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Since I'm a total mark for these things I'll probably buy the FF7 remake. Loved its on the PS1, I also loved Resident Evil 1 and bought that remake, and apparently there's an RE2 remake on the way, so I'll but that.

But is the gaming industry so bereft of ideas that it is now going to start remaking classics? Seems to be mirroring the film industry. 

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I have no problem with them remaking classics because the classics were the best games well in my childhood anyway

They can remake chrono trigger and games like that while they are at it 

RE2 was amazing the atmosphere the police station the lickers just everything

Edited by AshVilla
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capcom have pretty said that remaking old games and HD remasters are going to be the future of the company (as well as panchinko machines) 

i suppose its down to financing (isnt everything?) production costs of MGSV were rumoured to be $80m, GTA 5 $265m, the last resident evil was $35m apparently, and im guessing they took a hit on that seeing as its shit, if RE2 remake can finance RE7 then its worth doing

same with FF, FF7 will cost square a fortune but you can almost guarantee it'll make them a lot of money, if that pays for a new IP to be developed then its worth doing

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Square Enix? New IP? Ahahah, that's a good one! As recently as a couple of weeks ago in their Annual Report, the very first point under their future plans was to "revitalise existing IP's". Further to that, they'll just stick the FF or DQ name on a type of game they want to make (see the success of MMORPG FFXIVRR and that weird upcoming Dragon Quest Minecraft clone thing), and there you go. It will be interesting to see what exactly they mean by "revitalise" beyond FF7R, though, as they've got practically all the FFs on PC/mobile now, as well as DQ8 being given a sudden 'revitalisation' on mobile and 3DS. If they make a shit ton of money from FF7R which I expect them to aswell, it would be logical to go on and remake 8 and 9. I agree with the above as well, I'm all for remakes, I don't really understand why anyone wouldn't want them.

There is Setsuna, but...well, I wouldn't be surprised if they slapped Chrono in front of that for the western release...Chrono Satsuma lol.

In other news there was an FFXV food van at Paris Games Week. On the menu - Bahumut and Chocobo burgers, yum. Turns out Bahumut is very much like beef, and Chocobo near identical to chicken, as you would have thought.

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Square Enix? New IP? Ahahah, that's a good one! As recently as a couple of weeks ago in their Annual Report, the very first point under their future plans was to "revitalise existing IP's". Further to that, they'll just stick the FF or DQ name on a type of game they want to make (see the success of MMORPG FFXIVRR and that weird upcoming Dragon Quest Minecraft clone thing), and there you go. It will be interesting to see what exactly they mean by "revitalise" beyond FF7R, though, as they've got practically all the FFs on PC/mobile now, as well as DQ8 being given a sudden 'revitalisation' on mobile and 3DS. If they make a shit ton of money from FF7R which I expect them to aswell, it would be logical to go on and remake 8 and 9. I agree with the above as well, I'm all for remakes, I don't really understand why anyone wouldn't want them.

There is Setsuna, but...well, I wouldn't be surprised if they slapped Chrono in front of that for the western release...Chrono Satsuma lol.

In other news there was an FFXV food van at Paris Games Week. On the menu - Bahumut and Chocobo burgers, yum. Turns out Bahumut is very much like beef, and Chocobo near identical to chicken, as you would have thought.

Sooner or later there will also be an FF6 remake, no doubt about that. If not the whole ps1 era which includes 8 and 9. At least they aren't as bad as Konami but that doesn't say much.

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Lightning Dancer will be the last one I go for.

So everyone except Lu (still haven't got her an AP weapon) has 255 Str, Def and M.Def. Gonna start agility now by fighting Fenrir until that is 255. Then it's onto possibly evasion or luck. Not decided. Earth Eater and his Flare counter scare me.

Well, things are going very smoothly, just a chore and a bore filling in these nodes! I miss the PS2 version and my Action Replay disc!

Everyone bar Lu (STILL haven't got her a weapon) has 255 in STR, DEF, MDEF, AGI, EVA, ACC. Luck is at around 90. Gonna get that to the magic 130 number then just fill in the nodes with whatever I have.

Got a nice little EE routine going on. Piece of piss. Only 1 flare counter each battle. With auto-phoenix I can just battle and battle without the need for visiting the save sphere (but I do, just in case). I made a video - See below - but since making it I've changed it for the better. Open with Tidus' S&D to knock him over, Attack Reels (1 flare counter), Entrust Wakka and then Attack Reels again. Dead.

Edited by Dante_Lockhart
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  • 2 weeks later...

Trophy list for the FF7 PS4 release of the PC port version have arrived, probably means it'll be on PSN in the next couple of weeks. Fair chunk of my xmas leave accounted for right here.


