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Could Noah's Ark hold all the animals?


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From what I have seen it has been from Creationist websites some of which seem to have been written by Creationist Scientists.

Or as the rest of us call them, creationists.

Damn you and your fast fingers.

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Hilarious invention of geology and complete bollocks. There were only three lahars episodes in the whole of the 1980 − 86 Mt St Helens period of volcanic activity, they will not be considered to be rocks yet and no fossils would be formed, it is impossible….

Shut up bro. You can't argue with what the Watchtower tells people to think. It's on several websites on teh interweb FFS!

As far as I am aware Steak & Chips has not quoted from any site that has anything to do with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

From what I have seen it has been from Creationist websites some of which seem to have been written by Creationist Scientists.

That's an oxymoron. Creationism is anti-scientific by nature as it involves the intervention of a supernatural agent, whereas science limits itself to the natural world. Creationism is also anti-scientific because it can only be true if literally everything that we currently understand in modern science is incorrect.

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Do find it slightly sad that the non believers have to ridicule the believers in almost every post

Ok they have a belief that I can't fathom and one could argue it's a blind faith as they don't seem to want to accept any evidence that counters their claim

but even so hasn't the bible taught us to love our neighbour ... and then kill him if he doubts the word of God (Deuteronomy 17)

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Do find it slightly sad that the non believers have to ridicule the believers in almost every post

Ok they have a belief that I can't fathom and one could argue it's a blind faith as they don't seem to want to accept any evidence that counters their claim

but even so hasn't the bible taught us to love our neighbour ... and then kill him if he doubts the word of God (Deuteronomy 17)

There is no evidence to counter Creationists claims.

The constancy of the decay rates of isotopes is well supported in science. Evidence for this constancy includes the correspondences of date estimates taken from different radioactive isotopes as well as correspondences with non-radiometric dating techniques such as dendrochronology, ice core dating, and historical records. Although scientists have noted slight increases in the decay rate for isotopes subject to extreme pressures, those differences were too small to significantly impact date estimates.

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There's no such thing. There are creationists, and there are scientists. Try not to confuse the two.

I'm not sure how many are Creationists ie beleive the Earth and all that is on it was created in six days or how many beleive in Creation. There is a difference so try not to confuse the two!

However just a random search on Google shows a list of Scientists who have signed up as follows:-

Best go argue with them as to their credentials!

Some modern scientists who have accepted the biblical account of creation

Dr. William Arion, Biochemistry, Chemistry

Dr. Paul Ackerman, Psychologist

Dr. E. Theo Agard, Medical Physics

Dr. Steve Austin, Geologist

Dr. S.E. Aw, Biochemist

Dr. Thomas Barnes, Physicist

Dr. Geoff Barnard, Immunologist

Dr. Don Batten, Plant Physiologist

Dr. John Baumgardner, Electrical Engineering, Space Physicist, Geophysicist, expert in supercomputer modeling of plate tectonics

Dr. Jerry Bergman, Psychologist

Dr. Kimberly Berrine, Microbiology & Immunology

Prof. Vladimir Betina, Microbiology, Biochemistry & Biology

Dr. Andrew Bosanquet, Biology, Microbiology

Edward A. Boudreaux, Theoretical Chemistry

Dr. David R. Boylan, Chemical Engineer

Prof. Linn E. Carothers, Associate Professor of Statistics

Dr. Rob Carter, Marine Biology

Dr. David Catchpoole, Plant Physiology

Prof. Sung-Do Cha, Physics

Dr. Eugene F. Chaffin, Professor of Physics

Dr. Choong-Kuk Chang, Genetic Engineering

Prof. Jeun-Sik Chang, Aeronautical Engineering

Dr. Donald Chittick, Physical Chemist

Prof. Chung-Il Cho, Biology Education

Dr. John M. Cimbala, Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Harold Coffin, Palaeontologist

Timothy C. Coppess, M.S., Environmental Scientist

Dr. Bob Compton, DVM

Dr. Ken Cumming, Biologist

Dr. Jack W. Cuozzo, Dentist

Dr. William M. Curtis III, Th.D., Th.M., M.S., Aeronautics & Nuclear Physics

Dr. Malcolm Cutchins, Aerospace Engineering

Dr. Lionel Dahmer, Analytical Chemist

Dr. Raymond V. Damadian, M.D., Pioneer of magnetic resonance imaging

Dr. Chris Darnbrough, Biochemist

Dr. Nancy M. Darrall, Botany

Dr. Bryan Dawson, Mathematics

Dr. Douglas Dean, Biological Chemistry

Prof. Stephen W. Deckard, Assistant Professor of Education

Dr. David A. DeWitt, Biology, Biochemistry, Neuroscience

Dr. Don DeYoung, Astronomy, atmospheric physics, M.Div

Dr. Geoff Downes, Creationist Plant Physiologist

Dr. Ted Driggers, Operations research

Robert H. Eckel, Medical Research

Dr. André Eggen, Geneticist

Dr. Dudley Eirich, Molecular Biologist

Prof. Dennis L. Englin, Professor of Geophysics

Dr. Andrew J. Fabich, Microbiology

Prof. Danny Faulkner, Astronomy

Prof. Carl B. Fliermans, Professor of Biology

Prof. Dwain L. Ford, Organic Chemistry

Dr. Kenneth W. Funk, Organic Chemistry

Prof. Robert H. Franks, Associate Professor of Biology

Dr. Alan Galbraith, Watershed Science

Dr. Paul Giem, Medical Research

Dr. Maciej Giertych, Geneticist

Dr. Duane Gish, Biochemist

Dr. Werner Gitt, Information Scientist

Dr. Warwick Glover, General Surgeon

Dr. D.B. Gower, Biochemistry

Dr. Robin Greer, Chemist, History

Dr. Stephen Grocott, Chemist

Dr. Vicki Hagerman, DMV

Dr. Donald Hamann, Food Scientist

Dr. Barry Harker, Philosopher

Dr. Charles W. Harrison, Applied Physicist, Electromagnetics

Dr. John Hartnett, Physics

Dr. Mark Harwood, Engineering (satellite specialist)

Dr. George Hawke, Environmental Scientist

Dr. Margaret Helder, Science Editor, Botanist

Dr. Harold R. Henry, Engineer

Dr. Jonathan Henry, Astronomy

Dr. Joseph Henson, Entomologist

Dr. Robert A. Herrmann, Professor of Mathematics, US Naval Academy

Dr. Andrew Hodge, Head of the Cardiothoracic Surgical Service

Dr. Kelly Hollowell, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacologist

Dr. Ed Holroyd, III, Atmospheric Science

Dr. Bob Hosken, Biochemistry

Dr. George F. Howe, Botany

Dr. Neil Huber, Physical Anthropologist

Dr. James A. Huggins, Professor and Chair, Department of Biology

Dr. Russ Humphreys, Physics

Evan Jamieson, Hydrometallurgy

George T. Javor, Biochemistry

Dr. Pierre Jerlström, Molecular Biology

Dr. Arthur Jones, Biology

Dr. Jonathan W. Jones, Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Raymond Jones, Agricultural Scientist

