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Could Noah's Ark hold all the animals?


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Can I suggest that we all stop? Whilst it's undeniably entertaining poking fun at the crazy people, you know full well that you could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that what they are saying is laughable bollocks, and they'll STILL keep getting up with another host of Biblical quotes that are somehow supposed to prove that they're right. They're like Arnie in the Terminator, but instead of being metallic and unstoppable, they're shiny-eyed and disturbing.

Crazy people..lol

Check out Michael Behe(Biochemist), Michale Denton(Biochemist), Karl Popper(philosophy) or Fred Hoyle(astronomer)

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To quote probably the 20th Century's most well known and revered Scientists....

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.".............. Albert Einstein (1879 -1955)

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To quote probably the 20th Century's most well known and revered Scientists....

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.".............. Albert Einstein (1879 -1955)

Interesting that that quote is used in this article.

In the letter, he states: "The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this."

Still want to hold Einstein up as a bastion of religion in science?

It's hilarious that you think quoting Einstein shows up "scientific" people who don't believe in God, seeing as Einstein was wrong about a hell of a lot of things in his lifetime. He completely rejected some of the core concepts of quantum mechanics that are now known to be true.

The guy wasn't some infallible genius, and he certainly was no believer in God.

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Jehovah's punishment on the first humans, Adam & Eve was that if they turned against their Creator, then they would die within "ONE DAY". God's timekeeping is different to ours - (2 Peter 3:8) "However, let this one fact not be escaping YOUR notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day"

I assume your lack of quoting was so that you could answer a question I didn't ask. God says in Genesis that man will live 120 years (not up to). How many of the 7 billion people on the planet will live for 120 years and how many have done so since the days of Genesis. If any one lived a life of a length other then 120 years then Genesis contains a lie.

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Jehovah's punishment on the first humans, Adam & Eve was that if they turned against their Creator, then they would die within "ONE DAY". God's timekeeping is different to ours - (2 Peter 3:8) "However, let this one fact not be escaping YOUR notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day"

I assume your lack of quoting was so that you could answer a question I didn't ask. God says in Genesis that man will live 120 years (not up to). How many of the 7 billion people on the planet will live for 120 years and how many have done so since the days of Genesis. If any one lived a life of a length other then 120 years then Genesis contains a lie.

Moses died on his 120th birthday.

Ive already explained this scripture above Limpid. The 120 years could be 120 years left for mankind before the floods...The flood was 120 years away. Read Genesis 6 and form your own opinion..

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Can I suggest that we all stop? Whilst it's undeniably entertaining poking fun at the crazy people, you know full well that you could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that what they are saying is laughable bollocks, and they'll STILL keep getting up with another host of Biblical quotes that are somehow supposed to prove that they're right. They're like Arnie in the Terminator, but instead of being metallic and unstoppable, they're shiny-eyed and disturbing.

It's a pity because on other forums I've seen - sometimes genuine debate takes place about religion and science and other matters.....whereas some VT Atheists seem to think that their churlish comments aimed at opposing viewpoints make them somehow appear intellectual. They don't... they just show themselves up ...full stop!

There was a time also when I took such hurtful comments to heart... these days I just feel sorry for the protaganists, knowing that the only person they truly hurt is themselves.....Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and he that is loving it will eat its fruitage"

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To quote probably the 20th Century's most well known and revered Scientists....

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.".............. Albert Einstein (1879 -1955)

"Science without religion is better"...Regular_John (1987-current)

"Quoting respectable people adds no strength whatsoever to arguments that can't stand up on their own"...Regular_John (1987-current)

"A motherfucking...WATER CANOPY...AHAHAHAHAHA"...Regular_John (1987-current)

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It's a pity because on other forums I've seen - sometimes genuine debate takes place about religion and science and other matters.....whereas some VT Atheists seem to think that their churlish comments aimed at opposing viewpoints make them somehow appear intellectual. They don't... they just show themselves up ...full stop!

I think most of the VT atheists are more than happy to have a calm, peaceful, and mature debate with you Julie, however you can not expect anything other than mockery if you make silly statements.

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It's a pity because on other forums I've seen - sometimes genuine debate takes place about religion and science and other matters....

Sorry but debate requires people willing to debate, not people that go "this means there is definitely a God END OF".

You're not open to debate, your mind is made up.

You just repeat the same lines over and over and only reply to select comments that you have a boiler plate response for (most often culled from watchtower).

You ignore every single point you can't answer. Like how you've ignored the fact Einstein wasn't a believer in God, that the "religion" he refers to in science is the faith that everything conforms to rules that can be understood, NOT the existence of a deity like the god in the bible, which in his own words is "pretty childish".

The problem here is you pick and choose your quotes and arguments that support your view, you ignore everything else that the author has said if it doesn't conform.

If you want to rely on Einstein as a source then you should look at his entire body of authorship, if you do so you'd soon realise that he isn't on your side at all.

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I think most of the VT atheists are more than happy to have a calm, peaceful, and mature debate with you Julie, however you can not expect anything other than mockery if you make silly statements.

That's rubbish... who the heck are you to decide what someone else says is silly or not? YOU might think Regular John is the Word...but I for one do not!

