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Really didn't like XIII - couldn't get into all that card bollocks.

Card? There aren't any card things in 13 that I recall?

Roman numeral fail..... I meant VIII.

I have to go now. I clearly don't want to be late for my maths lesson.

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Ugh, I have so many games still to play and you guys really aren't helping. Now I want to go and do another playthrough of this, but this time I want to get it all. I'll have to get a torrent of the Strategy Guide. Damn you all.

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There are much better guides on GameFaqs than the official guide, especially if you're doing a 100% run, or some other 'challenge'. Unless you want to see the pretty pictures. Which there aren't that many of.

I had the official guide, cos I got stuck when first playing the game. Bet you can't guess where I got stuck. You won't guess, so I will tell you. Sector 6, Midgar. After leaving Aerith's house and not telling her, and she magics herself in front of you so you have to take her to Wall Market. That little part before the play area, there's some contruction equipment and stuff doted around. You have to walk up a thin plank or something to reach a higher level. Now, I was only about 12 at the time, and having only just advanced to that gen of consoles, I just COULD NOT see how to get up to that higher bit. I was walking 'under' the plank and trying to go up, instead of starting at the end of it that was on the 'floor'. Didn't touch it for about 6 weeks cos of that. Then I FINALLY figured it out :D Wonderful.

Things went from bad to worse though :( I was approaching the end of disc 2, when one of my friends came round with his memory card. He was on disc 3 and was doing the fighing tournament thing in Wonder Square to get Clouds level 4 limit break. WHEN HE WENT TO SAVE THE GAME HE AUTOMATICALLY CLICKED SLOT ONE WITHOUT THINKING AND OVERWROTE MY SAVE. My first game was gone forever. I started it again a few weeks later, which was kind of good as I knew what to expect (up to a point)

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Ah thanks, I did see the gamefaqs and IGN guides so I'll look into them too when I start on VII again. I'll do it after I get all the endings for Catherine.

That sucks about your save game though. Always make a copy! You learned the hard way :P

My mate stupidly lent out his copy of FFVII to another one of our friends and then forgot about it. When he finally remembered a year and a half later, it turned out the guy he lent it to had traded it in because he thought it was his. Dumbass.

One of the greatest things about working in Game when I was 17 was that I got first dibs on the pre-owned games that came in. I got FFVII,VIII and IX that way, good times.

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Ah well it's not for everyone and considering games have come on a lot since 1997 I could understand if you were put off somewhat.

If you wanted to give a more modern Final Fantasy a go, I'd definitely choose FFX on the PS2. The graphics aren't HD obviously but they're still really good, especially the cutscenes. The story is good and the battle system is one of my favourites in the series too. It has an awesome little minigame called Blitzball (the first game you ever play is very hard to win, but it is doable, if you lose though it's not really that important).

You might like FFXIII and XIII-2, but they don't really feel like Final Fantasy games to me. Also there's a ridiculous amount of detail in the story, far too much in fact, and a lot of it is conveyed in long, drawn out text to read. It seems like something new pops up every 30 seconds and it can get very annoying. It split up the gameplay too much for me, I ended up getting bored. Of course you don't have to read it if you don't want to I suppose. That wasn't the only bad thing about it though, but others have mentioned it in this thread. I don't really like the story as a whole, or the characters, or the battle system really although it grows on you.

I'd say give FFX a go though if you can.

EDIT - FFX is getting a HD remake sometime soon, it doesn't have a release date yet but it's going to be available on PS3, yet another reason to buy the console.

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Ah thanks, I did see the gamefaqs and IGN guides so I'll look into them too when I start on VII again. I'll do it after I get all the endings for Catherine.
Edit: bugger, I tried to link to an old HTML walkthrough I used to use, but noticed afterwards that one of the page links is dead. It's the walkthrough I always used to turn to when I had the game. The colour coding, hyperlinks and easy-on-the-eye colour scheme all elevated it above the other guides for me.

