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12 hours ago, GarethRDR said:

Main storyline done.


Break down what you liked and disliked about the ending my dude, I live for this 

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Personally, I just don't like the whole multiverse stuff. It gets too complicated, and it's a cop out a lot of the time.

I like the focus on Clouds mental health, they definitely seem to be framing this well.

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I still haven't finished FF7 rebirth. I have parked it for a month after completing Shinra Manor. I will go back on soon just to finish the storyline, but I haven't had the desire to do that yet, which is quite telling in my opinion.

The things mentioned by @GarethRDR on the previous page really made it a chore to play and is well summed up by Gareth. The FF7 remake first game I loved, and achieved platinum on that. This one I will not bother, some of those mini games were driving me to the edge of a nervous breakdown.

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What I liked

I was initially miffed at Bone Village, Ancient Forest and City Of The Ancients getting left all over the cutting room floor but on reflection it makes a bit more sense this way, think about the OG too much and you'd start to question how Aeris/th teleports half-way across the world over land and sea on her own (maybe she found a stray Golden Chocobo!).  Though I am torn on whether the shorter chase to catch up to her makes it more desperate versus the longer time you're separated for in the OG.  Could go either way on that one. Saving Rocket Town for later makes sense too, plus gives them time to figure out how to work around Cid's wife-beating. 😬

Temple Of The Ancients itself was very well done, though I was slightly disappointed to not get the funny little Ancient dude running about the place in current-gen glory, the little scamp.

Integrating the Gi into more of the story was actually pretty cool, more agency than just "spooky nasties are bad" is always good.

As mentioned above, Aerith's trial was devastating, really well done.  Red's was a tough watch too, both games have done a great job at building up how much of a shit-bag Hojo is, got me excited (if that's the right word) for delving into the Vincent/Lucrecia stuff proper.  Probably didn't need Tifa's or Barret's mind, and not having played Remake's DLC meant Yuffie's didn't really mean all that much to me.

Cloud's mental break is shaping up to be quite something.


What I'm undecided on

Bizarro Sephiroth this early...  straight to Safer Sephiroth come the end of vol. 3 then, I guess?  However...


What I didn't like

...I am furious that they just completely stripped out Birth Of A God.  It's one of the strongest bangers on the OST.  See also City Of Ancients Theme, we got a couple hints of the main motive whilst going through TOTA but for the all-too brief time we spent in the City, it was nowhere to be seen (heard), and thematically there's not a better piece in the OST in terms of evoking the otherworldliness of the Cetra.

In terms of the ending itself; a big part of this can be attributed to my general fatigue around multiverses being the narrative device du jour but the Zack stuff... it's gubbins.  Completely undercut just... whatever it is we're doing with Aerith now?  Either kill her or don't, whatever this half-way house is it completely took the knees out from under what is meant to be emotional keystone of the story.  It completely trivialised Biggs "surviving" the first game.  Whatever is going on with the Black Materia... in the "prime" timeline it's a fake, but because Sephiroth has access to other timelines he found where the real one was hidden?  I can't wrap my head around what's happening with it, how Cloud came into possession of the real one, it's just a mess.  It feels tacked on for no other purpose then to keep stringing people along to the very end about whether Aerith is "properly" dead or something else and to keep the possibility of some wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey super-happy ending where everyone lives and Zack and Aerith get to ride off into an alternate timeline's sunset.

One last aside; whatever those tadpole things with the big materia bellies are, they had better not be indicative of the WEAPONS when they emerge.  Dang ol' piddly little fishies, I'll take my 10-story-high biomechanical killing machines, please.

And of course, all will be forgiven if KOTR winds up being exactly the same animation sequence as the OG just with a modern graphic overhaul.  Hook that shit directly into my veins, I don't care if it doesn't make a lick of sense.


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If KOTR isn't a grander version of the Gilgamesh side story / quests in the next game, they've **** it. You should absolutely earn it, and it should absolutely be completely ridiculous. 

As for Aerith dead/alive, I can't really see how she is anything but lying in two halves at the bottom of a lake. The aftermath of her death appeared to be very purposefully held back, so Cloud can relive the anguish when he is his whole self again. Before that though, Cloud should build to be the villain of the piece for the first half of the third game. 

Weapons, with you on that one. They need to be massive in size and scope, the Junon attack should be one of the highlights of the series. 

Black materia is one I can't really comment on as nothing I've pondered on or read is very interesting, frankly. 

Alternate realities - or material and ephemeral worlds to be more accurate - I find a little more interesting. 

One of the biggest shocks for me in Rebirth was using more or less the exact same scene from OG when Cloud pieces himself back together in a different way with Tifa when she is in the lifestream. 

So if they're not using that scene for Cloud finding himself, what's the alternative? Parts of Cloud are within those worlds, and that's where he'll draw them from to become whole. That continues the same plot beats as OG but in a different way, keeping in line with the design ethos for the remake trilogy, and hell it could even involve Advent Children Cloud if they really want to go ham with it...I personally wouldn't hate that. 

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