sympathisers. This is another scheme of "Catholic Action". In doing this they well know that they are lying. Not one word can be found in any of our publications, or amongst the utterences of any of our people, that we have sympathy with Nazis or Communists. On the contrary there is an abundance of publication from our organisation showing that "Catholics, Communists and Fascists are working together"

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The anti-semitic Nazi supporting stuff was in The Declaration of Facts, which is just as readily available on line.

All this must be terribly upsetting for you. Actual facts showing up the hypocrisy and lies of your sect, rather than the sanitised nonsense they'd rather you swallowed.

How can it be terribly upsetting when I've just read out the exact opposite of your attestation that JR was a Nazi sympathiser??!!!

Well if this Declaration of Facts actually existed why would Judge Rutherford state that NOT ONE WORD can be found in any of our publications that JWs have sympathy with the Nazis..

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The only apology I can find regarding a misinterpretation is as follows:-

Quesitons from Readers

Not Anti-Semitic Thank you for not hiding things that you regret having said. Although I would like to have read an apology for this statement, your this-was-the-context explanation was adequate. Please carry on with your fine work, knowing that your readers appreciate the depth and honesty of Awake!

W. H., United States

The reader refers to statements in the “Declaration of Facts,” a resolution adopted in 1933 at a convention in Berlin, Germany. (See “Jehovah’s Witnesses—Courageous in the Face of Nazi Peril,” in the July 8, 1998, issue of “Awake!”) As the article noted, nothing said in the 1933 declaration was intended to express or condone hostility toward Jews, and we regret it if some statements give that impression today. If anyone back in the 1930’s interpreted the “Declaration of Facts” to mean that Jehovah’s Witnesses were anti-Semitic, this misimpression could easily have been corrected by observing the courageous and compassionate acts of individual Witnesses in behalf of Jews. Moreover, Watch Tower Society publications were among the first to expose and express outrage at the treatment of Jews in Europe.—ED.

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The anti-semitic Nazi supporting stuff was in The Declaration of Facts, which is just as readily available on line.

All this must be terribly upsetting for you. Actual facts showing up the hypocrisy and lies of your sect, rather than the sanitised nonsense they'd rather you swallowed.

How can it be terribly upsetting when I've just read out the exact opposite of your attestation that JR was a Nazi sympathiser??!!!

Well if this Declaration of Facts actually existed why would Judge Rutherford state that NOT ONE WORD can be found in any of our publications that JWs have sympathy with the Nazis..

The Declaration of Facts is widely available online as I've said. No doubt once you've read it, you'll pretend that you knew it was there all along, and try and misinterpret what it says.

Here are some extracts:

""It is falsely charged by our enemies that we have received financial

support for our work from the Jews. Nothing is farther from the truth. Up

to this hour there never has been the slightest bit of money contributed to

our work by Jews. We are the faithful followers of Christ Jesus and believe

upon Him as the Savior of the world, whereas the Jews entirely reject Jesus

Christ and emphatically deny that he is the Savior of the world sent of God

for man's good. This of itself should be sufficient proof to show that we

receive no support from Jews and that therefore the charges against us are

maliciously false and could proceed only from Satan, our great enemy.

"The greatest and most oppressive empire on earth is the Anglo-American

empire. By that is meant the British Empire, of which the United States of

America forms a part. It has been the commercial Jews of the

British-American empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a

means of exploiting and oppressing the peoples of many nations. This fact

particularly applies to the cities of London and New York, the stronghold

of Big Business. This fact is so manifest in America that there is a

proverb concerning the city of New York which says: 'The Jews own it, the

Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills.' We have no fight

with any of these persons mentioned, but, as the witnesses for Jehovah and

in obedience to his commandment set forth in the Scriptures, we are

compelled to call attention to the truth concerning the same in order that

the people may be enlightened concerning God and his purpose."

""The people of Germany have suffered great misery since 1914 and have been

the victims of much injustice practiced upon them by others. The

nationalists have declared themselves against all such unrighteousness and

announced that 'Our relationship to God is high and holy'. Since our

organization fully endorses these righteous principles "

and so on.

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