  • Gaia’s Guardian – Obtain all trophies


  • A Feat of Meteoric Proportions – Complete FINAL FANTASY VII
  • Transcendant Convoker – Obtain the Master Summon Materia
  • Diamond Disintegrator – Defeat the Diamond Weapon
  • Ruby Render – Defeat the Ruby Weapon
  • Emerald Eviscerator – Defeat the Emerald Weapon


  • Coming Up All Nines – Obtain 99,999,999 gil
  • Liege of Leveling – Reach Lv. 99 with one character
  • Bahamutype-0 – Obtain the Bahamut ZERO Materia
  • Roundtable Destruction – Obtain the Knights of the Round Materia
  • The Slash to End All Slashes – Learn Omnislash—Cloud’s last Limit Break
  • Loose Cannon – Learn Catastrophe—Barret’s last Limit Break
  • Packing a Punch – Learn Final Heaven—Tifa’s last Limit Break
  • See the Light – Learn Great Gospel—Aeris’s last Limit Break
  • A Universe of Pain – Learn Cosmo Memory—Red XIII’s last Limit Break
  • Meet Your Maker – Learn All Creation—Yuffie’s last Limit Break
  • Wheel of Fortune – Learn Slots—Cait Sith’s last Limit Break
  • Inner Demons – Learn Chaos—Vincent’s last Limit Break
  • Gale Warning – Learn Highwind—Cid’s last Limit Break


  • First Blood – Emerge victorious from your first battle
  • Breaking New Ground – Use a Limit Break
  • Consummate Cross-dresser – Get Don Corneo to choose Cloud over the two females
  • Fledgling Summoner – Use a summon Materia in battle
  • Materia Mastermind – Raise a Materia to Lv. 5
  • Best Bromance – Go on a date with Barret in the Gold Saucer
  • Failure IS an Option – Have your whole party fall in battle
  • Chocochampion – Win the Chocobo Racing mini-game
  • Corel’s Angel – Score 10,050 points or more in G-Bike at the Gold Saucer
  • Shuriken Join Us – Have Yuffie join your party
  • Won’t You be My Valentine? – Have Vincent join your party
  • Making Waves – Obtain the Leviathan Materia
  • Waiting in the Wings – Obtain the Bahamut Materia

I'm not sure about the G-Bike one, but aside from the Barret Golden Saucer date I've done them all before.

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FF7 is on PS4 PSN from today. Includes a sweet 'midgar' theme with menu sound effects from FF7 and the piano collection version of Aeris' theme 

Will post thoughts on new FF7R trailer when I have composed myself. 

Edited by hogso
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I rather stupidly decided I'd like to have a crack at a Final Fantasy game for the first time in nearly a decade. So I bought Bravely Default, which is basically a Final Fantasy game on everything but name (and originally in name as well).

It's bloody good. It throws in some slightly different mechanics which add an additional tactical layer, whereby each character can take up to 4 turns in a turn in advance, but then sits out of the next 3 turns while they build up their turns again, or you can bank a turn to take 2 later in the fight for free. 

If you have a 3ds and fancy some JRPG action, track down a copy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The sequel to that is on the way, shame I don't have and never will have a 3DS.

FFIX is the latest to get the iOS/Android update treatment, which means it will be on Steam eventually too. Will feature the now common improved character models, cheats, anytime save and a 'fast' mode. Surely FFXII is next on Current gen systems/Steam?

There's another info dump for FFXV at the end of the month, rumours of another demo too, and SE have also said they're trying their best to get it out this year, or words to that effect. To me that means it's out Q1 2017, we'll see.

Have been playing the PS4 release of FFVII, only just done Wall Market. Girly's comment was, "What's this old rubbish, looks like something from the 90s", the uncultured swine. But then, her favourite gaming pastime is beating up tramps on GTA V, so.

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I've been playing the iOS version the last few days and I'm loving it. Just got to the part where Disc 2 begins and did the snowboarding bit. It was a bloody nightmare with the touch screen controls. To be honest, some of the controls are a bit shit, but the rest has been fine so far. 

I should probably try and get that software which allows you to hook a controller up to the iPad. It'd be a much better experience. Scrolling through the reams of items on the menu during a battle is a bit of a ballache on the touchscreen too.

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I'm aiming for plat on the PS4 version, so will be grinding Aerith's limit in the Mythril Mines when I get there, so won't be getting to 'disc 2' just yet. Also means I'm gunning for the Barret Gold Saucer date, everything is going according to plan so far...I want to get Yuffie as soon as you can, so need to be careful with a few of her dialogue choices, etc. but should be all good. I had to do the first hour about 3 times over cos I kept messing up the dialogue choices :rolleyes:

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I'm following a guide here and there this time round to get stuff I've missed in the past. I didn't even realise you could woo Barrett. A game ahead of its time ;)

Getting Yuffie isn't too tricky. I still remembered the correct replies years since the last time I played the game. Then I remember how annoying she is and wonder why I went through the bother. I never have her in my team and that bloody Wuton quest of hers is a ballache. Materia-nicking wannabe ninja bint <_<

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