Prof. Leonid Korochkin, Molecular Biology

Dr. William F. Kane, (Civil) Geotechnical Engineering

Dr. Valery Karpounin, Mathematical Sciences, Logics, Formal Logics

Dr. Dean Kenyon, Biologist

Prof. Gi-Tai Kim, Biology

Prof. Harriet Kim, Biochemistry

Prof. Jong-Bai Kim, Biochemistry

Prof. Jung-Han Kim, Biochemistry

Prof. Jung-Wook Kim, Environmental Science

Prof. Kyoung-Rai Kim, Analytical Chemistry

Prof. Kyoung-Tai Kim, Genetic Engineering

Prof. Young-Gil Kim, Materials Science

Prof. Young In Kim, Engineering

Dr. John W. Klotz, Biologist

Dr. Vladimir F. Kondalenko, Cytology/Cell Pathology

Dr. Leonid Korochkin, M.D., Genetics, Molecular Biology, Neurobiology

Dr. John K.G. Kramer, Biochemistry

Dr. Johan Kruger, Zoology

Prof. Jin-Hyouk Kwon, Physics

Prof. Myung-Sang Kwon, Immunology

Dr. John G. Leslie, Biochemist, Physician, Archaeologist

Dr. Jason Lisle, Astrophysicist

Dr. Alan Love, Chemist

Dr. Ian Macreadie, molecular biologist and microbiologist:

Dr. John Marcus, Molecular Biologist

Dr. Ronald C. Marks, Associate Professor of Chemistry

Dr. George Marshall, Eye Disease Researcher

Dr. Ralph Matthews, Radiation Chemist

Dr. John McEwan, Chemist

Prof. Andy McIntosh, Combustion theory, aerodynamics

Dr. David Menton, Anatomist

Dr. Angela Meyer, Creationist Plant Physiologist

Dr. John Meyer, Physiologist

Dr. Albert Mills, Animal Embryologist/Reproductive Physiologist

Colin W. Mitchell, Geography

Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Physician

Dr. John N. Moore, Science Educator

Dr. John W. Moreland, Mechanical engineer and Dentist

Dr. Henry M. Morris (1918–2006), founder of the Institute for Creation Research.

Dr. Arlton C. Murray, Paleontologist

Dr. John D. Morris, Geologist

Dr. Len Morris, Physiologist

Dr. Graeme Mortimer, Geologist

Dr. Terry Mortenson, History of Geology

Stanley A. Mumma, Architectural Engineering

Prof. Hee-Choon No, Nuclear Engineering

Dr. Eric Norman, Biomedical researcher

Dr. David Oderberg, Philosopher

Prof. John Oller, Linguistics

Prof. Chris D. Osborne, Assistant Professor of Biology

Dr. John Osgood, Medical Practitioner

Dr. Charles Pallaghy, Botanist

Dr. Gary E. Parker, Biologist, Cognate in Geology (Paleontology)

Dr. David Pennington, Plastic Surgeon

Prof. Richard Porter

Dr. Georgia Purdom, Molecular Genetics

Dr. John Rankin, Cosmologist

Dr. A.S. Reece, M.D.

Prof. J. Rendle-Short, Pediatrics

Dr. Jung-Goo Roe, Biology

Dr. David Rosevear, Chemist

Dr. Ariel A. Roth, Biology

Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Physical Chemistry

Dr. Joachim Scheven Palaeontologist:

Dr. Ian Scott, Educator

Dr. Saami Shaibani, Forensic physicist

Dr. Young-Gi Shim, Chemistry

Prof. Hyun-Kil Shin, Food Science

Dr. Mikhail Shulgin, Physics

Dr. Emil Silvestru, Geology

Dr. Roger Simpson, Engineer

Dr. Harold Slusher, Geophysicist

Dr. E. Norbert Smith, Zoologist

George S. Smith, M.S., Chemistry

Dr. Andrew Snelling, Geologist

Prof. Man-Suk Song, Computer Science

Dr. Timothy G. Standish, Biology

Prof. James Stark, Assistant Professor of Science Education

Prof. Brian Stone, Engineer

Dr. Esther Su, Biochemistry

Dr. Charles Taylor, Linguistics

Dr. Stephen Taylor, Electrical Engineering

Dr. Ker C. Thomson, Geophysics

Dr. Michael Todhunter, Forest Genetics

Dr. Lyudmila Tonkonog, Chemistry/Biochemistry

Dr. Royal Truman, Organic Chemist:

Dr. Larry Vardiman, Atmospheric Science

Prof. Walter Veith, Zoologist

Dr. Joachim Vetter, Biologist

Dr. Stephen J. Vinay III, Chemical Engineering

Sir Cecil P. G. Wakeley (1892–1979) Surgeon

Dr. Tas Walker, Geology/Engineering

Dr. Jeremy Walter, Mechanical Engineer

Dr. Keith Wanser, Physicist

Dr. Noel Weeks, Ancient Historian (also has B.Sc. in Zoology)

Dr. A.J. Monty White, Chemistry/Gas Kinetics

Dr. John Whitmore, Geologist/Paleontologist

Dr. Carl Wieland, Medicine/Surgery

Arthur E. Wilder-Smith (1915–1995) Three science doctorates; a creation science pioneer

Dr. Clifford Wilson, Psycholinguist and archaeologist

Dr. Kurt Wise, Palaeontologist

Prof. Verna Wright, Rheumatologist (deceased 1997)

Prof. Seoung-Hoon Yang, Physics

Dr. Thomas (Tong Y.) Yi, Ph.D., Creationist Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Ick-Dong Yoo, Genetics

Dr. Sung-Hee Yoon, Biology

Dr. Patrick Young, Chemist and Materials Scientist

Prof. Keun Bae Yu, Geography

Dr. Henry Zuill, Biology

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There's no such thing. There are creationists, and there are scientists. Try not to confuse the two.

I'm not sure how many are Creationists ie beleive the Earth and all that is on it was created in six days or how many beleive in Creation. There is a difference so try not to confuse the two!