PM me if you're interested (goes for anyone) and I'll zip it up and upload it somewhere.

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Brought XIII-2 yesterday as i couldnt wait till XIII arrived. Like it so far, only about an hour in. The graphics are stunning.

Can someone please explain what the paradigm's are all about? Also, does everyone tend to just use the auto-attack?

Another couple, why does the time bar during battles sometimes change from blue to red? Also the enemy bar that increases (top right of screen) with every attack, what happens when it gets full?

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I'm gonna persist. I'm sure it will click.

But it just seems for the past 2 hours all I've been doing is hitting X.

It's like a cartoon that I have to tap a button to keep it playing.

Whereabouts are you at the moment on the World Map?

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Brought XIII-2 yesterday as i couldnt wait till XIII arrived. Like it so far, only about an hour in. The graphics are stunning.

Can someone please explain what the paradigm's are all about? Also, does everyone tend to just use the auto-attack?

Another couple, why does the time bar during battles sometimes change from blue to red? Also the enemy bar that increases (top right of screen) with every attack, what happens when it gets full?

I'm no expert since I've only played the demo very briefly and played XIII a few times, but...

I think it's best to think of Paradigms as formations of different classes. So one paradigm/formation will have both of your characters as high damage dealers, whereas another might have one damage dealer and a healer, and another might have a damage dealing character and a character who lowers the stats of the enemy.

So say you're fighting an enemy who has high defensive stats. It would probably be best to go for the Paradigm where one of your characters can lower the enemies' stats, or conversly cast spells which increase your damage dealing characters' attack. If you went for two damage dealers it would be a long battle because the enemies' high defence would negate your attacks, so you use one character to weaken him, and the other to attack him when he's weakened. Then say, this enemy unleashes a brutal attack on one of your characters. It would then make sense to shift paradigms so that one of your characters is a healer. Then when you're all healed up, shift back again to the first paradigm and keep dealing damage. It does get quite fun admittedly, but I prefer turn-based fighting like in Final Fantasy X where you have time to plan your strategies.

I don't know what the bars at the top are off the top of my head though, sorry. I'm sure you could find the information on gaming websites or forums though.

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Brought XIII-2 yesterday as i couldnt wait till XIII arrived. Like it so far, only about an hour in. The graphics are stunning.

Can someone please explain what the paradigm's are all about? Also, does everyone tend to just use the auto-attack?

Another couple, why does the time bar during battles sometimes change from blue to red? Also the enemy bar that increases (top right of screen) with every attack, what happens when it gets full?

Ginko has it pretty much spot on about Paradigms - a 'formation' is a very good way of putting it.

Yes, you will be using auto-attacks for pretty much the whole game. Getting the hang of Paradigm shifting is what becomes really important.

When the bar (do they still call it the ATB in XIII?) turns red that means the bar will fill up quicker, due to haste. I think it turns grey when an enemy casts slow on you.

The enemy bar in the top right is the enemies chain bar. Each attack you make will fill the chain bar by a certain %, some enemies have higher 'chain bar resistance' than others. A Ravager (magic attacks) will fill the bar quickly, but they can't stop the bar from depleting. A Commando (physical attacks) can slow down the rate at which the bar depletes, but can't fill it up very quickly. Therefore, if you have one of each (or 2 RAVs and 1 COM when possible) you'll have a perfect balance and should be able to fill the bar up quickly.

When the bar is full, the enemy will become 'staggered', which greatly reduces their defence. COMs can 'launch' the enemy into the air when theyre staggered aswell, and you can 'juggle' them so they stay in the air. Obviously, the enemy can't do anything whilst in mid air (granted they're not already flying, which most arent) so it's really very useful.

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I still fondly remember grinding up to level 20 near the start of FFVII (the tunnel where you jump off the train.) If you go backwards there is a constant stream of enemies at the end that you can fight over and over. Easy XP and you get plenty of items at the end of the battles!

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