If the Bible is correct and a Global deluge took place then it follows that the rest of account is also correct. Both the Bible and other flood accounts like from Mesopotamia include some form of water or ice canopy surrounding the planet. The account also mentions water bursting from below the Earth and I've seen plenty of research going on regarding hydro-plate theories as well as hypothisis regarding water or ice canopy. It is clear that the planet, the atomosphere and even the air pressure could have been totally different before the Flood. Hence why mankind's lifespan was vastly reduced.

Water itself is a miracle... it's properties are like practically no other liquid we know of in the known Universe.

Anyhow I'm too busy to debate this anymore. If Steak and Chips has researched the subject and has decided to form an opposite opinion to you and Richard Dawkins, then that's his perogative.

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Can I suggest that we all stop? Whilst it's undeniably entertaining poking fun at the crazy people, you know full well that you could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that what they are saying is laughable bollocks, and they'll STILL keep getting up with another host of Biblical quotes that are somehow supposed to prove that they're right. They're like Arnie in the Terminator, but instead of being metallic and unstoppable, they're shiny-eyed and disturbing.

It's a pity because on other forums I've seen - sometimes genuine debate takes place about religion and science and other matters.....whereas some VT Atheists seem to think that their churlish comments aimed at opposing viewpoints make them somehow appear intellectual. They don't... they just show themselves up ...full stop!

There was a time also when I took such hurtful comments to heart... these days I just feel sorry for the protaganists, knowing that the only person they truly hurt is themselves.....Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and he that is loving it will eat its fruitage"

You will happily rely on science when it confirms something you believe and ignore it when it is of no use to you . You are a hypocrite and every time the going gets tough you complain about being insulted .

It's kind of pathetic really but when you consider that Holy texts and religions are built on hypocrisy it doesn't really surprise me .

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If the Bible is correct and a Global deluge took place then it follows that the rest of account is also correct.

We've been over this before, more or less... that kind of thinking is what lead to the... er... lets call it confusion... when I used the Lord of the Rings as an example of 'legitimising' a text.

What a right minded person would think, someone capable of critiquing a text, is not 'If this is correct then it follows the rest is', it is 'If this is correct, then this bit is right... but the rest needs confirmation of it's veracity and as such we should be careful to not take it at face value'.

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Well if refusing in particular to debate with posters like Brumerican and Chindie is classed as hypocrisy then so be it.

I really don't have to result to insults or mockery in a vain attempt to legitimise my point of view and for that I am glad.

As I said the people you hurt the most with derogatory comments are yourselves.

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I think most of the VT atheists are more than happy to have a calm, peaceful, and mature debate with you Julie, however you can not expect anything other than mockery if you make silly statements.

That's rubbish... who the heck are you to decide what someone else says is silly or not? YOU might think Regular John is the Word...but I for one do not!

If the Bible is correct and a Global deluge took place then it follows that the rest of account is also correct. Both the Bible and other flood accounts like from Mesopotamia include some form of water or ice canopy surrounding the planet. The account also mentions water bursting from below the Earth and I've seen plenty of research going on regarding hydro-plate theories as well as hypothisis regarding water or ice canopy. It is clear that the planet, the atomosphere and even the air pressure could have been totally different before the Flood. Hence why mankind's lifespan was vastly reduced.

Water itself is a miracle... it's properties are like practically no other liquid we know of in the known Universe.

Right. Pay attention, I'm about to drop some knowledge bombs on your ass.

Why is this idea of a water or ice canopy so utterly ridiculous (laughably so)? I'll tell you why - the surface temperature of a planet is a consequence of many things, one of the more important is the density of the surrounding atmosphere. The planet is heated by the suns rays, which reflect off the Earth and back into outer space.

If an atmosphere is too thick the ability of heat to radiate back into space will be severely limited, consequently the planet will heat up. We can see this process occurring now in global warming - greenhouse gases are adding to the density of the atmosphere, thus reducing the capacity of heat radiation back into outer space.

So, with me so far?

Thicker atmosphere = Less heat radiation = Really hot planet.

What you are proposing is an atmosphere made of water or, even worse, ice. If the planet had an atmosphere that dense there is no way heat could radiate back out, which means the surface temperature of the planet would rise and rise until it approached that of Mercury or Venus.


Can you now see why the concept of a water canopy is SO stupid?

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Well if refusing in particular to debate with posters like Brumerican and Chindie is classed as hypocrisy then so be it.

I really don't have to result to insults or mockery in a vain attempt to legitimise my point of view and for that I am glad.

As I said the people you hurt the most with derogatory comments are yourselves.

It's not an insult. If you are happy to rely on science when it suits you but ignore it when it contradicts your belief then that makes you a hypocrite .

It's that simple.

I guarantee you I am not the one hurting myself either. I'm not the one devoting my one and only life worshipping a homophobic baby killer and then performing elaborate mental gymnastics to justify that belief .

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Well if refusing in particular to debate with posters like Brumerican and Chindie is classed as hypocrisy then so be it.

I really don't have to result to insults or mockery in a vain attempt to legitimise my point of view and for that I am glad.

As I said the people you hurt the most with derogatory comments are yourselves.

What about me?

I'm still waiting for an answer on how you feel you can quote Einstein in support of your arguments, a guy that said the bible was "pretty childish", a guy that openly rejected the notion of a god saying "The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses".

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Einstein was a genius, obviously but due to the nature of science , in that we learn more as we go along it is safe to say that Einstein's knowledge of physics is actually less than the keyboard player from D-Ream .

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