However just a random search on Google shows a list of Scientists who have signed up as follows:-

Some modern scientists who have accepted the biblical account of creation

Dr. William Arion, Biochemistry, Chemistry

Dr. Paul Ackerman, Psychologist

Dr. E. Theo Agard, Medical Physics

Dr. Steve Austin, Geologist

Dr. S.E. Aw, Biochemist

Dr. Thomas Barnes, Physicist

Dr. Geoff Barnard, Immunologist

Dr. Don Batten, Plant Physiologist

Dr. John Baumgardner, Electrical Engineering, Space Physicist, Geophysicist, expert in supercomputer modeling of plate tectonics

Dr. Jerry Bergman, Psychologist

Dr. Kimberly Berrine, Microbiology & Immunology

Prof. Vladimir Betina, Microbiology, Biochemistry & Biology

Dr. Andrew Bosanquet, Biology, Microbiology

Edward A. Boudreaux, Theoretical Chemistry

Dr. David R. Boylan, Chemical Engineer

Prof. Linn E. Carothers, Associate Professor of Statistics

Dr. Rob Carter, Marine Biology

Dr. David Catchpoole, Plant Physiology

Prof. Sung-Do Cha, Physics

Dr. Eugene F. Chaffin, Professor of Physics

Dr. Choong-Kuk Chang, Genetic Engineering

Prof. Jeun-Sik Chang, Aeronautical Engineering

Dr. Donald Chittick, Physical Chemist

Prof. Chung-Il Cho, Biology Education

Dr. John M. Cimbala, Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Harold Coffin, Palaeontologist

Timothy C. Coppess, M.S., Environmental Scientist

Dr. Bob Compton, DVM

Dr. Ken Cumming, Biologist

Dr. Jack W. Cuozzo, Dentist

Dr. William M. Curtis III, Th.D., Th.M., M.S., Aeronautics & Nuclear Physics

Dr. Malcolm Cutchins, Aerospace Engineering

Dr. Lionel Dahmer, Analytical Chemist

Dr. Raymond V. Damadian, M.D., Pioneer of magnetic resonance imaging

Dr. Chris Darnbrough, Biochemist

Dr. Nancy M. Darrall, Botany

Dr. Bryan Dawson, Mathematics

Dr. Douglas Dean, Biological Chemistry

Prof. Stephen W. Deckard, Assistant Professor of Education

Dr. David A. DeWitt, Biology, Biochemistry, Neuroscience

Dr. Don DeYoung, Astronomy, atmospheric physics, M.Div

Dr. Geoff Downes, Creationist Plant Physiologist

Dr. Ted Driggers, Operations research

Robert H. Eckel, Medical Research

Dr. André Eggen, Geneticist

Dr. Dudley Eirich, Molecular Biologist

Prof. Dennis L. Englin, Professor of Geophysics

Dr. Andrew J. Fabich, Microbiology

Prof. Danny Faulkner, Astronomy

Prof. Carl B. Fliermans, Professor of Biology

Prof. Dwain L. Ford, Organic Chemistry

Dr. Kenneth W. Funk, Organic Chemistry

Prof. Robert H. Franks, Associate Professor of Biology

Dr. Alan Galbraith, Watershed Science

Dr. Paul Giem, Medical Research

Dr. Maciej Giertych, Geneticist

Dr. Duane Gish, Biochemist

Dr. Werner Gitt, Information Scientist

Dr. Warwick Glover, General Surgeon

Dr. D.B. Gower, Biochemistry

Dr. Robin Greer, Chemist, History

Dr. Stephen Grocott, Chemist

Dr. Vicki Hagerman, DMV

Dr. Donald Hamann, Food Scientist

Dr. Barry Harker, Philosopher

Dr. Charles W. Harrison, Applied Physicist, Electromagnetics

Dr. John Hartnett, Physics

Dr. Mark Harwood, Engineering (satellite specialist)

Dr. George Hawke, Environmental Scientist

Dr. Margaret Helder, Science Editor, Botanist

Dr. Harold R. Henry, Engineer

Dr. Jonathan Henry, Astronomy

Dr. Joseph Henson, Entomologist

Dr. Robert A. Herrmann, Professor of Mathematics, US Naval Academy

Dr. Andrew Hodge, Head of the Cardiothoracic Surgical Service

Dr. Kelly Hollowell, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacologist

Dr. Ed Holroyd, III, Atmospheric Science

Dr. Bob Hosken, Biochemistry

Dr. George F. Howe, Botany

Dr. Neil Huber, Physical Anthropologist

Dr. James A. Huggins, Professor and Chair, Department of Biology

Dr. Russ Humphreys, Physics

Evan Jamieson, Hydrometallurgy

George T. Javor, Biochemistry

Dr. Pierre Jerlström, Molecular Biology

Dr. Arthur Jones, Biology

Dr. Jonathan W. Jones, Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Raymond Jones, Agricultural Scientist

Prof. Leonid Korochkin, Molecular Biology

Dr. William F. Kane, (Civil) Geotechnical Engineering

Dr. Valery Karpounin, Mathematical Sciences, Logics, Formal Logics

Dr. Dean Kenyon, Biologist

Prof. Gi-Tai Kim, Biology

Prof. Harriet Kim, Biochemistry

Prof. Jong-Bai Kim, Biochemistry

Prof. Jung-Han Kim, Biochemistry

Prof. Jung-Wook Kim, Environmental Science

Prof. Kyoung-Rai Kim, Analytical Chemistry

Prof. Kyoung-Tai Kim, Genetic Engineering

Prof. Young-Gil Kim, Materials Science

Prof. Young In Kim, Engineering

Dr. John W. Klotz, Biologist

Dr. Vladimir F. Kondalenko, Cytology/Cell Pathology

Dr. Leonid Korochkin, M.D., Genetics, Molecular Biology, Neurobiology

Dr. John K.G. Kramer, Biochemistry

Dr. Johan Kruger, Zoology

Prof. Jin-Hyouk Kwon, Physics

Prof. Myung-Sang Kwon, Immunology

Dr. John G. Leslie, Biochemist, Physician, Archaeologist

Dr. Jason Lisle, Astrophysicist

Dr. Alan Love, Chemist

Dr. Ian Macreadie, molecular biologist and microbiologist:

Dr. John Marcus, Molecular Biologist

Dr. Ronald C. Marks, Associate Professor of Chemistry

Dr. George Marshall, Eye Disease Researcher

Dr. Ralph Matthews, Radiation Chemist

Dr. John McEwan, Chemist

Prof. Andy McIntosh, Combustion theory, aerodynamics

Dr. David Menton, Anatomist

Dr. Angela Meyer, Creationist Plant Physiologist

Dr. John Meyer, Physiologist

Dr. Albert Mills, Animal Embryologist/Reproductive Physiologist

Colin W. Mitchell, Geography

Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Physician

Dr. John N. Moore, Science Educator

Dr. John W. Moreland, Mechanical engineer and Dentist

Dr. Henry M. Morris (1918–2006), founder of the Institute for Creation Research.

Dr. Arlton C. Murray, Paleontologist

Dr. John D. Morris, Geologist

Dr. Len Morris, Physiologist

Dr. Graeme Mortimer, Geologist

Dr. Terry Mortenson, History of Geology

Stanley A. Mumma, Architectural Engineering

Prof. Hee-Choon No, Nuclear Engineering

Dr. Eric Norman, Biomedical researcher

Dr. David Oderberg, Philosopher

Prof. John Oller, Linguistics

Prof. Chris D. Osborne, Assistant Professor of Biology

Dr. John Osgood, Medical Practitioner

Dr. Charles Pallaghy, Botanist

Dr. Gary E. Parker, Biologist, Cognate in Geology (Paleontology)

Dr. David Pennington, Plastic Surgeon

Prof. Richard Porter

Dr. Georgia Purdom, Molecular Genetics

Dr. John Rankin, Cosmologist

Dr. A.S. Reece, M.D.

