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Jimmy Savile And Other Paedophiles


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That's pretty funny even though I am a catholic.

That's quite an admission. So you're a zombie worshipping cannibal, whose morals are dictated by criminals? Or do you just use the word as a label?


Classy. Is this really the thread to be directly patronising someone over their choice of religion?



Thanks actually I was brought up a catholic but am not practising.  I know there's been many wrong-doings in the catholic church but I think people should respect other peoples beliefs.

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Respect is earned.


Believing in iron age fairy stories as literal truth is never going to earn my respect, especially when those fairy tales are cherry picked to do immoral things. The catholic church is particularly on topic here, not just because of the years of cover ups, but also because their god-given powers couldn't tell what Jimmy was doing and they rewarded him for his actions.


When the leaders of Jimmy's cult told him that he was a good man, was their god looking the other way? I hold the catholic church more culpable than the BBC in relation to this topic.

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Which is fair enough but no reason to patronise or disrespect paul himself, I'm fairly sure he doesn't fiddle kids. 

I was asking whether he was a believer or not. He answered. There was no patronising from my end. I did employ a loaded question though, I do like to hear believers explain how they aren't cannibals, despite the "truth" of transubstantiation.

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To be clear, i dont like religion of any kind full stop and i wouldnt belittle someone because they follow a particular faith but how is saying "So you're a zombie worshipping cannibal, whose morals are dictated by criminals? Or do you just use the word as a label?" the same as asking 'are you a practicing catholic or not'??

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Which is fair enough but no reason to patronise or disrespect paul himself, I'm fairly sure he doesn't fiddle kids. 

I was asking whether he was a believer or not. He answered. There was no patronising from my end. I did employ a loaded question though, I do like to hear believers explain how they aren't cannibals, despite the "truth" of transubstantiation.



Look forget it, we are never going to agree. You have your beliefs or non beliefs and I have mine.

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You've let yourself down here Simon. Warnings have been handed out for less.

I appreciate it's your bat and ball we're all playing with but perhaps you should lead by example and all that jazz.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

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Do you think the Catholic church is blameless in the Saville case? Or are you worried that I'm bullying the poor little cult?


I notice that no-one has attempted to refute my description. I contend that it is an accurate way to describe this particular organisation. I would happily admit it does good, but it also does a lot of bad. It's a pretty strange thing to believe if it can't survive being mocked. Are you so precious when people are mocking the villa?


Please let me know which posting guidelines I've broken (they are linked in the bottom right of every page) and I'll take the punishment accordingly.

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You did ask Si. Though I guess "abuse" is subjective, I don't think you're intentionally trying to upset the lad personally but it does feel that way.


Only my opinion, but you're being a little aggressive here. 

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Would you show the same lack of respect to other religions?

Sorry I missed this.

I show this "lack of respect" to any superstitious nonsense. I don't treat religion specially.


No-one commented on my post yesterday pointing out the evils of psychics. Why do people get protective about belief systems usually imposed on them as a child when they don't have the mental tools to resist? Why are some cults acceptable when others aren't?

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You did ask Si. Though I guess "abuse" is subjective, I don't think you're intentionally trying to upset the lad personally but it does feel that way.


Only my opinion, but you're being a little aggressive here. 

I did ask :)


You might feel that this was ad hominem, but please read what I wrote. I asked him a question. I admitted already that it was a loaded question, but it was still a simple question. If there was abuse, it was aimed at the cult, not at the poster. Grouping is described in a sticky in the main forum as the grouping of posters. I haven't done that.


Just because people react badly when questioned about their cult does not make asking the question an abuse.

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Swearing & Insults

Swearing is unacceptable. Please consider that children read this site and moderate your language as you normally would in front of them. Repeated swearing will ultimately get you a ban.

Insults are not acceptable. Keep personal vendettas and insults off this message board, please. When posting make sure you post on the comment, not the person. Continual personal attacks on, or comments about, a poster will result in posting privileges being revoked. If you do not like this website, do not post threads about it. Grouping people with differing opinions in an abusive manner is similarly not allowed.


You did ask Si. Though I guess "abuse" is subjective, I don't think you're intentionally trying to upset the lad personally but it does feel that way.


Only my opinion, but you're being a little aggressive here.

I'm failing to see the relevance of that guideline in relation to Limpid's supposedly objectionable post. No insult, no vendetta, no abuse, posted about a comment and the grouping thing is about making up groups of people that don't really exist, not an actual group of people who are happy to be grouped together, how would we talk about anything on this forum if actual groups weren't allowed to be talked about.

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Arrogance, bigotry and dismissive prickishness.... Yup this is Villa Talk.

Like I said, perhaps the Admin ought to behave with a bit more class.... Or is the irrational hatred a symptom of a more deep seated problem?

Don't bother with a reply, the inevitable ban will say all it needs to.


Over and out VT chums.

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Do you think the Catholic church is blameless in the Saville case? Or are you worried that I'm bullying the poor little cult?


I notice that no-one has attempted to refute my description. I contend that it is an accurate way to describe this particular organisation. I would happily admit it does good, but it also does a lot of bad. It's a pretty strange thing to believe if it can't survive being mocked. Are you so precious when people are mocking the villa?


Please let me know which posting guidelines I've broken (they are linked in the bottom right of every page) and I'll take the punishment accordingly.


Nobody can be arsed to refute it. All atheists and catholic haters do is focus on the negatives. There's a lot of catholic charities that do great work.

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