Prof. J. Rendle-Short, Pediatrics

Dr. Jung-Goo Roe, Biology

Dr. David Rosevear, Chemist

Dr. Ariel A. Roth, Biology

Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Physical Chemistry

Dr. Joachim Scheven Palaeontologist:

Dr. Ian Scott, Educator

Dr. Saami Shaibani, Forensic physicist

Dr. Young-Gi Shim, Chemistry

Prof. Hyun-Kil Shin, Food Science

Dr. Mikhail Shulgin, Physics

Dr. Emil Silvestru, Geology

Dr. Roger Simpson, Engineer

Dr. Harold Slusher, Geophysicist

Dr. E. Norbert Smith, Zoologist

George S. Smith, M.S., Chemistry

Dr. Andrew Snelling, Geologist

Prof. Man-Suk Song, Computer Science

Dr. Timothy G. Standish, Biology

Prof. James Stark, Assistant Professor of Science Education

Prof. Brian Stone, Engineer

Dr. Esther Su, Biochemistry

Dr. Charles Taylor, Linguistics

Dr. Stephen Taylor, Electrical Engineering

Dr. Ker C. Thomson, Geophysics

Dr. Michael Todhunter, Forest Genetics

Dr. Lyudmila Tonkonog, Chemistry/Biochemistry

Dr. Royal Truman, Organic Chemist:

Dr. Larry Vardiman, Atmospheric Science

Prof. Walter Veith, Zoologist

Dr. Joachim Vetter, Biologist

Dr. Stephen J. Vinay III, Chemical Engineering

Sir Cecil P. G. Wakeley (1892–1979) Surgeon

Dr. Tas Walker, Geology/Engineering

Dr. Jeremy Walter, Mechanical Engineer

Dr. Keith Wanser, Physicist

Dr. Noel Weeks, Ancient Historian (also has B.Sc. in Zoology)

Dr. A.J. Monty White, Chemistry/Gas Kinetics

Dr. John Whitmore, Geologist/Paleontologist

Dr. Carl Wieland, Medicine/Surgery

Arthur E. Wilder-Smith (1915–1995) Three science doctorates; a creation science pioneer

Dr. Clifford Wilson, Psycholinguist and archaeologist

Dr. Kurt Wise, Palaeontologist

Prof. Verna Wright, Rheumatologist (deceased 1997)

Prof. Seoung-Hoon Yang, Physics

Dr. Thomas (Tong Y.) Yi, Ph.D., Creationist Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Ick-Dong Yoo, Genetics

Dr. Sung-Hee Yoon, Biology

Dr. Patrick Young, Chemist and Materials Scientist

Prof. Keun Bae Yu, Geography

Dr. Henry Zuill, Biology

Best go argue with them as to their credentials!

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That's an oxymoron. Creationism is anti-scientific by nature as it involves the intervention of a supernatural agent, whereas science limits itself to the natural world. Creationism is also anti-scientific because it can only be true if literally everything that we currently understand in modern science is incorrect.

I find this notion interesting.

Science is the study and measure of the physical world: time, matter, space. When the big bang happened some eons ago, that was when these things came into being.

Now if God created the world then he created the big bang....

... which would put him outside the realms of time and space. How, then, is it impossible that the 2 can co-exist?

While it is true that science cannot prove or disprove God, there should at least be evidence within science that points to the conclusion that there is a God/intelligence/being, shouldn't there?

The point being that everything that has a beginning has a cause. The universe is known to have a beginning in the big bang therefore it must have a cause.

Since science can't prove what it is at that point it's up for debate. The simplest answer is that there is/was something that set it off. Creation Scientists call that something "God". Athiests call it "the laws of science" or some such.

Why is it that one is less valid than the other in the eyes of most evolutionists/athiests/self-proclaimed "free thinkers" (yes, that was aimed at you, legov :winkold:) ?

I'd suggest it has less to do with the notion of a God than it does the implications of a creator God's existence.

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Do find it slightly sad that the non believers have to ridicule the believers in almost every post

Ok they have a belief that I can't fathom and one could argue it's a blind faith as they don't seem to want to accept any evidence that counters their claim

but even so hasn't the bible taught us to love our neighbour ... and then kill him if he doubts the word of God (Deuteronomy 17)

There is no evidence to counter Creationists claims.

The constancy of the decay rates of isotopes is well supported in science. Evidence for this constancy includes the correspondences of date estimates taken from different radioactive isotopes as well as correspondences with non-radiometric dating techniques such as dendrochronology, ice core dating, and historical records. Although scientists have noted slight increases in the decay rate for isotopes subject to extreme pressures, those differences were too small to significantly impact date estimates.

Yes. There. Is.

In fact I will give you a rather quick, easy to understand example. The male urethra travels through the prostate gland on its path from the bladder to the external meatus of the penis. The prostate gland swells over time in a process known as BPH, or benign prostate hyperplasia, which results in a constriction of the urethra and a consequential difficulty in passing urine. This stasis of urine can lead to urinary tract infections such as urethritis, cystitis and, if left untreated, pyelonephritis.

Now, this BPH is not a disease in itself, it is a natural part of male human physiology and a simple consequence of ageing.

Which begs the question - what kind of intelligent God would put a flexible tube through a gland that swells with time? Why not just put it to the side? What a stupid thing to do.

This is just ONE example of fundamental structural flaw in the human body. If we had truly been designed by God we would be flawless in structure, even if we are susceptible to disease now that we've 'sinned'.

One day you, like 99% of men, will have great trouble pissing, on that day you can thank God for a truly wonderful design.

edit: In case you didn't get it, let me summarise - the evidence against intelligent design by God is in your own body!!

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That's a completely different argument oz. The point we're all arguing about is the idiocy of New Earth Creationists. They are not scientiests, and it isn't science. It's lunacy that takes its starting point as tracts from the bible, rather than a desire to expand scientific knowledge.

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That's an oxymoron. Creationism is anti-scientific by nature as it involves the intervention of a supernatural agent, whereas science limits itself to the natural world. Creationism is also anti-scientific because it can only be true if literally everything that we currently understand in modern science is incorrect.

I find this notion interesting.

Science is the study and measure of the physical world: time, matter, space. When the big bang happened some eons ago, that was when these things came into being.

Now if God created the world then he created the big bang....

... which would put him outside the realms of time and space. How, then, is it impossible that the 2 can co-exist?

While it is true that science cannot prove or disprove God, there should at least be evidence within science that points to the conclusion that there is a God/intelligence/being, shouldn't there?

The point being that everything that has a beginning has a cause. The universe is known to have a beginning in the big bang therefore it must have a cause.

Since science can't prove what it is at that point it's up for debate. The simplest answer is that there is/was something that set it off. Creation Scientists call that something "God". Athiests call it "the laws of science" or some such.

Why is it that one is less valid than the other in the eyes of most evolutionists/athiests/self-proclaimed "free thinkers" (yes, that was aimed at you, legov :winkold:) ?

I'd suggest it has less to do with the notion of a God than it does the implications of a creator God's existence.

One is less valid than the other because one is the honest admission of a lack of knowledge, and the pursuit to attain that knowledge through means of evidence and experiment (science), the other is the dishonest claim of knowledge and the refusal to find any evidence to support it, or acknowledge the evidence that opposes it (religion).

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That's a completely different argument oz. The point we're all arguing about is the idiocy of New Earth Creationists. They are not scientiests, and it isn't science. It's lunacy that takes its starting point as tracts from the bible, rather than a desire to expand scientific knowledge.

There is no doubt that they believe in a literal Genesis, but I think you'll find they started with science and - being convinced of the existence of a creator - then worked backwards. Not the other way around.

The big key for them is the simple assumption that the world was created mature - that is, Adam was created as a man, not a child/pre-cursor to homo sapiens and the same goes for the rest of creation according to the Genesis account.

The naturalist believes it all came from a single cell many years ago.

Point being, they are both assumptions....

.... and we now get into the whole "but my assumption is better than yours" that both sides seem to take up in this argument, without anybody ever convincing their opponents (though I'm certain many will try).

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Can someone please summise this argument for me so I don't have to read all 28 pages? Thanks.

Steakandchips is trolling that the biblical flood happened (or is mad), Julie actually believes it did, everyone else points out why this madness, some point and laugh.

Same old. Remember to buy Watchtower and get down the Kingdom Hall.

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There's no such thing. There are creationists, and there are scientists. Try not to confuse the two.

I'm not sure how many are Creationists ie beleive the Earth and all that is on it was created in six days or how many beleive in Creation. There is a difference so try not to confuse the two!

However just a random search on Google shows a list of Scientists who have signed up as follows:-

Some modern scientists who have accepted the biblical account of creation

Dr. William Arion, Biochemistry, Chemistry

Dr. Paul Ackerman, Psychologist

Dr. E. Theo Agard, Medical Physics

Dr. Steve Austin, Geologist

Dr. S.E. Aw, Biochemist

Dr. Thomas Barnes, Physicist

Dr. Geoff Barnard, Immunologist

Dr. Don Batten, Plant Physiologist

Dr. John Baumgardner, Electrical Engineering, Space Physicist, Geophysicist, expert in supercomputer modeling of plate tectonics

Dr. Jerry Bergman, Psychologist

Dr. Kimberly Berrine, Microbiology & Immunology

Prof. Vladimir Betina, Microbiology, Biochemistry & Biology

Dr. Andrew Bosanquet, Biology, Microbiology

Edward A. Boudreaux, Theoretical Chemistry

Dr. David R. Boylan, Chemical Engineer

Prof. Linn E. Carothers, Associate Professor of Statistics

Dr. Rob Carter, Marine Biology

Dr. David Catchpoole, Plant Physiology

Prof. Sung-Do Cha, Physics

Dr. Eugene F. Chaffin, Professor of Physics

Dr. Choong-Kuk Chang, Genetic Engineering

Prof. Jeun-Sik Chang, Aeronautical Engineering

Dr. Donald Chittick, Physical Chemist

Prof. Chung-Il Cho, Biology Education

Dr. John M. Cimbala, Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Harold Coffin, Palaeontologist

Timothy C. Coppess, M.S., Environmental Scientist

Dr. Bob Compton, DVM

Dr. Ken Cumming, Biologist

Dr. Jack W. Cuozzo, Dentist

Dr. William M. Curtis III, Th.D., Th.M., M.S., Aeronautics & Nuclear Physics

Dr. Malcolm Cutchins, Aerospace Engineering

Dr. Lionel Dahmer, Analytical Chemist

Dr. Raymond V. Damadian, M.D., Pioneer of magnetic resonance imaging

Dr. Chris Darnbrough, Biochemist

Dr. Nancy M. Darrall, Botany

Dr. Bryan Dawson, Mathematics

Dr. Douglas Dean, Biological Chemistry

Prof. Stephen W. Deckard, Assistant Professor of Education

Dr. David A. DeWitt, Biology, Biochemistry, Neuroscience

Dr. Don DeYoung, Astronomy, atmospheric physics, M.Div

Dr. Geoff Downes, Creationist Plant Physiologist

Dr. Ted Driggers, Operations research

Robert H. Eckel, Medical Research

Dr. André Eggen, Geneticist

Dr. Dudley Eirich, Molecular Biologist

Prof. Dennis L. Englin, Professor of Geophysics

Dr. Andrew J. Fabich, Microbiology

Prof. Danny Faulkner, Astronomy

Prof. Carl B. Fliermans, Professor of Biology

Prof. Dwain L. Ford, Organic Chemistry

Dr. Kenneth W. Funk, Organic Chemistry

Prof. Robert H. Franks, Associate Professor of Biology

Dr. Alan Galbraith, Watershed Science

Dr. Paul Giem, Medical Research

Dr. Maciej Giertych, Geneticist

Dr. Duane Gish, Biochemist

Dr. Werner Gitt, Information Scientist

Dr. Warwick Glover, General Surgeon

Dr. D.B. Gower, Biochemistry

Dr. Robin Greer, Chemist, History

Dr. Stephen Grocott, Chemist

Dr. Vicki Hagerman, DMV

Dr. Donald Hamann, Food Scientist

Dr. Barry Harker, Philosopher

Dr. Charles W. Harrison, Applied Physicist, Electromagnetics

Dr. John Hartnett, Physics

Dr. Mark Harwood, Engineering (satellite specialist)

Dr. George Hawke, Environmental Scientist

Dr. Margaret Helder, Science Editor, Botanist

Dr. Harold R. Henry, Engineer

Dr. Jonathan Henry, Astronomy

Dr. Joseph Henson, Entomologist

Dr. Robert A. Herrmann, Professor of Mathematics, US Naval Academy

Dr. Andrew Hodge, Head of the Cardiothoracic Surgical Service

Dr. Kelly Hollowell, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacologist

Dr. Ed Holroyd, III, Atmospheric Science

Dr. Bob Hosken, Biochemistry

Dr. George F. Howe, Botany

Dr. Neil Huber, Physical Anthropologist

Dr. James A. Huggins, Professor and Chair, Department of Biology

Dr. Russ Humphreys, Physics

Evan Jamieson, Hydrometallurgy

George T. Javor, Biochemistry

Dr. Pierre Jerlström, Molecular Biology

Dr. Arthur Jones, Biology

Dr. Jonathan W. Jones, Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Raymond Jones, Agricultural Scientist

Prof. Leonid Korochkin, Molecular Biology

Dr. William F. Kane, (Civil) Geotechnical Engineering

Dr. Valery Karpounin, Mathematical Sciences, Logics, Formal Logics

Dr. Dean Kenyon, Biologist

Prof. Gi-Tai Kim, Biology

Prof. Harriet Kim, Biochemistry

Prof. Jong-Bai Kim, Biochemistry

Prof. Jung-Han Kim, Biochemistry

Prof. Jung-Wook Kim, Environmental Science

Prof. Kyoung-Rai Kim, Analytical Chemistry

Prof. Kyoung-Tai Kim, Genetic Engineering

Prof. Young-Gil Kim, Materials Science

Prof. Young In Kim, Engineering

Dr. John W. Klotz, Biologist

Dr. Vladimir F. Kondalenko, Cytology/Cell Pathology

Dr. Leonid Korochkin, M.D., Genetics, Molecular Biology, Neurobiology

Dr. John K.G. Kramer, Biochemistry

Dr. Johan Kruger, Zoology

Prof. Jin-Hyouk Kwon, Physics

Prof. Myung-Sang Kwon, Immunology

Dr. John G. Leslie, Biochemist, Physician, Archaeologist

Dr. Jason Lisle, Astrophysicist

Dr. Alan Love, Chemist

Dr. Ian Macreadie, molecular biologist and microbiologist:

Dr. John Marcus, Molecular Biologist

Dr. Ronald C. Marks, Associate Professor of Chemistry

Dr. George Marshall, Eye Disease Researcher

Dr. Ralph Matthews, Radiation Chemist

Dr. John McEwan, Chemist

Prof. Andy McIntosh, Combustion theory, aerodynamics

Dr. David Menton, Anatomist

Dr. Angela Meyer, Creationist Plant Physiologist

Dr. John Meyer, Physiologist

Dr. Albert Mills, Animal Embryologist/Reproductive Physiologist

Colin W. Mitchell, Geography

Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Physician

Dr. John N. Moore, Science Educator

Dr. John W. Moreland, Mechanical engineer and Dentist

Dr. Henry M. Morris (1918–2006), founder of the Institute for Creation Research.

Dr. Arlton C. Murray, Paleontologist

Dr. John D. Morris, Geologist

Dr. Len Morris, Physiologist

Dr. Graeme Mortimer, Geologist

Dr. Terry Mortenson, History of Geology

Stanley A. Mumma, Architectural Engineering

Prof. Hee-Choon No, Nuclear Engineering

Dr. Eric Norman, Biomedical researcher

Dr. David Oderberg, Philosopher

Prof. John Oller, Linguistics

Prof. Chris D. Osborne, Assistant Professor of Biology

Dr. John Osgood, Medical Practitioner

Dr. Charles Pallaghy, Botanist

Dr. Gary E. Parker, Biologist, Cognate in Geology (Paleontology)

Dr. David Pennington, Plastic Surgeon

Prof. Richard Porter

Dr. Georgia Purdom, Molecular Genetics

Dr. John Rankin, Cosmologist

Dr. A.S. Reece, M.D.

Prof. J. Rendle-Short, Pediatrics

Dr. Jung-Goo Roe, Biology

Dr. David Rosevear, Chemist

Dr. Ariel A. Roth, Biology

Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Physical Chemistry

Dr. Joachim Scheven Palaeontologist:

Dr. Ian Scott, Educator

Dr. Saami Shaibani, Forensic physicist

Dr. Young-Gi Shim, Chemistry

Prof. Hyun-Kil Shin, Food Science

Dr. Mikhail Shulgin, Physics

Dr. Emil Silvestru, Geology

Dr. Roger Simpson, Engineer

Dr. Harold Slusher, Geophysicist

Dr. E. Norbert Smith, Zoologist

George S. Smith, M.S., Chemistry

Dr. Andrew Snelling, Geologist

Prof. Man-Suk Song, Computer Science

Dr. Timothy G. Standish, Biology

Prof. James Stark, Assistant Professor of Science Education

Prof. Brian Stone, Engineer

Dr. Esther Su, Biochemistry

Dr. Charles Taylor, Linguistics

Dr. Stephen Taylor, Electrical Engineering

Dr. Ker C. Thomson, Geophysics

Dr. Michael Todhunter, Forest Genetics

Dr. Lyudmila Tonkonog, Chemistry/Biochemistry

Dr. Royal Truman, Organic Chemist:

Dr. Larry Vardiman, Atmospheric Science

Prof. Walter Veith, Zoologist

Dr. Joachim Vetter, Biologist

Dr. Stephen J. Vinay III, Chemical Engineering

Sir Cecil P. G. Wakeley (1892–1979) Surgeon

Dr. Tas Walker, Geology/Engineering

Dr. Jeremy Walter, Mechanical Engineer

Dr. Keith Wanser, Physicist

Dr. Noel Weeks, Ancient Historian (also has B.Sc. in Zoology)

Dr. A.J. Monty White, Chemistry/Gas Kinetics

Dr. John Whitmore, Geologist/Paleontologist

Dr. Carl Wieland, Medicine/Surgery

Arthur E. Wilder-Smith (1915–1995) Three science doctorates; a creation science pioneer

Dr. Clifford Wilson, Psycholinguist and archaeologist

Dr. Kurt Wise, Palaeontologist

Prof. Verna Wright, Rheumatologist (deceased 1997)

Prof. Seoung-Hoon Yang, Physics

Dr. Thomas (Tong Y.) Yi, Ph.D., Creationist Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Ick-Dong Yoo, Genetics

Dr. Sung-Hee Yoon, Biology

Dr. Patrick Young, Chemist and Materials Scientist

Prof. Keun Bae Yu, Geography

Dr. Henry Zuill, Biology

Best go argue with them as to their credentials!

OK, let's take a few of those:

Dr. Jonathan W. Jones, Plastic Surgeon - actually, I don't care what his credentials are. He's a plastic surgeon!

Dr. Harold Slusher, Geophysicist - degree from Indiana Christian University and a mail order Phd from Columbia Pacific University, a non licensed "Degree Mill".

Dr John Whitmore - Masters in geology from the Institute for Creation Research, and a Phd from Loma Linda University, a Seventh Day Adventist college!

You really are going to have to try just a little bit harder than that Julie!

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That's an oxymoron. Creationism is anti-scientific by nature as it involves the intervention of a supernatural agent, whereas science limits itself to the natural world. Creationism is also anti-scientific because it can only be true if literally everything that we currently understand in modern science is incorrect.

I find this notion interesting.

Science is the study and measure of the physical world: time, matter, space. When the big bang happened some eons ago, that was when these things came into being.

Now if God created the world then he created the big bang....

... which would put him outside the realms of time and space. How, then, is it impossible that the 2 can co-exist?

While it is true that science cannot prove or disprove God, there should at least be evidence within science that points to the conclusion that there is a God/intelligence/being, shouldn't there?

The point being that everything that has a beginning has a cause. The universe is known to have a beginning in the big bang therefore it must have a cause.

Since science can't prove what it is at that point it's up for debate. The simplest answer is that there is/was something that set it off. Creation Scientists call that something "God". Athiests call it "the laws of science" or some such.

Why is it that one is less valid than the other in the eyes of most evolutionists/athiests/self-proclaimed "free thinkers" (yes, that was aimed at you, legov :winkold:) ?

I'd suggest it has less to do with the notion of a God than it does the implications of a creator God's existence.

The central idea I was trying to get across was that science is, almost by definition, debate and discussion and reviewing evidence. Things that are (usually) not encouraged in religious circles.

And nowhere did I say that the laws of science created the universe, I'm not ruling out either possibility.

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.... and we now get into the whole "but my assumption is better than yours" that both sides seem to take up in this argument, without anybody ever convincing their opponents (though I'm certain many will try).

And that battle about assumptions is called science. Creationist "science" is just bad, bad science, and most of those people Julie listed either have degrees from bible bashing universities, or the sort you buy from online vendors.

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One is less valid than the other because one is the honest admission of a lack of knowledge, and the pursuit to attain that knowledge through means of evidence and experiment (science), the other is the dishonest claim of knowledge and the refusal to find any evidence to support it, or acknowledge the evidence that opposes it (religion).

I think you'll find that the evidence to support their claims is in the historical person of Jesus.

You may dismiss this evidence, but it is hardly a dishonest claim, a refusal to find any evidence nor an inability to acknowledge the evidence that opposes it....

... that apparently you are honest enough to say doesn't exist. :winkold:

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There's no such thing. There are creationists, and there are scientists. Try not to confuse the two.

I'm not sure how many are Creationists ie beleive the Earth and all that is on it was created in six days or how many beleive in Creation. There is a difference so try not to confuse the two!

However just a random search on Google shows a list of Scientists who have signed up as follows:-

Some modern scientists who have accepted the biblical account of creation

Dr. William Arion, Biochemistry, Chemistry

Dr. Paul Ackerman, Psychologist

Dr. E. Theo Agard, Medical Physics

Dr. Steve Austin, Geologist

Dr. S.E. Aw, Biochemist

Dr. Thomas Barnes, Physicist

Dr. Geoff Barnard, Immunologist

Dr. Don Batten, Plant Physiologist

Dr. John Baumgardner, Electrical Engineering, Space Physicist, Geophysicist, expert in supercomputer modeling of plate tectonics

Dr. Jerry Bergman, Psychologist

Dr. Kimberly Berrine, Microbiology & Immunology

Prof. Vladimir Betina, Microbiology, Biochemistry & Biology

Dr. Andrew Bosanquet, Biology, Microbiology

Edward A. Boudreaux, Theoretical Chemistry

Dr. David R. Boylan, Chemical Engineer

Prof. Linn E. Carothers, Associate Professor of Statistics

Dr. Rob Carter, Marine Biology

Dr. David Catchpoole, Plant Physiology

Prof. Sung-Do Cha, Physics

Dr. Eugene F. Chaffin, Professor of Physics

Dr. Choong-Kuk Chang, Genetic Engineering

Prof. Jeun-Sik Chang, Aeronautical Engineering

Dr. Donald Chittick, Physical Chemist

Prof. Chung-Il Cho, Biology Education

Dr. John M. Cimbala, Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Harold Coffin, Palaeontologist

Timothy C. Coppess, M.S., Environmental Scientist

Dr. Bob Compton, DVM

Dr. Ken Cumming, Biologist

Dr. Jack W. Cuozzo, Dentist

Dr. William M. Curtis III, Th.D., Th.M., M.S., Aeronautics & Nuclear Physics

Dr. Malcolm Cutchins, Aerospace Engineering

Dr. Lionel Dahmer, Analytical Chemist

Dr. Raymond V. Damadian, M.D., Pioneer of magnetic resonance imaging

Dr. Chris Darnbrough, Biochemist

Dr. Nancy M. Darrall, Botany

Dr. Bryan Dawson, Mathematics

Dr. Douglas Dean, Biological Chemistry

Prof. Stephen W. Deckard, Assistant Professor of Education

Dr. David A. DeWitt, Biology, Biochemistry, Neuroscience

Dr. Don DeYoung, Astronomy, atmospheric physics, M.Div

Dr. Geoff Downes, Creationist Plant Physiologist

Dr. Ted Driggers, Operations research

Robert H. Eckel, Medical Research

Dr. André Eggen, Geneticist

Dr. Dudley Eirich, Molecular Biologist

Prof. Dennis L. Englin, Professor of Geophysics

Dr. Andrew J. Fabich, Microbiology

Prof. Danny Faulkner, Astronomy

Prof. Carl B. Fliermans, Professor of Biology

Prof. Dwain L. Ford, Organic Chemistry

Dr. Kenneth W. Funk, Organic Chemistry

Prof. Robert H. Franks, Associate Professor of Biology

Dr. Alan Galbraith, Watershed Science

Dr. Paul Giem, Medical Research

Dr. Maciej Giertych, Geneticist

Dr. Duane Gish, Biochemist

Dr. Werner Gitt, Information Scientist

Dr. Warwick Glover, General Surgeon

Dr. D.B. Gower, Biochemistry

Dr. Robin Greer, Chemist, History

Dr. Stephen Grocott, Chemist

Dr. Vicki Hagerman, DMV

Dr. Donald Hamann, Food Scientist

Dr. Barry Harker, Philosopher

Dr. Charles W. Harrison, Applied Physicist, Electromagnetics

Dr. John Hartnett, Physics

Dr. Mark Harwood, Engineering (satellite specialist)

Dr. George Hawke, Environmental Scientist

Dr. Margaret Helder, Science Editor, Botanist

Dr. Harold R. Henry, Engineer

Dr. Jonathan Henry, Astronomy

Dr. Joseph Henson, Entomologist

Dr. Robert A. Herrmann, Professor of Mathematics, US Naval Academy

Dr. Andrew Hodge, Head of the Cardiothoracic Surgical Service

Dr. Kelly Hollowell, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacologist

Dr. Ed Holroyd, III, Atmospheric Science

Dr. Bob Hosken, Biochemistry

Dr. George F. Howe, Botany

Dr. Neil Huber, Physical Anthropologist

Dr. James A. Huggins, Professor and Chair, Department of Biology

Dr. Russ Humphreys, Physics

Evan Jamieson, Hydrometallurgy

George T. Javor, Biochemistry

Dr. Pierre Jerlström, Molecular Biology

Dr. Arthur Jones, Biology

Dr. Jonathan W. Jones, Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Raymond Jones, Agricultural Scientist

Prof. Leonid Korochkin, Molecular Biology

Dr. William F. Kane, (Civil) Geotechnical Engineering

Dr. Valery Karpounin, Mathematical Sciences, Logics, Formal Logics

Dr. Dean Kenyon, Biologist

Prof. Gi-Tai Kim, Biology

Prof. Harriet Kim, Biochemistry

Prof. Jong-Bai Kim, Biochemistry

Prof. Jung-Han Kim, Biochemistry

Prof. Jung-Wook Kim, Environmental Science

Prof. Kyoung-Rai Kim, Analytical Chemistry

Prof. Kyoung-Tai Kim, Genetic Engineering

Prof. Young-Gil Kim, Materials Science

Prof. Young In Kim, Engineering

Dr. John W. Klotz, Biologist

Dr. Vladimir F. Kondalenko, Cytology/Cell Pathology

Dr. Leonid Korochkin, M.D., Genetics, Molecular Biology, Neurobiology

Dr. John K.G. Kramer, Biochemistry

Dr. Johan Kruger, Zoology

Prof. Jin-Hyouk Kwon, Physics

Prof. Myung-Sang Kwon, Immunology

Dr. John G. Leslie, Biochemist, Physician, Archaeologist

Dr. Jason Lisle, Astrophysicist

Dr. Alan Love, Chemist

Dr. Ian Macreadie, molecular biologist and microbiologist:

Dr. John Marcus, Molecular Biologist

Dr. Ronald C. Marks, Associate Professor of Chemistry

Dr. George Marshall, Eye Disease Researcher

Dr. Ralph Matthews, Radiation Chemist[/b[

Dr. John McEwan, Chemist

Prof. Andy McIntosh, Combustion theory, aerodynamics

Dr. David Menton, Anatomist

Dr. Angela Meyer, Creationist Plant Physiologist

Dr. John Meyer, Physiologist

Dr. Albert Mills, Animal Embryologist/Reproductive Physiologist

Colin W. Mitchell, Geography

Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Physician

Dr. John N. Moore, Science Educator

Dr. John W. Moreland, Mechanical engineer and Dentist

Dr. Henry M. Morris (1918–2006), founder of the Institute for Creation Research.

Dr. Arlton C. Murray, Paleontologist

Dr. John D. Morris, Geologist

Dr. Len Morris, Physiologist

Dr. Graeme Mortimer, Geologist

Dr. Terry Mortenson, History of Geology

Stanley A. Mumma, Architectural Engineering

Prof. Hee-Choon No, Nuclear Engineering

Dr. Eric Norman, Biomedical researcher

Dr. David Oderberg, Philosopher

Prof. John Oller, Linguistics

Prof. Chris D. Osborne, Assistant Professor of Biology

Dr. John Osgood, Medical Practitioner

Dr. Charles Pallaghy, Botanist

Dr. Gary E. Parker, Biologist, Cognate in Geology (Paleontology)

Dr. David Pennington, Plastic Surgeon

Prof. Richard Porter

Dr. Georgia Purdom, Molecular Genetics

Dr. John Rankin, Cosmologist

Dr. A.S. Reece, M.D.

Prof. J. Rendle-Short, Pediatrics

Dr. Jung-Goo Roe, Biology

Dr. David Rosevear, Chemist

Dr. Ariel A. Roth, Biology

Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Physical Chemistry

Dr. Joachim Scheven Palaeontologist:

Dr. Ian Scott, Educator

Dr. Saami Shaibani, Forensic physicist

Dr. Young-Gi Shim, Chemistry

Prof. Hyun-Kil Shin, Food Science

Dr. Mikhail Shulgin, Physics

Dr. Emil Silvestru, Geology

Dr. Roger Simpson, Engineer

Dr. Harold Slusher, Geophysicist

Dr. E. Norbert Smith, Zoologist

George S. Smith, M.S., Chemistry

Dr. Andrew Snelling, Geologist

Prof. Man-Suk Song, Computer Science

Dr. Timothy G. Standish, Biology

Prof. James Stark, Assistant Professor of Science Education

Prof. Brian Stone, Engineer

Dr. Esther Su, Biochemistry

Dr. Charles Taylor, Linguistics

Dr. Stephen Taylor, Electrical Engineering

Dr. Ker C. Thomson, Geophysics

Dr. Michael Todhunter, Forest Genetics

Dr. Lyudmila Tonkonog, Chemistry/Biochemistry

Dr. Royal Truman, Organic Chemist:

Dr. Larry Vardiman, Atmospheric Science

Prof. Walter Veith, Zoologist

Dr. Joachim Vetter, Biologist

Dr. Stephen J. Vinay III, Chemical Engineering

Sir Cecil P. G. Wakeley (1892–1979) Surgeon

Dr. Tas Walker, Geology/Engineering

Dr. Jeremy Walter, Mechanical Engineer

Dr. Keith Wanser, Physicist

Dr. Noel Weeks, Ancient Historian (also has B.Sc. in Zoology)

Dr. A.J. Monty White, Chemistry/Gas Kinetics

Dr. John Whitmore, Geologist/Paleontologist

Dr. Carl Wieland, Medicine/Surgery

Arthur E. Wilder-Smith (1915–1995) Three science doctorates; a creation science pioneer

Dr. Clifford Wilson, Psycholinguist and archaeologist

Dr. Kurt Wise, Palaeontologist

Prof. Verna Wright, Rheumatologist (deceased 1997)

Prof. Seoung-Hoon Yang, Physics

Dr. Thomas (Tong Y.) Yi, Ph.D., Creationist Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Ick-Dong Yoo, Genetics

Dr. Sung-Hee Yoon, Biology

Dr. Patrick Young, Chemist and Materials Scientist

Prof. Keun Bae Yu, Geography

Dr. Henry Zuill, Biology

Best go argue with them as to their credentials!

Did you read any of that list or did you just mindlessly copy and paste it without looking?

I've taken the liberty of highlighting all the names of people in that list whose fields of expertise have nothing whatsoever to do with the relevant biology or cosmology that is the focus of this thread.

It goes back to a point I made earlier: Religion has the power to make otherwise intelligent people say, do, and believe really, really stupid shit.

So all you've managed to do is make yourself look a little silly by producing a list of a few dozen names, half of which work in fields that have nothing to do with biology. I've given you the benefit of the doubt and assumed the others are actually intelligent people who went to decent universities, and not the crackpot creationist universities that have cropped up in the States.

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It is similar.

Repeated indoctrinations through sermons? Check.

Discouraged from questioning? Check.

Publication of literature to fill up private coffers? Check.

It's still a cult, the only difference is that it is a mainstream one and hence most of us euphemistically call it a "religion". Not that I (generally) have any problem with people believing in it mind, but it's still all quite silly to me.

To the hardcore believer, all other religions are cults.

I could take your arguments and apply them to atheism with the sole difference being it does not call itself a religion....

.... even though it's believers act very much like believers of any other religion.

Atheists don't need to attend sermons, we require no support groups. We also question everything rather than discourage questioning. Some atheists will write books for profit but we live in a capalist society. Other than that I can't see how atheists act like the religious at all ? We have no doctrine or dogma and besides a collective non-belief we can have very little in common with each other.

I am an atheist because I see no evidence for theism . I am also an

anti-theist in that I will happily mock and attack religion and its advocaters as I feel it is intrinsically bad for the human race . Some people may take offence but that's just tough shit . Theocracy and stupidity offend me but I don't cry about it .

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